USP – The User Services Platform

Issue: 1 Amendment 3 Corrigendum 1

Issue Date: February 2025

  1. Basic Test Setup

The Broadband Forum is a non-profit corporation organized to create guidelines for broadband network system development and deployment. This Test Plan is owned and copyrighted by the Broadband Forum, and portions of this Test Plan may be owned and/or copyrighted by Broadband Forum members.

Recipients of this document are requested to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent claims or other intellectual property rights of which they may be aware that might be infringed by any implementation of this Test Plan, and to provide supporting documentation.

Recipients of this document may use it (a) for internal review and study purposes, (b) to provide to the Broadband Forum the comments and notification requested in the preceding paragraph, and (c) if the Recipient is a Broadband Forum member, to implement the Test Plan in a product or service made commercially available. Any other use of this Test Plan is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of the Broadband Forum.


All copies of this Test Plan (or any portion hereof) must include the notices, legends and other provisions set forth on this page.

© 2025, The Broadband Forum. All rights reserved. This Broadband Forum document (TP-469) specifies the Test Plan on which is based the <BBF.NNN> Certification Program for <type of product> products. Through an open selection process, the Broadband Forum entered into an agreement with one or more independent Test Agencies to offer commercial testing services against this Test Plan and to confirm results to the Broadband Forum in connection with the Forum’s delivery of <BBF.NNN> Certification. Offering Certification testing services against this Test Plan is reserved to the Test Agencies duly authorized by the Broadband Forum. Broadband Forum members can independently test against TP-469, but may only produce limited reports which only detail where a given product has failed a test case.

NOTE: The right to display a Broadband Forum Certification Logo may only be granted by the Broadband Forum, and that right is available only to Broadband Forum members that have successfully passed certification testing by a duly authorized Test Agency. Further details on the Broadband Forum Certification Programs can be found at

Issue Number Approval Date Changes
Release 1.0 October 2019
  • First release of this test plan, containing test cases for basic compliance with TR-369/USP
Release 1.0.1 April 2020
  • Deprecated test 7.3
  • Added flag to the features list to indicate which features are “not-in-force” and not yet available for certification
  • Various procedure and metric fixes
Release 1.0.2 June 2020
  • Both mandatory and conditional mandatory tests can use alternate objects or parameters if available
  • Updated features and requirements
  • Altered test setup of 1.50 to include three objects
  • Fixed metrics of 1.25 to use new DeleteResp logic
  • Fixed tests 1.16 and 1.21 to use the correct error codes
  • Fixed test 1.20 to only check for at least one error
  • Fixed test 4.1 to include “OnBoardRequest()” as a conditional requirement
  • Fixed test 1.32 to use new DeleteResp logic
  • Fixed tests 1.73, 1.74, 1.75 to use new GetSupportedDM first_level_only logic
  • Fixed error code metric of test 1.8
Release 1.0.3 October 2020
  • The metrics of test 1.9 now do not imply order
  • Test 1.22 metric now requires “at least one” element rather than a “single” element
  • Renamed test 1.23
  • Fixed the metric of test 1.38 to include the instance identifier of the path
  • Reworded the purpose of test 1.41
  • Clarified the test setup of tests 1.66 and 1.67
  • Fixed a typo in test 6.1 metrics (ServerRetryInitialMultiplier to ServerRetryIntervalMultiplier)
  • Fixes other typographical errors
Release 1.1 January 2022
  • Adds test 1.78 Removal of subscriptions that have no associated controller
  • Adds test 1.80 GetSupportedProtocol
  • Adds language reinforcing required tests based on supported features
  • Adds test case 1.81 to test automatic unique key generation by the Agent
  • Adds negative test metrics to several Set and Delete tests to validate that operations did not occur upon error (1.7, 1.8, 1.14, 1.15, 1.20, 1.24, 1.27, 1.28, 1.31, 1.32, 1.33, 1.34, 1.35)
  • Adds section 10 for bulk data collection tests
  • Adds tests 1.82 and 1.83 to validate Get and GetInstances using expressions that match zero objects
  • Adds test 1.84 to exercise the use of search paths in Subscriptions
  • Defines deprecation for tests
  • Deprecates test 1.63 in favor of test 1.79
  • Deprecates test 9.1 in favor of test 9.11
  • Deprecates tests 2.3, 2.4, and 2.5
  • Completely deletes test 1.69
  • Updates functionality tag on test 1.71 to “supports at least one multi-instance object”
  • Clarifies the definition of an empty oper_success element in test 1.32
  • Rewrites test 2.20 to accomplish its original intent
  • Changes test 3.6 to check that an Agent does not accept TLS renegotiation
  • Changes test 2.15 and 2.16 to use “Enable” rather than “Alias” as a test parameter
  • Simplifies test 4.1
  • Various typographical fixes, some in test procedure path names
  • Normalizes all protobuf examples in test procedures
  • Fixes test 2.20 to use the correct permissions
  • Fixes test 1.47 to use the correct operator
  • Eases the requirements of test 9.7 for implementation flexibility
  • Removes the concept of “not-in-force” test cases and features
  • Updates tests 1.59, 1.84 to use allow_partial false”
  • Allows tests 1.3, 1.7, 1.8, 1.21 to use only an invalid parameter value (not an invalid parameter) and accept 7012 as an acceptable error code
Release 1.2 November 2022
  • Deprecates COAP tests
  • Adds MQTT test cases
  • Adds tests 1.86, 1.87 to test Get with unmatched search path
  • Adds new Connect Record test cases to STOMP and WebSocket sections
  • Adds MQTT bulk data collection test cases
  • Adds test 1.88 to check that unique keys are always treated as required
  • Adds test 1.89 to exercise max_depth feature in Get
  • Adds test 1.90 to check Delete with unmatched search path
  • Adds test 1.91 to very an Agent ignores unknown arguments in a command
  • Adds test 1.92 to test that operate uses default values when absent
  • Updates test 1.23 metrics to require the return of an empty oper_success
  • Updates GetSupportedDM test cases to check for new USP 1.2 fields
  • Updates tests 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 1.21 to include additional test metrics
  • Updates tests 1.64 and 1.65 to check for correct command_key value
  • Updates tests to account for requirement R-MTP.5 in USP 1.2
  • Fixes metric in test 1.20 and 1.21 to allow for single failure
  • Fixes test setup in 9.4, 9.5, 9.6
  • Fixes test 8.5 to remove MTP specific language and require mDNS info
  • Reverts metric in test 6.7
  • Fixes test 1.47 test metrics for correct equivalence
  • Set send_resp to true for several Operate tests where needed
  • Various typographical fixes
Release 1.3 July 2024
  • Deprecates tests 6.9 and 7.6
  • Error code requirements in the test metrics of several tests have been clarified or loosened. This change applies to tests 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.14, 1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 1.26, 1.28, 1.30, 1.31, 1.41, 1.42, and 1.77.
  • Updates 11.11 to check that no additional USP records are sent
  • Updates 1.20 to require SetResponse containing an error rather than a USP Error message
  • Updates 2.18 to allow for OperateResponse with an error or a USP Error message
  • Fixes test 9.3 test setup to require the proper subscriptions
  • Updates 2.21 and 2.22 with proper role setup and behavior
  • Adds new tests 1.93 and 1.94 for TriggerAction
  • Adds new tests 1.95, 2.23 and 2.24 for Add message with Search Expression
  • Adds new tests 2.25 and 2.26 for Add message when some parameters aren’t writable
  • Adds new test 1.96 for non-functional unique key immutability
  • Adds new test 2.27 for the use of SecuredRole
  • Adds new tests 1.97 and 1.98 to verify GetSupportedDMResponse fields
  • Adds new test 7.11 for WebSocket response with no bbf-usp-protocol
  • TraceRoute no longer specifically required to run Asyc operation tests 1.64 and 1.65
  • Updates 1.88 to use a unique key that starts with a number as an invalid value, rather than an empty unique key. Updates test parameter to Alias.
  • Updates tests 11.9 and 11.13 to be compatible with MQTT 3.1.1
  • Various other typographical and procedure fixes
Release 1.3.1 February 2025
  • Corrections to the Feature ID Table
  • Fixed typo in test 1.86
  • Fixed tests 2.23 - 2.26 to use ‘Param’ instead of invalid ‘Obj’ permissions

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Name Company Email Role
Jason Walls QA Cafe, LLC Broadband User Services Work Area Director
John Blackford Vantiva Broadband User Services Work Area Director
Name Company Email Role
Jason Walls QA Cafe, LLC Editor

Testing is crucial to promoting the interoperability and adoption of standards. To meet this, the Broadband Forum regularly produces test suites that validate the conformance of implementations of their standards. This specification defines the test setup, test procedures, and test metrics to validate Agent and implementations of the User Services Platform (USP), published as BBF TR-369.

This test plan is used to validate USP Agent implementations for the BBF.369 USP Agent Certification Program. Companies looking to certify their products, or to acquire certified products, can find full details on the program, approved test tools and labs, and the list of certified products here.

This purpose of this document is to provide a definitive guide for validating the compliance of USP Agents in accordance with the specification.

The tests defined below are intended to validate the specific requirements outlined in the USP specification, as well as those requirements defined in the Device:2 Data Model for USP Agents for objects, parameters, commands, and events necessary for the operation of USP.

Test Setup

There are a number of components necessary to the implementation of this test suite.

Traffic Generator - One or more traffic generators are necessary in order to transmit the required traffic to execute the test procedures. Traffic generation can be done with script-able, real implementations of DHCP servers, mDNS endpoints, and USP endpoints (for example), or can be simulated through other means. For tests that exercise the presence of multiple Controllers or agents, the traffic generators can each represent a single endpoint, or multiple endpoints, depending on its capabilities, as long as the traffic can be differentiated by the Endpoint Under Test.

Analyzer - One or more traffic analyzers are necessary to confirm the receipt of messages and evaluate the test metrics outlined in the tests below. This analyzer may exist at the traffic generator source, in-line, or accessed through a replicated interface that will push traffic to the analyzer.

Test Network - The tests below require IP layer connectivity between the Traffic Generator and the Endpoint Under Test (EUT). Steps SHOULD be taken to unsure that the underlying network does not interfere with the test procedures or test metrics.

Basic Test Setup

USP contains both required and optional functionality. To ensure that all different classes of device can exercise this test suite, tests are marked as “Mandatory”, “Conditional Mandatory”, or “Deprecated”. This is indicated in each individual test case under the “Functionality Tag”.

Tests that are “Deprecated” represent tests that were removed or replaced with newer tests.

For tests that make use of particular parameter, object, command, event to validate the test metrics, a different subject can be substituted that meets the needs of the test. For example, if an EUT does not support the Reboot:1 profile, another synchronous operation can be substituted for tests 1.61 and 1.62.

The Device:2 Data Model for USP Agents outlines several profiles that contain data model objects, parameters, commands, and events necessary to the operation of USP. In order to be able to perform the tests below, a USP Agent MUST implement, at minimum, the following profiles:

Conditional mandatory tests may require the implementation of additional profiles.

Those seeking to utilize this test plan can use the following feature IDs to specify their support for conditional mandatory test cases. Since the types of endpoints under test may vary widely in use cases and complexity, this list is meant to act as a guide to ensure that many kinds of products can achieve compliance. However, when determining which tests must be passed to achieve compliance, testers must know that:

An Endpoint Under Test (EUT) MUST complete all Mandatory test cases, and MUST complete all Conditional Mandatory test cases for ALL features supported by the EUT (see table below).

Feature ID Feature name Test Cases Notes
1 At least one command 1.61, 1.62
2 At least one command with input arguments 1.79
3 At least one asynchronous command 1.64, 1.65
4 Subscription.{i}.NotifExpiration parameter 1.56 An extension to the Subscription:1 profile
5 Controller:1 profile 1.59
6 Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.{i}.TimeToLive 1.55
7 Controller:1 profile (writeable) 1.78, 9.9 EUT allows the creation of Device.LocalAgent.Controller.{i}. objects
8 Device.LocalAgent.Controller.{i}.SendOnBoardRequest() 1.60, 9.9
9 Device.ScheduleTimer() 1.79
10 Reboot:1 profile 1.61, 1.62, 9.10
11 (Removed)
12 ControllerTrust:1 profile 2.9, 2.10
13 ControllerTrust:1 profile (writeable) 2.11, 2.12, 2.13, 2.14, 2.15, 2.16, 2.17, 2.18, 2.19, 2.20, 2.21, 2.22, 2.23, 2.24, 2.25, 2.26 Additionally supports at least one role that allows object creation, or supports writable parameters in Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.{i}.Role.{i}.
14 (Removed)
15 TLS at the MTP Layer 4.1
17 STOMP MTP 6.* Excludes 6.8 unless option 18 is supported
18 STOMPHeartbeat:1 profile 6.8
19 WebSocket MTP 7.*
20 (removed)
21 Discovery via DHCP Options 8.1, 8.2, 8.3
22 Discovery via mDNS 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.7
23 Secure Message Exchange (TLS for USP Record Integrity) 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.13
24 USP session context 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13, 3.14, 3.15
25 Device.LocalAgent.AddCertificate() 9.2
26 Firmware:1 profile 9.3, 9.5, 9.6, 9.7
27 Firmware:1 profile (Activate) 9.4, 9.5 Supports Firmware:1 profile and additionally supports the Activate() operation
28 Device.LocalAgent.Request.{i}.Cancel() 9.8 Applies only if option 26 is supported
29 (Removed)
30 Device.DeviceInfo.BootFirmwareImage 9.10
31 The product supports at least one nested multi-instance object 1.10, 1.71, 1.83
32 HTTP bulk data collection with JSON encoding 10.1, 10.2, 10.5, 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, 10.9
33 HTTP bulk data collection with CSV encoding 10.3, 10.4, 10.5, 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, 10.9
34 Bulk data collection via the Push! Event 10.10, 10.11, 10.12
35 MQTT MTP, version 3.1.1 11.* Excludes 11.4, 11.7, 11.8, 11.10, & 11.15, MQTT 5.0 only tests
36 MQTT MTP, version 5.0 11.*
37 TriggerAction 1.93, 1.94 Supports the Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.{i}.TriggerAction and Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.{i}.TriggerConfigSettings parameters
38 Command with input arguments 1.97 Supports a command that includes one or more input arguments
39 Event with arguments 1.98 Supports an event that includes one or more arguments
40 Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.SecuredRoles 2.27 Supports the use of the SecuredRole for Secured Parameters
41 Bulk data collection over MQTT 10.13

Many of the mandatory and conditional mandatory tests specify the objects, parameters, or operations to be used for the test. If the specific elements are not supported by the EUT, other elements that will satisfy the test criteria MAY be used instead. If so, the test report MUST include the alternate elements used.

In order to be able to perform the tests and create a report of the results, the following must be provided concerning the Endpoint Under Test:

  1. The software and/or firmware version of the EUT.
  2. The number of firmware banks available if the Firmware:1 profile is supported.
  3. A list of the feature IDs supported.
  4. If the service elements specified in the tests are not supported, provide a list of alternate elements used in the testing.

A number of tests that make changes to the EUT have procedures that are not part of the validation portion of the test case. These procedures are intended to “clean up” any changes that were made during the test to ensure that the EUT is in a relatively known state from one test case to the next. The most obvious example is using the Delete message to remove any objects that were added as part of the procedure, but the clean-up procedure may include any number of steps.

Due to the nature of performative testing of protocol messages, certain requirements in the specification are effectively tested every time. Writing additional test cases for these metrics is unnecessary, but the requirements must still be met by endpoint implementations.

  1. The Endpoint ID of the Endpoint Under Test is valid (ARC.3, ARC.4, ARC.5, and the requirements outlined in the authority-scheme table).

  2. The USP records and USP messages of the Endpoint Under Test are valid according to the usp-record.proto and usp-msg.proto schemas (ENC.0, ENC.1).

  3. The Path Names and Search Paths used in messages sent by the Endpoint Under Test are valid according to Data Model Path Grammar and TR-106 (ARC.7).

  4. Path Names in messages originating from the EUT use instance number addressing (R-MSG.3).

When test cases specify that the EUT include “an appropriate error code”, the error code must be applicable to the USP message for which it was triggered, as is documented in the Error Codes table.

Each of the test cases below have the following sections:

Purpose - The purpose describes the reasoning for the test case, based on the normative requirements defined in USP.

Functionality Tag - The functionality tag indicates whether the test is mandatory or conditional mandatory. If it is the latter, this section will list any additional Device:2 profiles necessary to the performance of the test case.

Test Setup - The test setup section indicates any special prior conditions that must be configured before performing the test.

Test Procedure - The procedure indicates the steps, in order, taken to perform the test.

Test Metrics - The metrics indicate the required behavior that must be observed to consider the test passed.

The test setup, procedure, and metrics in each test case may contain examples of the data to be sent to or received from the EUT. In these examples, elements that are to be filled with a known value dependent on the protocol’s behavior are indicated with greater-than/less-than brackets (<for example>), to indicate a variable. These examples should not be taken literally.

1 Messages and Path Names

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT properly handles an Add message when the allow_partial element is set to false, and all required parameters to be set upon Object Creation succeed.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. If the EUT has a limit on the number of instances of the Subscription object, ensure that the number of existing Subscription object instances is less than the maximum supported.

  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
            param_settings {
               param: 'Enable'
               value: 'true'
            param_settings {
               param: 'ID'
               value: 'add1'
            param_settings {
               param: 'NotifType'
               value: 'ValueChange'
            param_settings {
               param: 'ReferenceList'
               value: 'Device.LocalAgent.SoftwareVersion'
               required: true
  2. Allow the EUT to send an AddResp.

  3. Record the instance identifier of the created object as reported by the EUT.

  4. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier>.'
  5. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  6. Clean-up: Send a Delete message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: DELETE
    body {
      request {
        delete {
          allow_partial: false
          obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier>.'
  7. Allow the EUT to send a DeleteResp.

  1. The EUT sends an AddResp.

  2. The AddResp contains a single CreatedObjectResult that has an OperationStatus that is an element of type OperationSuccess. The OperationSuccess contains no parameter errors and 3 elements in the unique key map: Alias, Recipient, and ID. Alternatively, the OperationSuccess contains 2 elements in the unique key map if the Alias parameter is not supported: Recipient, and ID.

  3. The EUT creates the Subscription object.

  4. The Subscription object’s values match the values set in the param_settings element.

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT properly handles an Add message when the allow_partial element is set to true, and all required parameters to be set upon Object Creation succeed.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. If the EUT has a limit on the number of instances of the Subscription object, ensure that the number of existing Subscription object instances is less than the maximum supported.

  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: true
          create_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
            param_settings {
               param: 'Enable'
               value: 'true'
            param_settings {
               param: 'ID'
               value: 'add2'
            param_settings {
               param: 'NotifType'
               value: 'ValueChange'
            param_settings {
               param: 'ReferenceList'
               value: 'Device.LocalAgent.SoftwareVersion'
               required: true
  2. Allow the EUT to send an AddResp.

  3. Record the instance identifier of the created object as reported by the EUT.

  4. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier>.'
  5. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  6. Clean-up: Send a Delete message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: DELETE
    body {
      request {
        delete {
          allow_partial: false
          obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier>.'
  7. Allow the EUT to send a DeleteResp.

  1. The EUT AddResp is valid.

  2. The AddResp contains a single CreatedObjectResult that has an OperationStatus of OperationSuccess. The OperationSuccess contains no parameter errors and 3 elements in the unique key map: Alias, Recipient, and ID. Alternatively, the OperationSuccess contains 2 elements in the unique key map if the Alias parameter is not supported: Recipient, and ID.

  3. The EUT creates the Subscription object.

  4. The Subscription object’s values match the values set in the param_settings element.

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT properly handles an Add message when the allow_partial element is set to false, and at least one required parameter fails, and only a single object is set.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
            param_settings {
               param: 'Enable'
               value: 'InvalidValue'
               required: true
            param_settings {
               param: 'ID'
               value: 'add3'
            param_settings {
               param: 'NotifType'
               value: 'ValueChange'
            param_settings {
               param: 'ReferenceList'
               value: 'Device.LocalAgent.SoftwareVersion'
  2. Allow the EUT to send an Error message.

  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
  4. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  1. The EUT sends an Error message.

  2. The Error message contains an appropriate error code with the param_errs element containing a single error with a param_path that indicates the Enable parameter, and an appropriate error code.

  3. The EUT did not create a new Subscription object.

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT properly handles an Add message when the allow_partial element is set to false, and a single invalid object is set.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.InvalidObject.'
            param_settings {
               param: 'Enable'
               value: 'true'
            param_settings {
               param: 'ID'
               value: 'add4'
            param_settings {
               param: 'NotifType'
               value: 'ValueChange'
            param_settings {
               param: 'ReferenceList'
               value: 'Device.LocalAgent.SoftwareVersion'
  2. Allow the EUT to send an Error message.

  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
  4. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  1. The EUT sends an Error message.

  2. The Error message contains an appropriate error code with the param_errs element containing a single error with a param_path of ‘Device.LocalAgent.InvalidObject.’, and an appropriate error code.

  3. The EUT did not create a new Subscription object.

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT properly handles an Add message when the allow_partial element is set to false, multiple objects are attempted, and all required parameters to be set upon Object Creation succeed.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. If the EUT has a limit on the number of instances of the Subscription object, ensure that the number of existing Subscription object instances is less than the maximum supported.

  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
            param_settings {
               param: 'Enable'
               value: 'true'
            param_settings {
               param: 'ID'
               value: 'add51'
            param_settings {
               param: 'NotifType'
               value: 'ValueChange'
            param_settings {
               param: 'ReferenceList'
               value: 'Device.LocalAgent.SoftwareVersion'
               required: true
          create_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
            param_settings {
               param: 'Enable'
               value: 'true'
            param_settings {
               param: 'ID'
               value: 'add52'
            param_settings {
               param: 'NotifType'
               value: 'ValueChange'
            param_settings {
               param: 'ReferenceList'
               value: 'Device.LocalAgent.EndpointID'
               required: true
  2. Allow the EUT to send an AddResp.

  3. Record the instance identifiers of the created objects as reported by the EUT.

  4. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier 1>.'
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier 2>.'
  5. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  6. Clean-up: Send a Delete message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
    msg_id: '<msg_id>'
    msg_type: DELETE
    body {
      request {
        delete {
          allow_partial: false
          obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier 1>.'
          obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier 2>.'
  7. Allow the EUT to send a DeleteResp.

  1. The EUT AddResp is valid.

  2. The AddResp contains two CreatedObjectResults that each have an OperationStatus of OperationSuccess. The OperationSuccess elements contains no parameter errors and 3 elements in the unique key map: Alias, Recipient, and ID. Alternatively, the OperationSuccess contains 2 elements in the unique key map if the Alias parameter is not supported: Recipient, and ID.

  3. The EUT creates the Subscription objects.

  4. The first Subscription object’s values match the values set in the param_settings element.

  5. The second Subscription object’s values match the values set in the param_settings element.

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT properly handles an Add message when the allow_partial element is set to false, multiple objects are attempted, and one of the objects is invalid.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. If the EUT has a limit on the number of instances of the Subscription object, ensure that the number of existing Subscription object instances is less than the maximum supported.

  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
            param_settings {
               param: 'Enable'
               value: 'true'
            param_settings {
               param: 'ID'
               value: 'add61'
            param_settings {
               param: 'NotifType'
               value: 'ValueChange'
            param_settings {
               param: 'ReferenceList'
               value: 'Device.LocalAgent.SoftwareVersion'
               required: true
          create_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.InvalidObject.'
            param_settings {
               param: 'Enable'
               value: 'true'
            param_settings {
               param: 'ID'
               value: 'add62'
            param_settings {
               param: 'NotifType'
               value: 'ValueChange'
            param_settings {
               param: 'ReferenceList'
               value: 'Device.LocalAgent.EndpointID'
               required: true
  2. Allow the EUT to send an Error.

  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
  4. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  1. The EUT sends an Error message.

  2. The Error message contains an appropriate error code with the param_errs element containing a single error with a param_path of ‘Device.LocalAgent.InvalidObject.’, and an appropriate error code.

  3. The EUT did not create a new Subscription object.

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT properly handles an Add message when the allow_partial element is set to false, and at least one required parameter fails in one of multiple objects.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. If the EUT has a limit on the number of instances of the Subscription object, ensure that the number of existing Subscription object instances is less than the maximum supported.

  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
            param_settings {
               param: 'Enable'
               value: 'InvalidValue'
               required: true
            param_settings {
               param: 'ID'
               value: 'add71'
            param_settings {
               param: 'NotifType'
               value: 'ValueChange'
            param_settings {
               param: 'ReferenceList'
               value: 'Device.LocalAgent.SoftwareVersion'
               required: true
          create_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
            param_settings {
               param: 'Enable'
               value: 'true'
            param_settings {
               param: 'ID'
               value: 'add72'
            param_settings {
               param: 'NotifType'
               value: 'ValueChange'
  2. Allow the EUT to send an Error.

  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with the request path of Device.LocalAgent.Subscription..

  1. The EUT sends an Error message.

  2. The Error message contains an appropriate error code with the param_errs element containing a single error with a param_path that indicates the Enable parameter, and an appropriate error code.

  3. The GetResp from the EUT does not contain a Subscription instance with ID ‘add71’ or ‘add72’.

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT properly handles an Add message when the allow_partial element is set to true, and at least one required parameter fails (with an invalid value) in a single object.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: true
          create_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
            param_settings {
               param: 'Enable'
               value: 'InvalidValue'
               required: true
            param_settings {
               param: 'ID'
               value: 'add8'
            param_settings {
               param: 'NotifType'
               value: 'ValueChange'
            param_settings {
               param: 'ReferenceList'
               value: 'Device.LocalAgent.SoftwareVersion'
               required: true
  2. Allow the EUT to send an AddResp.

  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with the request path of ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.’.

  1. The EUT sends an AddResp message.

  2. The AddResp contains a single CreatedObjectResult that has an OperationStatus that is an element of type OperationFailure. The OperationFailure element contains an appropriate error code.

  3. The GetResp from the EUT does not contain a Subscription instance with ID ‘add8’.

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT properly handles an Add message when the allow_partial element is set to true, and at least one required parameter fails in one of multiple objects.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. If the EUT has a limit on the number of instances of the Subscription object, ensure that the number of existing Subscription object instances is less than the maximum supported.

  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: true
          create_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
            param_settings {
                param: 'Enable'
                value: 'true'
            param_settings {
                param: 'ID'
                value: 'add91'
            param_settings {
                param: 'NotifType'
                value: 'ValueChange'
            param_settings {
                param: 'ReferenceList'
                value: 'Device.LocalAgent.SoftwareVersion'
          create_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
            param_settings {
                param: 'Enable'
                value: 'true'
            param_settings {
                param: 'ID'
                value: 'add91'
            param_settings {
                param: 'NotifType'
                value: 'ValueChange'
            param_settings {
                param: 'ReferenceList'
                value: 'Device.LocalAgent.SoftwareVersion'
            param_settings {
                param: 'InvalidParameter'
                value: 'IrrelevantValue'
                required: true
  2. Allow the EUT to send an AddResp.

  3. Record the instance identifier of the created object as reported by the EUT.

  4. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
  5. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  6. Clean-up: Send a Delete message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: DELETE
    body {
      request {
        delete {
          allow_partial: false
          obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier>.'
  7. Allow the EUT to send a DeleteResp.

  1. The EUT sends an AddResp message.

  2. The AddResp contains two CreatedObjectResults.

    1. One CreateObjectResult is an element of type OperationSuccess. The OperationSuccess element contains no parameter errors and 3 elements in the unique key map: Alias, Recipient, and ID. Alternatively, the OperationSuccess contains 2 elements in the unique key map if the Alias parameter is not supported: Recipient, and ID.

    2. The other CreateObjectResult is an element of type OperationFailure. The OperationFailure element contains an appropriate error code.

  3. The EUT creates the first Subscription object, and does not create the second Subscription object.

  4. The Subscription object’s values match the values set in the param_settings element.

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT properly handles an Add message when the Controller uses unique key addressing.

Conditional Mandatory (Product supports at least one nested multi-instance object)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. If the EUT has a limit on the number of instances of the Subscription object, ensure that the number of existing Subscription object instances is less than the maximum supported.

  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.[EndpointID=="< EndpointID>"&&Alias=="<Alias if supported>"].BootParameter.'
            param_settings {
                param: 'Enable'
                value: 'true'
            param_settings {
                param: 'ParameterName'
                value: 'Device.LocalAgent.SoftwareVersion'
  2. Allow the EUT to send an AddResp.

  3. Record the instance identifier of the created object as reported by the EUT.

  4. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance identifier of Controller>.BootParameter.<instance identifier>.'
  5. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  6. Clean-up: Send a Delete message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: DELETE
    body {
      request {
        delete {
          allow_partial: false
          obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance identifier of Controller>.BootParameter.<instance identifier>.'
  7. Allow the EUT to send a DeleteResp.

  1. The EUT sends an AddResp.

  2. The AddResp contains a single CreatedObjectResult that has an OperationStatus that is an element of type OperationSuccess. The OperationSuccess contains no parameter errors and 2 elements in the unique key map: Alias and ParameterName. Alternatively, the OperationSuccess contains one element in the unique key map if the Alias parameter is not supported: ParameterName.

  3. The EUT creates the BootParameter object.

  4. The BootParameter object’s values match the values set in the param_settings element.

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT properly handles a Set message when the allow_partial element is set to false, and all required parameters to be updated succeed.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that at least one Subscription object exists on the EUT, and the instance identifier is known by the traffic generator.

  1. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: SET
    body {
      request {
        set {
          allow_partial: false
          update_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier from test setup>.'
            param_settings {
             param: 'NotifRetry'
             value: '<Valid Value>'
             required: true
  2. Allow the EUT to send a SetResp.

  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier from test setup>.NotifRetry'
  4. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  1. The EUT sends a SetResp.

  2. The SetResp contains a single UpdatedObjectResult that has an OperationStatus that is an element of type OperationSuccess. The OperationSuccess contains a single UpdateInstanceResult, with the affected_path equal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance number>.’, and a single entry in the updated_params map containing ‘NotifRetry’ as the key.

  3. The retrieved value matches the value set in the param_settings element.

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT properly handles a Set message when the allow_partial element is set to true, and all required parameters to be updated succeed.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that at least one Subscription object exists on the EUT, and the instance identifier is known by the traffic generator.

  1. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: SET
    body {
      request {
        set {
          allow_partial: true
          update_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier from test setup>.'
            param_settings {
             param: 'NotifRetry'
             value: '<Valid Value>'
             required: true
  2. Allow the EUT to send a SetResp.

  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
      body {
        request {
          get {
            param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier from test setup>.NotifRetry'
  4. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  1. The EUT sends a SetResp.

  2. The SetResp contains a single UpdatedObjectResult that has an OperationStatus that is an element of type OperationSuccess. The OperationSuccess contains a single UpdateInstanceResult, with the affected_path equal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance number>.’, and a single entry in the updated_params map containing ‘NotifRetry’ as the key.

  3. The retrieved value matches the value set in the param_settings element.

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT properly handles a Set message when the allow_partial element is set to false, and all required parameters to be updated succeed.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that at least two Subscription objects exist on the EUT, and the instance identifiers are known by the traffic generator.

  1. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: SET
    body {
      request {
        set {
          allow_partial: false
          update_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<first instance identifier from test setup>.'
            param_settings {
             param: 'NotifRetry'
             value: '<Valid Value>'
             required: true
          update_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<second instance identifier from test setup>.'
            param_settings {
             param: 'NotifRetry'
             value: '<Valid Value>'
             required: true
  2. Allow the EUT to send a SetResp.

  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<first instance identifier from test setup>.NotifRetry'
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<second instance identifier from test setup>.NotifRetry'
  4. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  1. The EUT sends a SetResp.

  2. The SetResp contains two UpdatedObjectResults that each have an OperationStatus that is an element of type OperationSuccess. The OperationSuccess contains a single UpdateInstanceResult, with the affected_path equal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance number>.’, and a single entry in the updated_params map containing ‘NotifRetry’ as the key.

  3. The retrieved value matches the value set in the param_settings element for each object.

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT properly handles a Set message when the allow_partial element is set to false, and a required parameter fails.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that at least one Subscription object exists on the EUT, and the instance identifier is known by the traffic generator.

  1. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: SET
    body {
      request {
        set {
          allow_partial: false
          update_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier from test setup>.'
            param_settings {
             param: 'InvalidParameter'
             value: 'IrrelevantValue'
             required: true
  2. Allow the EUT to send an Error.

  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with a request path of ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier from test setup>.’.

  1. The EUT sends an Error.

  2. The Error contains an appropriate error code and a single ParamError element. The ParamError element contains a param_path of ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier>.InvalidParameter’ and an appropriate error code.

  3. The GetResp contains a single Subscription instance that does not include a ‘InvalidParameter’ parameter.

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT properly handles a Set message when the allow_partial element is set to false, and required parameters in one of multiple objects fail.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that at least two Subscription objects exist on the EUT, and the instance identifiers are known by the traffic generator.

  1. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: SET
    body {
      request {
        set {
          allow_partial: false
          update_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<first instance identifier from test setup>.'
            param_settings {
             param: 'NotifRetry'
             value: '<Valid Value>'
             required: true
          update_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<second instance identifier from test setup>.'
            param_settings {
             param: 'InvalidParameter'
             value: 'IrrelevantValue'
             required: true
  2. Allow the EUT to send an Error.

  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with a requested path of Device.LocalAgent.Subscription..

  1. The EUT sends an Error.

  2. The Error contains an appropriate error code and a single ParamError element. The ParamError element contains a param_path of ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier>.InvalidParameter’ and an appropriate error code.

  3. The GetResp contains at least two Subscription instances, neither of which contain a InvalidParameter parameter and the first instance from the test setup does not have an updated NotifRetry value.

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT properly handles a Set message when the allow_partial element is set to true, and a required parameter on one of multiple objects fails.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that at least two Subscription objects exist on the EUT, and the instance identifiers are known by the traffic generator.

  1. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: SET
    body {
      request {
        set {
          allow_partial: true
          update_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<first instance identifier from test setup>.'
            param_settings {
             param: 'NotifRetry'
             value: '<Valid Value>'
             required: true
          update_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<second instance identifier from test setup>.'
            param_settings {
             param: 'InvalidParameter'
             value: 'IrrelevantValue'
             required: true
  2. Allow the EUT to send a SetResp.

  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<first instance identifier from test setup>.NotifRetry'
  4. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  1. The EUT sends a SetResp.

  2. The SetResp contains two UpdatedObjectResults.

    1. The first UpdatedObjectResult has an OperationStatus that is an element of type OperationSuccess. The OperationSuccess contains a single UpdatedInstanceResult, with the affected_path equal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance number>.’, and a single entry in the updated_params map containing ‘NotifRetry’ as the key.

    2. The second UpdatedObjectResult has an OperationStatus that is an element of type OperationFailure. The OperationFailure contains an appropriate error code and a single UpdatedInstanceFailure element. The UpdatedInstanceFailure has an affected_path with a value of ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier>.’, and a single ParameterError element.

    3. The ParameterError has a param element with a value of ‘InvalidParameter’ and an appropriate error code.

  3. The retrieved value matches the value set in the param_settings element for the first object.

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT properly handles a Set message when the allow_partial element is set to true, and one of multiple non-required parameters fail.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that at least one Subscription object exists on the EUT, and the instance identifier is known by the traffic generator.

  1. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: SET
    body {
      request {
        set {
          allow_partial: true
          update_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<first instance identifier from test setup>.'
            param_settings {
             param: 'NotifRetry'
             value: '<Valid Value>'
            param_settings {
             param: 'InvalidParameter'
             value: 'IrrelevantValue'
  2. Allow the EUT to send a SetResp.

  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<first instance identifier from test setup>.NotifRetry'
  4. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  1. The EUT sends a SetResp.

  2. The SetResp contains a single UpdatedObjectResult with an OperationStatus that is an element of type OperationSuccess. The OperationSuccess contains a single UpdatedInstanceResult element.

    1. The UpdatedInstanceResult affected_path is equal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance number>.’.

    2. The UpdatedInstanceResult has a single entry in the updated_params map containing ‘NotifRetry’ as the key.

    3. The UpdatedInstanceResult has a single ParameterError element, with the ‘param’ field set to ‘InvalidParameter’, and an appropriate error code.

  3. The retrieved value of NotifRetry matches the value set in the param_settings element.

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT properly handles a Set message when the Controller uses unique key addressing.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that at least one Subscription object exists on the EUT, and the unique keys and their values are known by the traffic generator.

  1. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: SET
    body {
      request {
        set {
          allow_partial: false
          update_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<unique key instance identifier from test setup>.'
            param_settings {
             param: 'NotifRetry'
             value: '<Valid Value>'
             required: true
  2. Allow the EUT to send a SetResp.

  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier from test setup>.NotifRetry'
  4. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  1. The EUT sends a SetResp.

  2. The SetResp contains a single UpdatedObjectResult that has an OperationStatus that is an element of type OperationSuccess. The OperationSuccess contains a single UpdateInstanceResult, with the affected_path equal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance number>.’, and a single entry in the updated_params map containing ‘NotifRetry’ as the key.

  3. The retrieved value matches the value set in the param_settings element.

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT properly handles a Set message when the Controller uses a wildcard search path and the requested updates succeed.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that at least two Subscription objects exist on the EUT.

  1. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: SET
    body {
      request {
        set {
          allow_partial: false
          update_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.*.'
            param_settings {
             param: 'NotifRetry'
             value: '<Valid Value>'
             required: true
  2. Allow the EUT to send a SetResp.

  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<first instance identifier from test setup>.NotifRetry'
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<second instance identifier from test setup>.NotifRetry'
  4. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  1. The EUT sends a SetResp.

  2. The SetResp contains an UpdatedObjectResults element that has an OperationStatus that is an element of type OperationSuccess. The OperationSuccess contains at least two UpdateInstanceResults, each with the affected_path equal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance number>.’ of the respective instance, and a single entry in the updated_params map containing ‘NotifRetry’ as the key.

  3. The retrieved value matches the value set in the param_settings element for each object.

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT properly handles a Set message when the Controller uses a wildcard search path, allow_partial element is set to false, and required parameters in multiple objects fail.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that at least two Subscription objects exist on the EUT.

  1. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: SET
    body {
      request {
        set {
          allow_partial: false
          update_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.*.'
            param_settings {
             param: 'InvalidParameter'
             value: 'IrrelevantValue'
             required: true
  2. Allow the EUT to send a SetResp.

  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with a requested path of Device.LocalAgent.Subscription..

  1. The EUT sends a SetResp.

  2. The SetResp contains an UpdatedObjectResults element.

  3. The UpdatedObjectResults has an OperationStatus that is an element of type OperationFailure. The OperationFailure contains an appropriate error code and at least one UpdatedInstanceFailure element. The UpdatedInstanceFailure has an affected_path with a value of ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier>.’ for the respective failed instance, and a single ParameterError element. The ParameterError has a param element that indicates the InvalidParameter parameter, and an appropriate error code.

  4. In the GetResp there are no Subscription instances with an ‘InvalidParameter’ parameter.

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT properly handles a Set message when the Controller uses a wildcard search path, the allow_partial element is set to true, and a required parameter on multiple objects fails.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that at least two Subscription objects exist on the EUT.

  1. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: SET
    body {
      request {
        set {
          allow_partial: true
          update_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.*.'
            param_settings {
             param: 'Enable'
             value: 'InvalidValue'
             required: true
  2. Allow the EUT to send a SetResp.

  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
  4. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  1. The EUT sends a SetResp.

  2. The SetResp contains an UpdatedObjectResults element.

  3. The UpdatedObjectResults has an OperationStatus that is an element of type OperationFailure. The OperationFailure contains an appropriate error code and at least one UpdatedInstanceFailure elements. The UpdatedInstanceFailure has an affected_path with a value of ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier>.’ for the respective failed instance, and a single ParameterError element. The ParameterError has a param element that indicates the Enable parameter, and an appropriate error code.

  4. The EUT has no Subscription objects that have an Enable parameter set to ‘InvalidValue’.

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT properly handles a Set message when the Controller uses a search path.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that at least one Subscription object exists on the EUT with a value for the NotifExpiration that is greater than 0.

  1. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: SET
    body {
      request {
        set {
          allow_partial: false
          update_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.[NotifExpiration>0].'
            param_settings {
             param: 'NotifRetry'
             value: '<Valid Value>'
             required: true
  2. Allow the EUT to send a SetResp.

  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier from test setup>.NotifRetry'
  4. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  1. The EUT sends a SetResp.

  2. The SetResp contains at least one UpdatedObjectResult that has an OperationStatus that is an element of type OperationSuccess. The OperationSuccess contains a single UpdateInstanceResult, with the affected_path equal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance number>.’, and a single entry in the updated_params map containing ‘NotifRetry’ as the key.

  3. The retrieved value matches the value set in the param_settings element.

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT properly handles a Set message when the requested path is a search path that does not match any objects, returning an empty oper_success element.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: SET
    body {
      request {
        set {
          allow_partial: true
          update_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.[Recipient=="InvalidValue"].'
            param_settings {
             param: 'NotifRetry'
             value: '<Valid Value>'
             required: true
  2. Allow the EUT to send a SetResp.

  1. The EUT sends a SetResp.

  2. The SetResp contains one UpdatedObjectResult with an empty oper_success element (i.e. oper_success {}).

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT properly handles a Delete message when the allow_partial element is set to false, and the object to be deleted is valid.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that a Subscription object exists on the EUT, and the instance identifier is known by the traffic generator.

  1. Send a Delete message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: DELETE
    body {
      request {
        delete {
          allow_partial: false
          obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier>.'
  2. Allow the EUT to send a DeleteResp.

  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with a requested path of Device.LocalAgent.Subscription..

  1. The EUT sends a DeleteResp.

  2. The DeleteResp contains a single deleted_obj_response with a requested_path equal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier>.’ and an oper_success element, with one affected_path element equal to the path name of the Deleted object.

  3. The GetResp does not contain the Subscription instance that was deleted.

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT properly handles a Delete message when the allow_partial element is set to false, and the object instance to be deleted does not exist.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that the traffic generator has learned any existing Subscription objects and their instance identifiers.

  1. Send a Delete message to the EUT with the following structure:

     header {
       msg_id: '<msg_id>'
       msg_type: DELETE
     body {
       request {
         delete {
           allow_partial: false
           obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<non-existent instance identifier>.'
  2. Allow the EUT to send an DeleteResp.

  1. The EUT sends a DeleteResp containing an empty oper_success element.

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT properly handles a Delete message when the allow_partial element is set to false, and the object to be deleted is invalid.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send a Delete message to the EUT with the following structure:

     header {
       msg_id: '<msg_id>'
       msg_type: DELETE
     body {
       request {
         delete {
           allow_partial: false
           obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.InvalidObject.'
  2. Allow the EUT to send an Error message.

  1. The EUT sends an Error message.

  2. The Error contains an appropriate error code with the param_errs element containing a single error with a param_path of ‘Device.LocalAgent.InvalidObject.’, and an appropriate error code.

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT properly handles a Delete message when the allow_partial element is set to false, with multiple valid objects.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that at least two Subscription objects exist on the EUT, and the instance identifiers are known by the traffic generator.

  1. Send a Delete message to the EUT with the following structure:

     header {
       msg_id: '<msg_id>'
       msg_type: DELETE
     body {
       request {
         delete {
           allow_partial: false
           obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<first instance identifier>.'
           obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<second instance identifier>.'
  2. Allow the EUT to send a DeleteResp.

  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with a requested path of Device.LocalAgent.Subscription..

  1. The EUT sends a DeleteResp.

  2. The DeleteResp contains two deleted_obj_results, each with a requested_path equal to the obj_paths of the Delete message, and an oper_success element containing an affected_path element equal to the path name of the deleted object.

  3. The GetResp does not contain the deleted Subscription objects.

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT properly handles a Delete message when the allow_partial element is set to false, and one of the objects to be deleted is invalid.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that at least one Subscription object exists on the EUT, and the instance identifier is known by the traffic generator.

  1. Send a Delete message to the EUT with the following structure:

     header {
       msg_id: '<msg_id>'
       msg_type: DELETE
     body {
       request {
         delete {
           allow_partial: false
           obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier.>'
           obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.InvalidObject.'
  2. Allow the EUT to send an Error message.

  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with a request path of Device.LocalAgent.Subscription..

  1. The EUT sends an Error message.

  2. The Error contains an appropriate error code with the param_errs element containing a single error with a param_path of ‘Device.LocalAgent.InvalidObject.’, and an appropriate error code.

  3. The GetResp contains the Subscription that was not deleted by step 1.

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT properly handles a Delete message when the allow_partial element is set to true, and the object instance to be deleted does not exist.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send a Delete message to the EUT with the following structure:

     header {
       msg_id: '<msg_id>'
       msg_type: DELETE
     body {
       request {
         delete {
           allow_partial: true
           obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<invalid instance identifier>.'
  2. Allow the EUT to send a DeleteResp.

  1. The EUT sends a DeleteResp containing an empty oper_success element (i.e., oper_success{}).

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT properly handles a Delete message when the allow_partial element is set to true, and the object is not valid in the Agent’s supported data model.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send a Delete message to the EUT with the following structure:

     header {
       msg_id: '<msg_id>'
       msg_type: DELETE
     body {
       request {
         delete {
           allow_partial: true
           obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.InvalidObject.'
  2. Allow the EUT to send a DeleteResp.

  1. The EUT sends a DeleteResp.

  2. The DeleteResp contains a single deleted_obj_result message with a requested_path of ‘Device.LocalAgent.InvalidObject.’ and an oper_failure element, with an appropriate error code.

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT properly handles a Delete message when the allow_partial element is set to true, and one of multiple objects is invalid.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that at least one Subscription object exists on the EUT, and the instance identifier is known by the traffic generator.

  1. Send a Delete message to the EUT with the following structure:

     header {
       msg_id: '<msg_id>'
       msg_type: DELETE
     body {
       request {
         delete {
           allow_partial: true
           obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier>.'
           obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.InvalidObject.'
  2. Allow the EUT to send a DeleteResp.

  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with a requested path of Device.LocalAgent.Subscription..

  1. The EUT sends a DeleteResp.

  2. The DeleteResp contains two deleted_obj_results elements, one with an oper_success element, containing an affected_path element with the value ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier>.’, and the other with an oper_failure element containing an appropriate error code.

  3. The GetResp does not contain the Subscription instance deleted in step 1.

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT properly handles a Delete message when the allow_partial element is set to true, and one of multiple objects does not exist in the Agent’s instantiated data model.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that at least one Subscription object exists on the EUT, and the instance identifier is known by the traffic generator.

  1. Send a Delete message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
       msg_id: '<msg_id>'
       msg_type: DELETE
    body {
      request {
        delete {
          allow_partial: true
          obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier>.'
          obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<invalid instance identifier>.'
  2. Allow the EUT to send a DeleteResp.

  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with a requested path of Device.LocalAgent.Subscription..

  1. The EUT sends a DeleteResp.

  2. The DeleteResp contains two deleted_obj_results elements. One contains an oper_success element with an affected_path element listing ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier>.’. The second contains an empty oper_success element (i.e., oper_success{}).

  3. The GetResp does not contain the Subscription instance deleted in step 1.

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT properly handles a Delete message when the Controller uses unique key addressing.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Obtain the unique key values of the Device.LocalAgent. object that correlates with the source of the test USP messages.

  3. Ensure that at least one Device.LocalAgent.Controller.{i}.BootParameter. object exists on the EUT, and the instance identifier of the object is known by the traffic generator.

  1. Send a Delete message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: DELETE
    body {
      request {
        delete {
          allow_partial: false
          obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.[EndpointID=="< EndpointID>"&&Alias=="<Alias if supported>"].BootParameter.<instance identifier>.'
  2. Allow the EUT to send a DeleteResp.

  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with a requested path of Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance ID>.BootParameter.

  1. The EUT sends a DeleteResp.

  2. The DeleteResp contains a single deleted_obj_result with a requested path equal to the path specified in the obj_path of the Delete message, containing an oper_success element, with one affected_path element equal to the path name of the Deleted object.

  3. The affected_path element uses instance number addressing.

  4. The GetResp does not contain the BootParameter deleted in step 1.

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT properly handles a Delete message when the Controller uses a wildcard search to delete multiple valid objects.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that at least two Subscription objects exist on the EUT.

  1. Send a Delete message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: DELETE
    body {
      request {
        delete {
          allow_partial: false
          obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.*.'
  2. Allow the EUT to send a DeleteResp.

  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with a requested path of Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.

  1. The EUT sends a DeleteResp.

  2. The DeleteResp contains a single deleted_obj_result with a requested path equal to ’Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.*.’ and an oper_success element with one or more affected_path elements equal to the path names of the Deleted objects.

  3. The GetResp does not contain any of the Subscription instances deleted in step 1.

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT properly handles a Delete message when the Controller uses a search expression to delete one or more valid objects.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that the instance identifier of the Controller object that represents the traffic generator is known by the traffic generator.

  3. Ensure that at least two Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance identifier>.BootParameter. objects exist on the EUT. At least one of these BootParameter objects has a value of ‘false’ for its ‘Enable’ parameter, and at least one of these BootParameter objects has a value of ‘true’ for its ‘Enable’ parameter.

  1. Send a Delete message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: DELETE
    body {
      request {
        delete {
          allow_partial: false
          obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance identifier>.BootParameter.[Enable==true].'
  2. Allow the EUT to send a DeleteResp.

  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with a requested path of Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance ID>.BootParameter..

  1. The EUT sends a DeleteResp.

  2. The DeleteResp contains a single deleted_obj_results element, with a requested_path equal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance identifier>.BootParameter.[Enable==true]’ and an oper_success element with the affected_path elements equal to the path names of the successfully Deleted objects.

  3. The BootParameter whose Enable parameter was equal to ‘false’ was not deleted.

  4. The GetResp does not contain any BootParameter instances where Enable==true.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the Controller can retrieve the values of parameters in the Agent’s Instantiated Data Model when a single full parameter path is specified.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.EndpointID'
  2. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  1. The EUT sends a GetResp.

  2. The GetResp contains a single req_path_results element. The req_path_results has no errors, a requested_path equal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.EndpointID’, and contains a single resolved_path_results element. The resolved_path_results element contains a resolved_path equal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.’ and a single result_params element with a key of ‘EndpointID’ and a value equal to the EUT’s EndpointID.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the Controller can retrieve the values of parameters in the Agent’s Instantiated Data Model when multiple full parameter paths are specified within the same object.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.EndpointID'
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.SoftwareVersion'
  2. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  1. The EUT sends a GetResp.

  2. The GetResp contains two req_path_results elements. The requested_path_results have no errors. Each contains a single resolved_path_results element. One resolved_path_result element contains a requested_path equal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.EndpointID’, a single resolved_path equal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.’, and a single result_params element with a key of ‘EndpointID’ and a value equal to the EUT EndpointID. The other resolved_path_result element contains a requested_path equal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.SoftwareVersion’, a single resolved_path equal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.’, and a single result_params element with a key of ‘SoftwareVersion’ with a valid value.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the Controller can retrieve the values of parameters in the Agent’s Instantiated Data Model when multiple full parameter paths are specified within multiple objects.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that at least one Subscription object exists on the EUT, and its instance identifier is known by the traffic generator.

  1. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.EndpointID'
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier>.Enable'
  2. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  1. The EUT sends a GetResp.

  2. The GetResp contains two req_path_results elements. The requested_path_results have no errors. Each contains a single resolved_path_results element. One resolved_path_result element contains a requested_path equal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.EndpointID’, a single resolved_path equal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.’, and a single result_params element with a key of ‘EndpointID’ and a value equal to the EUT EndpointID. The other resolved_path_result element contains a requested_path equal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier>.Enable’, a single resolved_path equal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier>.’, and a single result_params element with a key of ‘Enable’ with a valid value.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the Controller can retrieve the values of parameters in the Agent’s Instantiated Data Model when an object path is specified.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.'
  2. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  1. The EUT sends a GetResp.

  2. The GetResp contains a single req_path_results element. The requested_path_results has no errors, has a requested_path equal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.’, and a set of resolved_path_results elements. One contains a resolved_path of ‘Device.LocalAgent.’, and a number of result_params elements contain keys and values of the parameters of ‘Device.LocalAgent.’. Additional resolved_path_results exist for each of the sub-objects of Device.LocalAgent., with result_params containing the keys and values of each sub-object’s parameters.

  3. The keys of all result_params elements are relative paths.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the Controller can retrieve the values of parameters in the Agent’s Instantiated Data Model when a path to an object instance is specified.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that at least one Subscription object exists on the EUT, and its instance identifier is known by the traffic generator.

  1. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier>.'
  2. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  1. The EUT sends a GetResp.

  2. The GetResp contains a single req_path_results element. The requested_path_results has no errors, has a requested_path equal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier>.’, and a single resolved_path_results element, with a resolved_path of ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier>.’, and a series of result_params elements containing the keys and values of the parameters of the instance.

  3. The keys of all result_params elements are relative paths.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the Agent can properly handle a Get message when a single invalid parameter is requested.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.InvalidParameter'
  2. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  1. The EUT sends a GetResp.

  2. The GetResp contains a single req_path_results element. The requested_path_results has a requested_path equal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.InvalidParameter’, and an appropriate error code.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the Controller can retrieve the values of parameters in the Agent’s Instantiated Data Model when both a valid and invalid parameter are requested.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
           param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.EndpointID'
           param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.InvalidParameter'
  2. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  1. The EUT sends a GetResp.

  2. The GetResp contains two req_path_results elements. One requested_path_results has no errors, and contains a single resolved_path_results element. The resolved_path_results element contains a requested_path equal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.EndpointID’, a single resolved_pathequal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.’, and a single result_params element with a key of ‘EndpointID’ and a value equal to the EUT EndpointID. The other requested_path_results has a requested_path equal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.InvalidParameter’, and an appropriate error code.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the Controller can retrieve the values of parameters in the Agent’s Instantiated Data Model when the requested path uses unique key addressing.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that at least one Subscription object exists on the EUT, and the unique keys and their values are known by the traffic generator.

  1. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<unique key identifier>.Enable'
  2. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  1. The EUT sends a GetResp.

  2. The GetResp contains a single req_path_results element. The requested_path_results has no errors, has a requested_path equal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<unique key identifier>.Enable’, and a single resolved_path_results element, with a resolved_path of ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier>.’, and a result_params element containing a key of ‘Enable’ and a valid value.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the Controller can retrieve the values of parameters in the Agent’s Instantiated Data Model when the requested path uses a wildcard to retrieve a single parameter from multiple objects.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that at least two Subscription objects exist on the EUT.

  1. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.*.Enable'
  2. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  1. The EUT sends a GetResp.

  2. The GetResp contains a single req_path_results element. The requested_path_results has no errors, has a requested_path equal to ’Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.*.Enable’, and at least two resolved_path_results elements, each with a resolved_path of ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier>.’, and a result_params element containing a key of ‘Enable’ and a valid value.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the Controller can retrieve the values of parameters in the Agent’s Instantiated Data Model when the requested path uses a wildcard to retrieve all parameters from multiple object instances.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that at least two Subscription objects exist on the EUT.

  1. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.*.'
  2. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  1. The EUT sends a GetResp.

  2. The GetResp contains a single req_path_results element. The requested_path_results has no errors, has a requested_path equal to ’Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.*.’, and a set of resolved_path_results elements. Each contains a resolved_path of ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier>.’, and a number of result_params elements containing keys and values of the parameters of each Subscription object.

  3. The keys of all result_params elements are relative paths.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the Controller can retrieve the values of parameters in the Agent’s Instantiated Data Model when the requested path uses a search path to retrieve objects that that parameters that match a particular value.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that at least two Subscription objects exist on the EUT. At least one of these Subscription objects should have a value of ‘true’ for its Enable parameter, and at least one should have a value of ‘false’ for its Enable parameter.

  1. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.[Enable==true].'
  2. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  1. The EUT sends a GetResp.

  2. The GetResp contains a single req_path_results element. The requested_path_results has no errors, has a requested_path equal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.[Enable==true].’, and a set of resolved_path_results elements. Each contains a resolved_path of ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier>.’, and a number of result_params elements containing keys and values of the parameters of each Subscription object where the Enable parameter is ‘true’.

  3. The keys of all result_params elements are relative paths.

  4. The EUT does not return any parameters from Subscription objects whose Enable parameter is ‘false’.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the Controller can retrieve the values of parameters in the Agent’s Instantiated Data Model when the requested path uses a search path that does not match a particular value.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that at least two Subscription objects exist on the EUT. At least one of these Subscription objects should have a value of ‘true’ for its Enable parameter, and at least one should have a value of ‘false’ for its Enable parameter.

  1. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.[Enable!=true].'
  2. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  1. The EUT sends a GetResp.

  2. The GetResp contains a single req_path_results element. The requested_path_results has no errors, has a requested_path equal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.[Enable!=true].’, and a set of resolved_path_results elements. Each contains a resolved_path of ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier>.’, and a number of result_params elements containing keys and values of the parameters of each subscription object where the Enable parameter is ‘false’.

  3. The keys of all result_params elements are relative paths.

  4. The EUT does not return any parameters from Subscription objects whose Enable parameter is ‘true’.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the Controller can retrieve the values of parameters in the Agent’s Instantiated Data Model when the requested path uses a search path to retrieve objects that that parameters that are greater than a particular value.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that at least two Subscription objects exist on the EUT. At least one of these Subscription objects should have a value of ‘10’ for its NotifExpiration parameter, and at least one with a value of ‘20’ for its NotifExpiration parameter.

  1. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.[NotifExpiration>10].'
  2. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  1. The EUT sends a GetResp.

  2. The GetResp contains a single req_path_results element. The requested_path_results has no errors, has a requested_path equal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.[NotifExpiration>10].’, and a set of resolved_path_results elements. Each contains a resolved_path of ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier>.’, and a number of result_params elements containing keys and values of the parameters of each Subscription object where the NotifExpiration parameter is greater than 10.

  3. The keys of all result_params elements are relative paths.

  4. The EUT does not return any parameters from Subscription objects whose NotifExpiration parameter is equal to or less than 10.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the Controller can retrieve the values of parameters in the Agent’s Instantiated Data Model when the requested path uses a search path to retrieve objects that that parameters that are less than a particular value.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that at least two Subscription objects exist on the EUT. At least one of these Subscription objects should have a value of ‘10’ for its NotifExpiration parameter, and at least one with a value of ‘5’ for its NotifExpiration parameter.

  1. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.[NotifExpiration<10].'
  2. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  1. The EUT sends a GetResp.

  2. The GetResp contains a single req_path_results element. The requested_path_results has no errors, has a requested_path equal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.[NotifExpiration<10].’, and a set of resolved_path_results elements. Each contains a resolved_path of ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier>.’, and a number of result_params elements contain keys and values of the parameters of each Subscription object where the NotifExpiration parameter is less than 10.

  3. The keys of all result_params elements are relative paths.

  4. The EUT does not return any parameters from Subscription objects whose NotifExpiration parameter is equal to or greater than 10.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the Controller can retrieve the values of parameters in the Agent’s Instantiated Data Model when the requested path uses a search path to retrieve objects that that parameters that are greater than or equal to a particular value.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that at least three Subscription objects exist on the EUT. At least one of these Subscription objects should have a value of ‘10’ for its NotifExpiration parameter, at least one with a value of ‘20’ for its NotifExpiration parameter, and at least one with a value of ‘5’ for its NotifExpiration parameter.

  1. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.[NotifExpiration>=10].'
  2. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  1. The EUT sends a GetResp.

  2. The GetResp contains a single req_path_results element. The requested_path_results has no errors, has a requested_path equal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.[NotifExpiration>=10].’, and a set of resolved_path_results elements. Each contains a resolved_path of ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier>.’, and a number of result_params elements containing keys and values of the parameters of each Subscription object where the NotifExpiration parameter is greater than or equal to 10.

  3. The keys of all result_params elements are relative paths.

  4. The EUT does not return any parameters from Subscription objects whose NotifExpiration parameter is less than 10.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the Controller can retrieve the values of parameters in the Agent’s Instantiated Data Model when the requested path uses a search path to retrieve objects that that parameters that are less than or equal to a particular value.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that at least three Subscription objects exist on the EUT. At least one of these Subscription objects should have a value of ‘10’ for its NotifExpiration parameter, at least one with a value of ‘20’ for its NotifExpiration parameter, and at least one with a value of ‘5’ for its NotifExpiration parameter.

  1. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.[NotifExpiration<=10].'
  2. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  1. The EUT sends a GetResp.

  2. The GetResp contains a single req_path_results element. The requested_path_results has no errors, has a requested_path equal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.[NotifExpiration<=10].’, and a set of resolved_path_results elements. Each contains a resolved_path of ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier>.’, and a number of result_params elements containing keys and values of the parameters of each Subscription object where the NotifExpiration parameter is less than or equal to 10.

  3. The keys of all result_params elements are relative paths.

  4. The EUT does not return any parameters from Subscription objects whose NotifExpiration parameter is greater than 10.

The purpose of this test is to ensure that the Agent will create Subscriptions requested by the Controller, and notifies the Controller when the conditions of the subscription are triggered. This test uses the ValueChange event to exercise these functions, validating the behavior of ValueChange in the process.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that the traffic generator has learned the instance identifier of the Device.LocalAgent.Controller. object that represents the Controller simulated by the traffic generator.

  3. Set the Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance identifier>.ProvisioningCode to an arbitrary value that is not ‘TestValue52’.

  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
            param_settings {
                param: 'Enable'
                value: 'true'
            param_settings {
                param: 'ID'
                value: 'notify52'
            param_settings {
                param: 'NotifType'
                value: 'ValueChange'
            param_settings {
                param: 'ReferenceList'
                value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance identifier>.ProvisioningCode'
                required: true
            param_settings {
                param: 'NotifRetry'
                value: 'true'
  2. Allow the EUT to send an AddResp

  3. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: SET
    body {
      request {
        set {
          allow_partial: false
          update_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance identifier>.'
            param_settings {
              param: 'ProvisioningCode'
              value: 'TestValue52'
              required: true
  4. Allow the EUT to send a Notify message.

  5. Send a NotifyResp to the EUT.

  1. The EUT sends a successful AddResp.

  2. The EUT sends a Notify message with a subscription_id field equal to ‘Notify52’, and an event element of value_change with a param_path of ‘Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance identifier>.ProvisioningCode’ and a param_value of ‘TestValue52’.

The purpose of this test is to ensure that the Agent will remove and terminate a Subscription when the Controller uses the Delete message.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that the traffic generator has learned the instance identifier of the Device.LocalAgent.Controller. object that represents the Controller simulated by the traffic generator.

  3. Set the Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance identifier>.ProvisioningCode to an arbitrary value that is not ‘TestValue53’.

  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
            param_settings {
                param: 'Enable'
                value: 'true'
            param_settings {
                param: 'ID'
                value: 'notify53'
            param_settings {
                param: 'NotifType'
                value: 'ValueChange'
            param_settings {
                param: 'ReferenceList'
                value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance identifier>.ProvisioningCode'
                required: true
            param_settings {
                param: 'NotifRetry'
                value: 'true'
  2. Allow the EUT to send an AddResp, and store the instance identifier of the Subscription object.

  3. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: SET
    body {
      request {
        set {
          allow_partial: false
          update_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance identifier>.'
            param_settings {
              param: 'ProvisioningCode'
              value: 'TestValue53'
              required: true
  4. Allow the EUT to send a Notify message.

  5. Send a NotifyResp to the EUT.

  6. Send a Delete message with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: DELETE
    body {
      request {
        delete {
          allow_partial: false
          obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier>.'
  7. Allow the EUT to send a DeleteResp.

  8. Repeat step 3, changing the value of ProvisioningCode to ‘notify53-2’.

  9. Wait 20 seconds.

  1. The EUT sends a successful DeleteResp.

  2. The EUT does not send a Notify message based on the activity in the ProvisioningCode parameter.

The purpose of this test is to ensure that the Agent will attempt to resend Notify messages when the NotifRetry parameter in a Subscription object is set to true and the Controller does not send a NotifyResp.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that the traffic generator has learned the instance identifier of the Device.LocalAgent.Controller. object that represents the Controller simulated by the traffic generator.

  3. Set the Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance identifier>.ProvisioningCode to an arbitrary value that is not ‘TestValue54’.

  4. Ensure that the Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance identifier>.USPNotifRetryMinimumWaitInterval is set to its default value (5).

  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
            param_settings {
                param: 'Enable'
                value: 'true'
            param_settings {
                param: 'ID'
                value: 'notify54'
            param_settings {
                param: 'NotifType'
                value: 'ValueChange'
            param_settings {
                param: 'ReferenceList'
                value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance identifier>.ProvisioningCode'
                required: true
            param_settings {
                param: 'NotifRetry'
                value: 'true'
  2. Allow the EUT to send an AddResp

  3. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: SET
    body {
      request {
        set {
          allow_partial: false
          update_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance identifier>.'
            param_settings {
              param: 'ProvisioningCode'
              value: 'TestValue54'
              required: true
  4. Allow the EUT to send a Notify message.

  5. Do not send a NotifyResp to the EUT.

  6. Wait 10 seconds to allow the EUT to send a Notify message.

  7. Do not send a NotifyResp to the EUT.

  8. Wait 20 seconds to allow the EUT to send a Notify message.

  9. Send a NotifyResp to the EUT.

  1. The EUT retries the Notify message.

  2. The first retry occurs within 5-10 seconds. The second retry occurs within 10-20 seconds.

The purpose of this test is to ensure that the Agent removes a Subscription from the Subscription table after its TimeToLive has expired.

Conditionally Mandatory (Supports TimeToLive in Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that the traffic generator has learned the instance identifier of the Device.LocalAgent.Controller. object that represents the Controller simulated by the traffic generator.

  3. Set the Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance identifier>.ProvisioningCode to an arbitrary value that is not ‘TestValue55’.

  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
            param_settings {
                param: 'Enable'
                value: 'true'
            param_settings {
                param: 'ID'
                value: 'notify55'
            param_settings {
                param: 'NotifType'
                value: 'ValueChange'
            param_settings {
                param: 'ReferenceList'
                value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance identifier>.ProvisioningCode'
                required: true
            param_settings {
                param: 'NotifRetry'
                value: 'true'
            param_settings {
                param: 'TimeToLive'
                value: '20'
  2. Allow the EUT to send an AddResp

  3. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: SET
    body {
      request {
        set {
          allow_partial: false
          update_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance identifier>.'
            param_settings {
              param: 'ProvisioningCode'
              value: 'TestValue55'
              required: true
  4. Allow the EUT to send a Notify message.

  5. Send a NotifyResp to the EUT.

  6. Wait 20 seconds.

  7. Send a GetInstances message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
          msg_id: '<msg_id>'
          msg_type: GET_INSTANCES
    body {
          request {
            get_instances {
              obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
  8. Allow the EUT to send a GetInstancesResponse.

  9. Repeat step 3 with a value of ‘TestValue55-2’.

  10. Wait 10 seconds.

  1. The EUT sends a Notify message after step 3.

  2. The GetInstancesResponse does not list the instance of the Subscription object created in step 1.

  3. The EUT does not send a Notify message after step 9.

The purpose of this test is to ensure that the Agent will cease attempts to retry Notify messages after an amount of time specified in value of the NotifExpiration parameter in the Subscription object has passed.

Conditional Mandatory (supports Subscription.{i}.NotifExpiration parameter).

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that the traffic generator has learned the instance identifier of the Device.LocalAgent.Controller. object that represents the Controller simulated by the traffic generator.

  3. Set the Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance identifier>.ProvisioningCode to an arbitrary value that is not ‘TestValue56’.

  4. Ensure that the Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance identifier>.USPNotifRetryMinimumWaitInterval is set to its default value (5).

  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
            param_settings {
                param: 'Enable'
                value: 'true'
            param_settings {
                param: 'ID'
                value: 'notify56'
            param_settings {
                param: 'NotifType'
                value: 'ValueChange'
            param_settings {
                param: 'ReferenceList'
                value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance identifier>.ProvisioningCode'
                required: true
            param_settings {
                param: 'NotifRetry'
                value: 'true'
            param_settings {
                param: 'NotifExpiration'
                value: '20'
  2. Allow the EUT to send an AddResp

  3. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: SET
    body {
      request {
        set {
          allow_partial: false
          update_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance identifier>.'
            param_settings {
              param: 'ProvisioningCode'
              value: 'TestValue56'
              required: true
  4. Allow the EUT to send a Notify message.

  5. Do not send a NotifyResp to the EUT.

  6. Wait 10 seconds to allow the EUT to send a Notify message.

  7. Do not send a NotifyResp to the EUT.

  8. Wait 20 seconds to allow the EUT to send a Notify message.

  9. Do not send a Notify Response to the EUT.

  10. Wait 30 seconds.

  1. The EUT retries the Notify message within 20 seconds.

  2. The EUT does not retry the Notify message after 20 seconds.

The purpose of this test is to ensure that the Agent will send a Notify message to the Controller when the Controller is Subscribed to the ObjectCreation event.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
            param_settings {
                param: 'Enable'
                value: 'true'
            param_settings {
                param: 'ID'
                value: 'notify57'
            param_settings {
                param: 'NotifType'
                value: 'ObjectCreation'
            param_settings {
                param: 'ReferenceList'
                value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
                required: true
            param_settings {
                param: 'NotifRetry'
                value: 'true'
  2. Allow the EUT to send an AddResp

  3. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
            param_settings {
                param: 'Enable'
                value: 'true'
            param_settings {
                param: 'ID'
                value: 'notify57-2'
            param_settings {
                param: 'NotifType'
                value: 'ValueChange'
            param_settings {
                param: 'ReferenceList'
                value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance identifier>.ProvisioningCode'
                required: true
            param_settings {
                param: 'NotifRetry'
                value: 'true'
  4. Allow the EUT to send an AddResp

  5. Allow the EUT to send a Notify message.

  6. Send a NotifyResp to the EUT.

  1. The EUT sends a successful AddResp.

  2. The EUT sends a Notify message with a subscription_id field equal to ‘Notify57’, and an event element of obj_creation with a obj_path of ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance number>.’ and a map element of unique_keys with values of ‘ID, ’Notify57-2’ and ‘Recipient, Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance identifier>.’.

The purpose of this test is to ensure that the Agent will send a Notify message to the Controller when the Controller is Subscribed to the ObjectDeletion event.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that at least one Subscription object exists on the EUT, and the unique keys and their values are known by the traffic generator.

  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
            param_settings {
                param: 'Enable'
                value: 'true'
            param_settings {
                param: 'ID'
                value: 'notify58'
            param_settings {
                param: 'NotifType'
                value: 'ObjectDeletion'
            param_settings {
                param: 'ReferenceList'
                value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
                required: true
            param_settings {
                param: 'NotifRetry'
                value: 'true'
  2. Allow the EUT to send an AddResp

  3. Send a Delete message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: DELETE
    body {
      request {
        delete {
          allow_partial: false
          obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier from test setup 2>.'
  4. Allow the EUT to send a DeleteResp

  5. Allow the EUT to send a Notify message.

  6. Send a NotifyResp to the EUT.

  1. The EUT sends a successful AddResp.

  2. The EUT sends a Notify message with a subscription_id field equal to ‘Notify58’, and an event element of obj_deletion with a obj_path of ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance number>.’

The purpose of this test is to ensure that the Agent will send a Notify message to the Controller when the Controller is Subscribed to an Event notification that correlates with an event defined in its supported data model.

Conditional Mandatory (supports Controller:1 profile and Device.LocalAgent.Controller.{i}.PeriodicNotifTime parameter)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: SET
    body {
        request {
            set {
              allow_partial: false
                update_objs {
                    obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<Controller ID>.'
                    param_settings {
                        param: 'PeriodicNotifInterval'
                        value: '60'
                    param_settings {
                        param: 'PeriodicNotifTime'
                        value: '2019-01-01T00:00:00Z'
  2. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: ADD
    body {
        request {
            add {
              allow_partial: false
              create_objs {
                  obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
                  param_settings {
                          param: 'Enable'
                          value: 'true'
                  param_settings {
                          param: 'ID'
                          value: 'sub-103'
                  param_settings {
                          param: 'NotifType'
                          value: 'Event'
                  param_settings {
                          param: 'ReferenceList'
                          value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Periodic!'
  3. Wait for a Notification from the EUT.

  4. Wait for a Notification from the EUT.

  1. The EUT sends a SetResponse with an oper_success after step 1.
  2. The EUT sends an AddResponse with an oper_success after step 2.
  3. The EUT sends a Notification with an Periodic! event element.
  4. A second Periodic event is sent by the EUT 60 (+/- 4) seconds after the first.

The purpose of this test is to ensure that the Agent will send a Notify message to the Controller when the Controller initiates a SendOnBoardRequest() operation.

Conditional Mandatory (supports Device.LocalAgent.Controller.{i}.SendOnBoardRequest() command)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send an Operate message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: OPERATE
    body {
      request {
        operate {
          command: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance identifier of traffic generator>.SendOnBoardRequest()'
          command_key: 'test60'
          send_resp: false
  2. Allow the EUT to send a Notify message.

  3. Send a NotifyResp to the EUT.

  1. The EUT sends a Notify message with (at minimum) a subscription_id field set to an empty string, and an event element of on_board_req with appropriate values for the oui, product_class, serial_number, and agent_supported_protocol_versions fields.

The purpose of this test is to ensure that the Agent will correctly process an Operate message using the Reboot() operation as a trigger when send_resp is true.

Conditional Mandatory (supports Reboot:1 or any other command)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send an Operate message to the EUT with the following structure:
header {
  msg_id: '<msg_id>'
  msg_type: OPERATE
body {
  request {
    operate {
      command: 'Device.Reboot()'
      command_key: 'test61'
      send_resp: true
  1. Allow the EUT to send an OperateResp

  2. Allow the EUT to reboot.

  1. The EUT sends an OperateResp message with a single operation_results element containing an executed_command of ‘Device.Reboot()’ and a req_output_args element containing an empty output_args element.

  2. The EUT reboots and resumes connectivity with the test system.

The purpose of this test is to ensure that the Agent will correctly process an Operate message using the Reboot() operation as a trigger when send_resp is false.

Conditional Mandatory (supports Reboot:1 or any other command)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send an Operate message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: OPERATE
    body {
      request {
        operate {
          command: 'Device.Reboot()'
          command_key: 'test62'
          send_resp: false
  2. Allow the EUT to reboot.

  1. The EUT reboots and resumes connectivity with the test system.

The purpose of this test is to ensure that the Agent will correctly process an Operate message with input arguments.

Note: as of TP-469 Amendment 1, this test has been deprecated to sync with the deprecation of Device.LocalAgent.Controller.{i}.ScheduleTimer() in Device:2.14. The command was replaced with Device.ScheduleTimer() and is covered by test 1.79

Conditional Mandatory (supports Device.LocalAgent.Controller.{i}.ScheduleTimer() command or at least one operation that contains input arguments)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure that a Subscription object exists on the EUT, subscribed to the Timer! event.
  1. Send an Operate message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: OPERATE
    body {
        request {
            operate {
                command: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<Controller instance>.ScheduleTimer()'
                command_key: 'test63'
                send_resp: true
                input_args {
                    key: 'DelaySeconds'
                    value: '30'
  2. Allow the EUT to send a Timer! event.

  1. The EUT sends an OperateResp message with a single operation_results element containing an executed_command of ‘Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<Controller instance>.ScheduleTimer()’ and a req_output_args element containing an empty output_args element.
  2. The EUT sends a Notify message containing a Event message with obj_path of ‘Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<Controller instance>.ScheduleTimer()’.

The purpose of this test is to ensure that the Agent will correctly process an Operate message where the operation is asynchronous and send_resp is set to true.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the TraceRoute:1 profile or at least one other asynchronous operation)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure that a Subscription object exists on the EUT that is subscribed to the OperationComplete notification for the supported asynchronous operation.
  1. Send an Operate message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: OPERATE
    body {
        request {
            operate {
                command: '<supported async operation>'
                command_key: 'test64'
                send_resp: true
                input_args {
                   key: '<required input argument>'
                   value: '<value>'
  2. Allow the EUT to send an OperateResp message with an executed_command which matches the command sent in the Operate message.

  3. Allow the EUT to send a Notify message with an inner OperationComplete message with a obj_path element matching the command sent in the Operate Message.

  1. The EUT sends an OperateResp message with a single operation_results element containing an executed_command matching the command sent in the Operate message and a req_obj_path field containing a path name to the Request object created by the EUT.
  2. The EUT sends a Notify message with obj_path and command_name forming the command sent in the Operate message, and a command_key of ‘test64’.

The purpose of this test is to ensure that the Agent will correctly process an Operate message where the operation is asynchronous and send_resp is set to false.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the TraceRoute:1 profile or at least one other asynchronous operation)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure that a Subscription object exists on the EUT that is subscribed to the OperationComplete notification for the supported asynchronous operation.
  1. Send an Operate message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: OPERATE
    body {
        request {
            operate {
                command: '<supported async operation>'
                command_key: 'test65'
                send_resp: false
                input_args {
                   key: '<required input argument>'
                   value: '<value>'
  2. Allow the EUT to send a Notify message containing an OperationComplete message with obj_path and command_name forming the command sent in the Operate message.

  1. The EUT does not send an OperateResp message.
  2. The EUT sends a Notify message containing an OperationComplete message with obj_path and command_name forming the command in the Operate message, and a command_key of ‘test65’.

The purpose of this test is to ensure that the Agent will correctly process a GetInstances message on a single object when first_level_only is true.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure that the Agent has at least one entry in the Device.LocalAgent.Controller.{i}. table and supports at least one multi-instance sub-object (e.g., .MTP.{i}., etc.)
  1. Send a GetInstances message to the EUT with the following structure:
header {
    msg_id: '<msg_id>'
    msg_type: GET_INSTANCES
body {
    request {
        get_instances {
            obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.'
            first_level_only: true
  1. The EUT sends a GetInstancesResp with one req_path_results elements containing a requested_path of ‘Device.LocalAgent.Controller.’ and at least one cur_insts element.
  2. All instantiated_obj_path elements in the GetInstancesResp only contain ‘Device.LocalAgent.Controller.’ instances.

The purpose of this test is to ensure that the Agent will correctly process a GetInstances message on a single object when first_level_only is false.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure that the Agent has at least one entry in the Device.LocalAgent.Controller.{i}. table and supports at least one multi-instance sub-object (e.g., .MTP.{i}., etc.)
  1. Send a GetInstances message to the EUT with the following structure:
header {
    msg_id: '<msg_id>'
    msg_type: GET_INSTANCES
body {
    request {
        get_instances {
            obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.'
            first_level_only: false
  1. The EUT sends a GetInstancesResp with one req_path_results elements containing a requested_path of ‘Device.LocalAgent.Controller.’, and lists all instances of the Controller object, plus any instances of all sub-objects.

The purpose of this test is to ensure that the Agent will correctly process a GetInstances message on multiple objects.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send a GetInstances message to the EUT with the following structure:
header {
    msg_id: '<msg_id>'
    msg_type: GET_INSTANCES
body {
    request {
        get_instances {
            obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.'
            obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.MTP.'
            first_level_only: true
  1. The EUT sends a GetInstancesResp with two req_path_results elements containing a requested_path of ‘Device.LocalAgent.Controller.’ and ‘Device.LocalAgent.MTP.’
  2. Both req_path_results and each having at least one cur_insts element.

Note: This test was formerly named “GetInstances with root object” and was invalid. It has been removed from this version of the test plan and exists only as a placeholder for numeric consistency.

The purpose of this test is to ensure that the Agent will correctly process a GetInstances message when a wildcard search path is used.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send a GetInstances message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET_INSTANCES
    body {
        request {
            get_instances {
                obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.*.MTP.'
                first_level_only: true
  1. The EUT sends a GetInstancesResp with at least one req_path_results element containing a ‘Device.LocalAgent.Controller.{i}.MTP.’ instance.

The purpose of this test is to ensure that the Agent will correctly process a GetInstances message when a search expression search path is used.

Conditional Mandatory (Supports least one nested multi-instance object)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure there is at least one BootParameter for the Controller instance used for testing.
  3. Ensure the Alias of the Controller used for testing is known.
  1. Send a GetInstances message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET_INSTANCES
    body {
        request {
            get_instances {
                obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.[Alias=="<Controller alias>"].BootParameter.'
                first_level_only: false
  1. The EUT sends a GetInstancesResp with at least one req_path_results element containing a ‘Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<Controller instance>.BootParameter.’ instance.

The purpose of this test is to ensure that the Agent will correctly process a GetSupportedDM message using a single object, when first_level_only is false and all options are true.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send a GetSupportedDM to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg id>'
        msg_type: GET_SUPPORTED_DM
    body {
        request {
            get_supported_dm {
                obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.'
                first_level_only: false
                return_commands: true
                return_events: true
                return_params: true
  1. The EUT sends a GetSupportedDMResp.
  2. Every req_obj_results element contains all parameters, events, and commands below the specified partial path, plus the supported data model information of all sub-objects.
  3. Each SupportedParamResult field contains the param_name, access, value_type, and value_change fields with valid information, if the element is a parameter.
  4. Each SupportedCommandResult field contains the command_name field, command_type field, and a set of input_arg_names and output_arg_names fields with valid information, if the element is a command.
  5. Each SupportedEventResult field contains the event_name field and a set of arg_names fields with valid information, if the element is an event.

The purpose of this test is to ensure that the Agent will correctly process a GetSupportedDM message using a single object, when first_level_only is true and all options are true.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send a GetSupportedDM to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg id>'
        msg_type: GET_SUPPORTED_DM
    body {
        request {
            get_supported_dm {
                obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.'
                first_level_only: true
                return_commands: true
                return_events: true
                return_params: true
  1. The EUT sends a GetSupportedDMResp containing req_object_results elements for the specified object and each immediate child object.
  2. Only the req_obj_results element of the object specified in obj_paths contains parameters, events, and commands.
  3. Each SupportedParamResult field contains the param_name, access, value_type, and value_change fields with valid information, if applicable.
  4. Each SupportedCommandResult field contains the command_name field, command_type field, and a set of input_arg_names and output_arg_names fields with valid information, if applicable.
  5. Each SupportedEventResult field contains the event_name field and a set of arg_names fields with valid information, if applicable.

The purpose of this test is to ensure that the Agent will correctly process a GetSupportedDM message using a single object, when first_level_only is true and all options are false.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send a GetSupportedDM to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg id>'
        msg_type: GET_SUPPORTED_DM
    body {
        request {
            get_supported_dm {
                obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.'
                first_level_only: true
                return_commands: false
                return_events: false
                return_params: false
  1. The EUT sends a GetSupportedDMResp containing req_object_results elements for the specified object and each immediate child object.
  2. None of the req_obj_results elements contain any commands, events, or params.

The purpose of this test is to ensure that the Agent will correctly process a GetSupportedDM message using multiple objects, when first_level_only is true and all options are true.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send a GetSupportedDM to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg id>'
        msg_type: GET_SUPPORTED_DM
    body {
        request {
            get_supported_dm {
                obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.'
                obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.MTP.'
                first_level_only: true
                return_commands: true
                return_events: true
                return_params: true
  1. The EUT sends a GetSupportedDMResp containing req_object_results elements for the specified objects and each immediate child object.
  2. Only the req_obj_results element of the object specified in obj_paths contains parameters, events, and commands.
  3. Each SupportedParamResult field contains the param_name, access, value_type, and value_change fields with valid information, if applicable.
  4. Each SupportedCommandResult field contains the command_name field, command_type field, and a set of input_arg_names and output_arg_names fields with valid information, if applicable.
  5. Each SupportedEventResult field contains the event_name field and a set of arg_names fields with valid information, if applicable.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the Agent will correctly process a GetSupportedDM message when the requested path is the root of the data model.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send a GetSupportedDM to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg id>'
        msg_type: GET_SUPPORTED_DM
    body {
        request {
            get_supported_dm {
                first_level_only: false
                return_commands: true
                return_events: true
                return_params: true
  1. The EUT sends a GetSupportedDMResp message with one or more req_obj_results specifying its entire supported data model, listing commands, parameters, and events.
  2. Each SupportedParamResult field contains the param_name, access, value_type, and value_change fields with valid information, if applicable.
  3. Each SupportedCommandResult field contains the command_name field, command_type field, and a set of input_arg_names and output_arg_names fields with valid information, if applicable.
  4. Each SupportedEventResult field contains the event_name field and a set of arg_names fields with valid information, if applicable.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the Agent will correctly process a GetSupportedDM message when the requested path is an unsupported object.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send a GetSupportedDM to the EUT with the following structure:
header {
    msg_id: '<msg_id>'
    msg_type: GET_SUPPORTED_DM
body {
    request {
        get_supported_dm {
            first_level_only: false
            return_commands: true
            return_events: true
            return_params: true
  1. The EUT returns a GetSupportedDMResp with a single req_obj_results with an appropriate error code.

According to the Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.{i}.Recipient parameter:

The value MUST be the Path Name of the Controller instance that will receive the Notification associated with this Subscription. If the referenced object is deleted, this instance MUST also be deleted (so the parameter value will never be an empty string).

This test validates that if a Controller is removed from the Agent’s Device.LocalAgent.Controller.{i}. table, any associated Subscription objects are also removed.

Conditional Mandatory (supports Controller:1 profile with the ability to create instances of the Device.LocalAgent.Controller. object)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that the EUT has two Controller instances in its Device.LocalAgent. Controller.{i}. table, and that both Controllers can be simulated by the test equipment. Consider one to be the primary Controller, and the other to be the secondary Controller. Record the secondary Controller’s instance identifier.

  3. Ensure that there is at least one Subscription object in the EUT Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.{i}. table created by the secondary Controller.

  1. Send a Delete message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: DELETE
    body {
      request {
        delete {
          allow_partial: false
          obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance identifier of secondary Controller>.'
  2. Allow the EUT to send an DeleteResp.

  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
  4. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  1. The Subscription table does not contain the Subscription object outlined in test setup step 3.

The purpose of this test is to ensure that the Agent will correctly process an Operate message with input arguments.

Conditional Mandatory (supports Device.ScheduleTimer() command or at least one operation that contains input arguments)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure that a Subscription object exists on the EUT with NotifType OperationComplete on Device.ScheduleTimer().
  1. Send an Operate message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: OPERATE
    body {
      request {
          operate {
              command: 'Device.ScheduleTimer()'
              command_key: 'test79'
              send_resp: true
              input_args {
                  key: 'DelaySeconds'
                  value: '30'
  2. Wait at least 30 seconds.

  3. Allow the EUT to send a Notify message.

  1. The EUT sends an OperateResp message with the req_obj_path field, containing an Object Instance Path to the Request Object created as a result of this asynchronous operation.
  2. The EUT sends a Notify message containing a valid OperationComplete event, with a command_name of ‘ScheduleTimer()’, an obj_path of ‘Device.’, and a command_key of ‘test79’.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the Controller can learn the supported USP protocol version(s) of the EUT.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send a GetSupportedProtocol message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET_SUPPORTED_PROTO
    body {
      request {
        get_supported_protocol {
          controller_supported_protocol_versions: '<comma-separated list of USP specification versions>'
  2. Allow the EUT to send a GetSupportedProtocolResponse.

  1. The EUT sends a GetSupportedProtocolResponse.

  2. The agent_supported_protocol_versions element contains a comma-separated list of supported USP specification versions.

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT assigns unique keys which are not supplied in the Add message.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. If the EUT has a limit on the number of instances of the Subscription object, ensure that the number of existing Subscription object instances is less than the maximum supported.

  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
        request {
          add {
            allow_partial: false
              create_objs {
                  obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
                    param_settings {
                        param: 'Enable'
                        value: 'true'
                    param_settings {
                        param: 'NotifType'
                        value: 'ValueChange'
                    param_settings {
                        param: 'ReferenceList'
                        value: 'Device.LocalAgent.SoftwareVersion'
              create_objs {
                  obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
                    param_settings {
                      param: 'Enable'
                      value: 'true'
                    param_settings {
                      param: 'NotifType'
                      value: 'ValueChange'
                    param_settings {
                      param: 'ReferenceList'
                      value: 'Device.LocalAgent.EndpointID'
  2. Allow the EUT to send an AddResp.

  3. Record the instance identifiers of the created objects as reported by the EUT.

  4. Clean-up: Send a Delete message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: DELETE
    body {
      request {
        delete {
          allow_partial: false
          obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier 1>.'
          obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier 2>.'
  5. Allow the EUT to send a DeleteResp.

  1. The EUT AddResp is valid.

  2. The AddResp contains two CreatedObjectResults that each have an OperationStatus of OperationSuccess. The OperationSuccess elements contains no parameter errors and 3 elements in the unique key map: Alias, Recipient, and ID. The values of Alias and ID must differ between the two CreatedObjectResults, and the values of Recipient must be identical. Alternatively, the OperationSuccess contains 2 elements in the unique key map if the Alias parameter is not supported: ‘Recipient’, and ‘ID’. In this case the values of ID must differ between the two CreatedObjectResults, and the values of Recipient must be identical.

The purpose of this test is to verify that the EUT sends a successful empty response when a Get request using a search expression returns no objects.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that no Subscription objects exist on the EUT.

  1. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.[Enable==true].'
  2. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  1. The EUT sends a GetResp.

  2. The GetResp contains a single req_path_results element. The requested_path_results has no errors, has a requested_path equal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.[Enable==true].’, and an empty resolved_path_results element (i.e., resolved_path_results{}).

The purpose of this test is to verify that the EUT sends a successful empty response when a GetInstances request using a search expression returns no objects.

Conditional Mandatory (supports least one nested multi-instance object)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send a GetInstances message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET_INSTANCES
    body {
      request {
        get_instances {
          obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.[Alias=="<non-existent alias>"].BootParameter.'
  2. Allow the EUT to send a GetInstancesResp.

  1. The EUT sends a GetInstancesResp.

  2. The GetInstancesResp contains a single req_path_results element. The requested_path_results has no errors, has a requested_path equal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.Controller.[Alias==“<non-existent alias>”].BootParameter.’, and an empty curr_insts element (i.e., curr_insts{}).

The purpose of this test is to ensure that the Agent will create and acknowledge Subscriptions containing a search path, and notifies the Controller when the conditions of the subscription are triggered.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure there are at least 2 enabled BootParameter instances under the Controller used for testing.

  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: "<msg_id>"
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
            obj_path: "Device.LocalAgent.Subscription."
            param_settings: {
                param: "Enable"
                value: "true"
            param_settings: {
                param: "ID"
                value: "notify84"
            param_settings: {
                param: "NotifType"
                value: "ValueChange"
            param_settings: {
                param: "ReferenceList"
                value: "Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance identifier of Controller>.BootParameter.*.Enable"
                required: true
  2. Allow the EUT to send an AddResp

  3. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: "<msg_id>"
      msg_type: SET
    body {
      request {
        set {
          allow_partial: false
          update_objs {
            obj_path: "Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance identifier of Controller>.BootParameter.<valid BootParameter instance>"
            param_settings: {
             param: "Enable"
             value: "false"
             required: true
  1. The EUT sends an AddResp.

  2. The EUT sends a notification for the created subscription containing the BootParameter modified in step 3.

This test was left out of version 1.2 of this document. There is some ambiguity in TR-369 Amendment 2 (USP 1.2) with regards to how paths that use instance number addressing should be treated when they address non-existant objects. This will be clarified in a future release.

The purpose of this test is to ensure that the Agent successfully responds to a Get request when the requested Instantiated Object Path is valid but does not resolve to an existing object when using a search path.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that no enabled Subscription objects exist on the EUT.

  1. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.[Enable==true].'
  2. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  1. The EUT’s sends a GetResp.

  2. The GetResp contains no errors.

  3. The GetResp contains a single req_path_results element. The resolved_path_results element is empty (i.e. resolved_path_results{}).

The purpose of this test is to ensure that the Agent successfully responds to a Get request when the requested Instantiated Object Path is valid but does not resolve to an existing object when using an Object Path.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that no Subscription objects exist on the EUT.

  1. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
  2. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  1. The EUT’s sends a GetResp.

  2. The GetResp contains no errors.

  3. The GetResp contains a single req_path_results element. The requested_path_results element is empty (i.e. requested_path_results{}).

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT will deliver an error after it receives an Add message that includes a unique key parameter that is not required but is set to an invalid value.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
            param_settings {
               param: 'Enable'
               value: 'True'
            param_settings {
               param: 'Alias'
               value: '88InvalidAlias'
            param_settings {
               param: 'NotifType'
               value: 'ValueChange'
            param_settings {
               param: 'ReferenceList'
               value: 'Device.LocalAgent.SoftwareVersion'
  2. Allow the EUT to send an Error message.

  1. The EUT sends an Error message containing an appropriate error code.

  2. The EUT does not create the new Subscription object.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the Controller can retrieve the values of parameters in the Agent’s Instantiated Data Model using the max_depth field to limit the tree depth of result_params.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.'
          max_depth: 1
  2. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.'
          max_depth: 2
  4. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  5. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.'
          max_depth: 0
  6. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  1. The first GetResp contains a single req_path_results element. The requested_path_results has no errors, has a requested_path equal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.’, and a set of resolved_path_results elements. One contains a resolved_path of ‘Device.LocalAgent.’, and a number of result_params elements ONLY containing keys and values of the parameters of ‘Device.LocalAgent.’. No additional resolved_path_results elements are included.

  2. The second GetResp contains a single req_path_results element. The requested_path_results has no errors, has a requested_path equal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.’, and a set of resolved_path_results elements. One contains a resolved_path of ‘Device.LocalAgent.’, and a number of result_params elements contain keys and values of the parameters of ‘Device.LocalAgent.’. Additional resolved_path_results exist for each of the immediate-child sub-objects of Device.LocalAgent., with result_params containing the keys and values of each sub-object’s parameters.

  3. The third GetResp contains a single req_path_results element. The requested_path_results has no errors, has a requested_path equal to ‘Device.LocalAgent.’, and a set of resolved_path_results elements. One contains a resolved_path of ‘Device.LocalAgent.’, and a number of result_params elements contain keys and values of the parameters of ‘Device.LocalAgent.’. Additional resolved_path_results exist for each of the sub-objects of Device.LocalAgent., and their sub-objects, with result_params containing the keys and values of each sub-object’s parameters.

  4. The keys of all result_params elements are Relative Paths.

The purpose of this test is to validate that the EUT properly handles a Delete message using a search path that matches no objects.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that no Subscription objects exist in the Agent’s Instantiated Data Model with the Enable parameter set to ‘false’.

  1. Send a Delete message to the EUT with the following structure:

     header {
       msg_id: '<msg_id>'
       msg_type: DELETE
     body {
       request {
         delete {
           allow_partial: false
           obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.[Enable==false].'
  2. Allow the EUT to send an DeleteResp.

  1. The EUT sends a DeleteResp containing an empty oper_success element.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the Agent ignores unknown arguments that are included in an operate message, using Device.ScheduleTimer() as an example.

Conditional Mandatory (supports Device.ScheduleTimer() command)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send an Operate message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: OPERATE
    body {
        request {
            operate {
                command: 'Device.ScheduleTimer()'
                send_resp: true
                input_args {
                    key: 'DelaySeconds'
                    value: '10'
                input_args {
                    key: 'InvalidArgument'
                    value: '2'
  2. Wait for the EUT to send an OperateResp.

  1. The EUT sends a successful OperateResponse with ‘ScheduleTimer()’ in the executed_command element.

The purpose of this test is to ensure that the Agent will correctly use default values for non-mandatory command arguments that include defaults defined in the data model.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the TraceRoute:1 profile)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send an Operate message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: OPERATE
    body {
        request {
            operate {
                command: 'Device.IP.Diagnostics.TraceRoute()'
                command_key: 'test92'
                send_resp: true
                input_args {
                   key: 'Host'
                   value: '<remote host IP>'
                input_args {
                   key: 'ProtocolVersion'
                   value: 'Any'
  2. Allow the EUT to send an Operate Response message with an executed_command which matches the command sent in the Operate message.

  3. Do not reply to the TraceRoute ICMP requests.

  1. The EUT sends an OperateResp message with a single operation_results element containing an executed_command of ‘Device.IP.Diagnostics.TraceRoute()’ and a req_obj_path field containing a path name to the Request object created by the EUT.

  2. The EUT attempts a TraceRoute diagnostic against the supplied host name. It retries 3 times within a 1% range of a 5000 millisecond delay between each retry, which are the default values.

The purpose of this test is to ensure that the Agent will update its configuration when the conditions of a subscription are fulfilled.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.{i}.TriggerAction and Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.{i}.TriggerConfigSettings parameters)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that the traffic generator has learned the instance identifier of the Device.LocalAgent.Controller. object that represents the Controller simulated by the traffic generator.

  3. Set the Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance identifier>.ProvisioningCode to an arbitrary value that is not ‘TestValue93’.

  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:
header {
  msg_id: '<msg_id>'
  msg_type: ADD
body {
  request {
    add {
      allow_partial: false
      create_objs {
        obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
        param_settings {
          param: 'Enable'
          value: 'true'
        param_settings {
          param: 'TriggerAction'
          value: 'Config'
        param_settings {
            param: 'ID'
            value: 'notify93'
        param_settings {
            param: 'NotifType'
            value: 'ValueChange'
        param_settings {
            param: 'ReferenceList'
            value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance identifier>.ProvisioningCode'
            required: true
        param_settings {
            param: 'NotifRetry'
            value: 'true'
  1. Allow the EUT to send an AddResp

  2. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

header {
  msg_id: '<msg_id>'
  msg_type: SET
body {
  request {
    set {
      allow_partial: false
      update_objs {
        obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier from step 2>.'
        param_settings {
          param: 'TriggerConfigSettings'
          value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier from step 2>.Enable=false'
          required: true
  1. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:
header {
  msg_id: '<msg_id>'
  msg_type: SET
body {
  request {
    set {
      allow_partial: false
      update_objs {
        obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance identifier>.'
        param_settings {
          param: 'ProvisioningCode'
          value: 'TestValue93'
          required: true
  1. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:
header {
  msg_id: '<msg_id>'
  msg_type: GET
body {
  request {
    get {
      param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier from step 2>.Enable'
  1. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.
  1. The EUT sends a successful AddResp.

  2. The EUT sends a GetResp that contains a result_params element with a key of ‘Enable’ and a value set to ‘false’.

The purpose of this test is to ensure that the Agent will update its configuration and notify the Controller when the conditions of a subscription are fulfilled.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.{i}.TriggerAction and Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.{i}.TriggerConfigSettings parameters)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that the traffic generator has learned the instance identifier of the Device.LocalAgent.Controller. object that represents the Controller simulated by the traffic generator.

  3. Set the Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance identifier>.ProvisioningCode to an arbitrary value that is not ‘TestValue94’.

  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:
header {
  msg_id: '<msg_id>'
  msg_type: ADD
body {
  request {
    add {
      allow_partial: false
      create_objs {
        obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
        param_settings {
          param: 'Enable'
          value: 'true'
        param_settings {
          param: 'TriggerAction'
          value: 'NotifyAndConfig'
        param_settings {
          param: 'ID'
          value: 'notify94'
        param_settings {
          param: 'NotifType'
          value: 'ValueChange'
        param_settings {
          param: 'ReferenceList'
          value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance identifier>.ProvisioningCode'
          required: true
        param_settings {
          param: 'NotifRetry'
          value: 'true'
  1. Allow the EUT to send an AddResp

  2. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

header {
  msg_id: '<msg_id>'
  msg_type: SET
body {
  request {
    set {
      allow_partial: false
      update_objs {
        obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier from step 2>.'
        param_settings {
          param: 'TriggerConfigSettings'
          value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier from step 2>.Enable=false'
          required: true
  1. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:
header {
  msg_id: '<msg_id>'
  msg_type: SET
body {
  request {
    set {
      allow_partial: false
      update_objs {
        obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance identifier>.'
        param_settings {
          param: 'ProvisioningCode'
          value: 'TestValue94'
          required: true
  1. Allow the EUT to send a Notify message.

  2. Send a NotifyResp to the EUT.

  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

header {
  msg_id: '<msg_id>'
  msg_type: GET
body {
  request {
    get {
      param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier from step 2>.Enable'
  1. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.
  1. The EUT sends a successful AddResp.

  2. The EUT sends a Notify message with a subscription_id field equal to ‘Notify94’, and an event element of value_change with a param_path of ‘Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<instance identifier>.ProvisioningCode’ and a param_value of ‘TestValue94’.

  3. The EUT sends a GetResp that contains a result_params element with a key of ‘Enable’ and a value set to ‘false’.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT properly handles an Add message that contains a search expression.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that the EUT has at least two Controller instances in its Device.LocalAgent.Controller.{i}. table.

  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:
header {
  msg_id: '<msg_id>'
  msg_type: ADD
body {
  request {
    add {
      allow_partial: false
      create_objs {
        obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.[Enable==true].BootParameter.'
        param_settings {
          param: 'Enable'
          value: 'true'
        param_settings {
          param: 'ParameterName'
          value: 'Device.LocalAgent.SoftwareVersion'
  1. Allow the EUT to send an AddResp.

  2. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

header {
  msg_id: '<msg_id>'
  msg_type: GET
body {
  request {
    get {
      param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.*.BootParameter.'
  1. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.
  1. The AddResp contains at least one CreatedObjectResult object that has an OperationStatus that has an element of type OperationSuccess.

  2. The EUT sends a GetResp that contains the new BootParameter object.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT does not allow a non-functional unique key to be changed.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:
header {
  msg_id: '<msg_id>'
  msg_type: ADD

body {
  request {
    add {
      allow_partial: false
      create_objs {
        obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
        param_settings {
          param: 'ID'
          value: 'add96'
  1. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:
header {
  msg_id: '<msg_id>'
  msg_type: GET
body {
  request {
    get {
      param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier>.'
  1. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:
header {
  msg_id: '<msg_id>'
  msg_type: SET

body {
  request {
    set {
      allow_partial: false
      update_objs {
        obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance identifier from step 1>.'
        param_settings {
        param: 'ID'
        value: 'add96-NEW'
        required: true
  1. Allow the EUT to send an Error.
  1. The EUT sends an Error indicating it did not allow a non-functional unique key to be changed.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT provides correctly formatted input arguments for commands returned in GetSupportedDM Resp.

Conditionally Mandatory (Supports a command that includes one or more input arguments)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send a GetSupportedDM to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg id>'
        msg_type: GET_SUPPORTED_DM
    body {
        request {
            get_supported_dm {
                first_level_only: false
                return_commands: true
                return_events: false
                return_params: false
  1. The EUT sends a GetSupportedDMResp message with one or more req_obj_results specifying its entire supported data model, listing only commands.
  2. Each SupportedCommandResult field contains a command_name field, an input_arg_names field, an output_arg_names field, and a command_type field.
  3. The command_type field indicates if the command is asynchronous or synchronous.
  4. At least one input_arg_fields contains a list of one or more input arguments. The input arguments are relative paths.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT provides correctly formatted fields for events returned in GetSupportedDM Resp.

Conditionally Mandatory (Supports an event that includes one or more arguments)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send a GetSupportedDM to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg id>'
        msg_type: GET_SUPPORTED_DM
    body {
        request {
            get_supported_dm {
                first_level_only: false
                return_commands: false
                return_events: true
                return_params: false
  1. The EUT sends a GetSupportedDMResp message with one or more req_obj_results specifying its entire supported data model, listing only events.
  2. Each SupportedEventResult field contains the event_name field and an arg_names field.
  3. At least one arg_names field contains a list of one or more arguments. The arguments are relative paths.

2 Authentication and Access Control Test Cases

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT does not respond to a USP message when the from_id is the EUT endpoint ID.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send a message to the EUT with the following record structure:

        to_id: '<EUT_ID>'
        from_id: '<EUT_ID>'
        session_context {
            # ...
  1. The EUT does not respond to the message.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT does not respond to a USP message when the USP record doesn’t contain a the EUT to_id.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send a message to the EUT with the following record structure:

        to_id: '<invalid ID>'
        from_id: '<EUT_ID>'
        # ...
  1. The EUT does not respond to the USP message.

The purpose of this test is to ensure that the EUT doesn’t process a USP message when the EUT does not possess the Controller’s certificate information.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Simulate a second Controller whose credentials are signed by an untrusted certificate authority.
  3. Ensure that the UntrustedRole feature is either unsupported or disabled in the EUT.
  1. Send a Get message from the second simulated Controller to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.'
  1. Ensure the EUT does not respond to the Get message.

The purpose of this test is to ensure that the EUT rejects a message from an Endpoint ID that doesn’t match the subjectAltName in the provided certificate.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send a Get message to the EUT using a certificate with a subjectAltName that does not match the Controller’s Endpoint ID.
  1. The EUT does not respond to the Get message.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT can handle self-signed certificates.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure the is configured to use a self-signed certificate and Endpoint ID that the EUT has not seen.
  1. Send a Get message to the EUT using a self-signed cert with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.'
  1. The EUT responds to the Get with a GetResponse containing a ‘Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.{i}.Alias’ parameter.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT can communicate with a Controller if it cannot obtain an absolute time.

Conditional Mandatory (Supports USP Session Context)

  1. The EUT is booted into a test environment where it cannot resolve absolute time.
  2. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  3. Ensure the Controller is configured to use an expired certificate.
  1. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.'
  1. The EUT responds to the Get message with a GetResponse, ignoring the expired dates on the certificate.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT will ignore a USP record when the signature field is invalid.

Conditional Mandatory (Supports USP Session Context)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send a Get message to the EUT with an invalid signature value.
  1. The EUT does not respond to the Get message.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT rejects TLS connections when an Endpoint’s TLS certificate is invalid.

Conditional Mandatory (Supports USP Session Context)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure that the EUT has obtained an absolute time reference.
  1. Send a Get message to the EUT with an expired TLS certificate.
  1. The EUT doesn’t respond to the Get message.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT correctly assigns new a Role of Untrusted.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the ControllerTrust:1 profile)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Using a secondary Controller, connect to the EUT and send an Get message.

  2. Using the primary trusted Controller send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.'
  1. Ensure the Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<secondary Controller instance>.AssignedRole matches the value of Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.UntrustedRole.

The purpose of this test is to ensure that the Add message can be used to add new Roles to the EUT data model.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the ControllerTrust:1 profile)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send a Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: ADD
    body {
        request {
            add {
                allow_partial: false
                create_objs {
                    obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.'
                    param_settings {
                        param: 'Enable'
                        value: 'true'
                    param_settings {
                        param: 'Name'
                        value: 'Trusted'
  1. The EUT correctly sent an AddResponse with a new Role instance.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT adheres to permissions set to allow the creation of a particular object.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the ControllerTrust:1 profile with at least one role that allows object creation, or supports writable parameters in Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.{i}.Role.{i}.)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure the Controller used for testing has an assigned Role that is writable.
  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: ADD
    body {
        request {
            add {
                allow_partial: false
                create_objs {
                    obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.<Controller Role instance>.Permission.'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Enable'
                            value: 'true'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Targets'
                            value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Obj'
                            value: 'rw--'
  2. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: ADD
    body {
        request {
            add {
                allow_partial: false
                create_objs {
                    obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
  1. The EUT sends an AddResponse with a oper_success element containing a new Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.{i}.Permission. object in step 1.
  2. The EUT sends an AddResponse with a oper_success element containing a new Device.LocalAgent.Subscription. object in step 2.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT adheres to permissions set to restrict the creation of a particular object.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the ControllerTrust:1 profile with at least one role that allows object creation, or supports writable parameters in Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.{i}.Role.{i}.)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure the Controller used for testing has an assigned Role that is writable.
  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:
header {
    msg_id: '<msg_id>'
    msg_type: ADD
body {
    request {
        add {
            allow_partial: false
            create_objs {
                obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.<Controller Role instance>.Permission.'
                param_settings {
                        param: 'Enable'
                        value: 'true'
                param_settings {
                        param: 'Targets'
                        value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
                param_settings {
                        param: 'Obj'
                        value: 'r---'
  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:
header {
    msg_id: '<msg_id>'
    msg_type: ADD
body {
    request {
        add {
            allow_partial: false
            create_objs {
                obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
  1. The EUT sends an AddResponse with a oper_success element containing a new Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.{i}.Permission. object in step 1.
  2. The EUT sends an Error containing type ‘7006’ - Permission Denied.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT adheres to permissions set to allow the deletion of a particular object.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the ControllerTrust:1 profile with at least one role that allows object creation, or supports writable parameters in Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.{i}.Role.{i}.)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure the Controller used for testing has an assigned Role that is writable.
  3. Ensure there is one or more Subscription object that can be deleted.
  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: ADD
    body {
        request {
            add {
                allow_partial: false
                create_objs {
                    obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.<Controller Role instance>.Permission.'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Enable'
                            value: 'true'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Targets'
                            value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'InstantiatedObj'
                            value: 'rw--'
  2. Send an Delete message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: DELETE
    body {
        request {
            delete {
                allow_partial: false
                obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<subscription to delete>'
  1. The EUT sends an AddResponse with a oper_success element containing a new Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.{i}.Permission. object in step 1.
  2. The EUT sends an DeleteResponse with a oper_success element containing the Device.LocalAgent.Subscription. object in step 2.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT adheres to permissions set to restrict the deletion of a particular object.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the ControllerTrust:1 profile with at least one role that allows object creation, or supports writable parameters in Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.{i}.Role.{i}.)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure the Controller used for testing has an assigned Role that is writable.
  3. Ensure there is one or more Subscription object that can be deleted.
  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: ADD
    body {
        request {
            add {
                allow_partial: false
                create_objs {
                    obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.<Controller Role instance>.Permission.'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Enable'
                            value: 'true'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Targets'
                            value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'InstantiatedObj'
                            value: 'r---'
  2. Send an Delete message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: DELETE
    body {
        request {
            delete {
                allow_partial: false
                obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<subscription to delete>'
  1. The EUT sends an AddResponse with a oper_success element containing a new Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.{i}.Permission. object in step 1.
  2. The EUT sends an Error containing type ‘7006’ - Permission Denied.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT adheres to permissions set to allow the update of a particular object.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the ControllerTrust:1 profile with at least one role that allows object creation, or supports writable parameters in Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.{i}.Role.{i}.)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure the Controller used for testing has an assigned Role that is writable.
  3. Ensure there is one or more Subscription object that can be edited.
  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: ADD
    body {
        request {
            add {
                allow_partial: false
                create_objs {
                    obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.<Controller Role instance>.Permission.'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Enable'
                            value: 'true'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Targets'
                            value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance that can be edited>.'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Param'
                            value: 'rw--'
  2. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: SET
    body {
        request {
            set {
                allow_partial: false
                update_objs {
                        obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance that can be edited>.'
                        param_settings {
                                param: 'Enable'
                                value: '<negation of previous value>'
                                required: true
  1. The EUT sends an AddResponse with a oper_success element containing a new Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.{i}.Permission. object in step 1.
  2. The EUT sends a SetResponse with a oper_success element containing Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.{i}.Enable in step 2.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT adheres to permissions set to restrict the update of a particular object.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the ControllerTrust:1 profile with at least one role that allows object creation, or supports writable parameters in Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.{i}.Role.{i}.)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure the Controller used for testing has an assigned Role that is writable.
  3. Ensure there is one or more Subscription object that can be edited.
  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: ADD
    body {
        request {
            add {
                allow_partial: false
                create_objs {
                    obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.<Controller Role instance>.Permission.'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Enable'
                            value: 'true'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Targets'
                            value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance that can be edited>.'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Param'
                            value: 'r---'
  2. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: SET
    body {
        request {
            set {
                allow_partial: false
                update_objs {
                        obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance that can be edited>.'
                        param_settings {
                                param: 'Enable'
                                value: '<negation of previous value>'
                                required: true
  1. The EUT sends an AddResponse with a oper_success element containing a new Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.{i}.Permission. object in step 1.
  2. The EUT sends an Error containing type ‘7006’ - Permission Denied.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT adheres to permissions set to allow the invocation of commands on a particular object.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the ControllerTrust:1 profile with at least one role that allows object creation, or supports writable parameters in Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.{i}.Role.{i}.)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure the Controller used for testing has an assigned Role that is writable.
  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: ADD
    body {
        request {
            add {
                allow_partial: false
                create_objs {
                    obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.<Controller Role instance>.Permission.'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Enable'
                            value: 'true'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Targets'
                            value: 'Device.Reboot()'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'CommandEvent'
                            value: 'r-x-'
  2. Send an Operate message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: OPERATE
    body {
        request {
            operate {
                command: 'Device.Reboot()'
                send_resp: true
  1. The EUT sends an AddResponse with a oper_success element containing a new Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.{i}.Permission. object in step 1.
  2. The EUT sends an OperateResponse with a req_output_args element in step 2.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT adheres to permissions set to restrict the invocation of commands on a particular object.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the ControllerTrust:1 profile with at least one role that allows object creation, or supports writable parameters in Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.{i}.Role.{i}.)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure the Controller used for testing has an assigned Role that is writable.
  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: ADD
    body {
        request {
            add {
                allow_partial: false
                create_objs {
                    obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.<Controller Role instance>.Permission.'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Enable'
                            value: 'true'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Targets'
                            value: 'Device.Reboot()'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'CommandEvent'
                            value: 'r---'
  2. Send an Operate message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: OPERATE
    body {
        request {
            operate {
                command: 'Device.Reboot()'
  1. The EUT sends an AddResponse with a oper_success element containing a new Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.{i}.Permission. object in step 1.
  2. The EUT sends an OperateResponse message containing a cmd_failure element with an appropriate error code.

NOTE: The behavior required in Metric 2 was updated in USP 1.4, and was updated here to ensure that implementations seeking certification would use the correct behavior. If an implementation using USP 1.3 or earlier is tested against this test case, it MAY respond with a USP Error Message instead.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT adheres to permissions set to allow a Controller to subscribe to the ValueChange notification of a particular parameter.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the ControllerTrust:1 profile with at least one role that allows object creation, or supports writable parameters in Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.{i}.Role.{i}.)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure the Controller used for testing has an assigned Role that is writable.
  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: ADD
    body {
        request {
            add {
                allow_partial: false
                create_objs {
                    obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.<Controller Role instance>.Permission.'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Enable'
                            value: 'true'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Targets'
                            value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<Controller instance id>.PeriodicNotifInterval'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Param'
                            value: 'rw-n'
  2. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: ADD
    body {
        request {
            add {
                allow_partial: false
                create_objs {
                    obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Enable'
                            value: 'true'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'NotifType'
                            value: 'ValueChange'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'ReferenceList'
                            value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<Controller instance id>.PeriodicNotifInterval'
  3. Send a Set message to the EUT, setting Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<Controller instance id>.PeriodicNotifInterval to a new value.

  4. Wait for a Notification from the EUT.

  1. The EUT sends an AddResponse with an oper_success element containing a new Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.{i}.Permission. object in step 1.
  2. The EUT sends an AddResponse with an oper_success element containing a new Device.LocalAgent.Subscription. object in step 2.
  3. The EUT sends a SetResponse with an oper_success element with the path ‘Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<Controller instance id>.PeriodicNotifInterval’.
  4. The EUT sends a Notify message with a value_change element pointing to ‘Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<Controller instance>.PeriodicNotifInterval’.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT adheres to permissions set to restrict a Controller from subscribing to the ValueChange notification of a particular parameter.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the ControllerTrust:1 profile with at least one role that allows object creation, or supports writable parameters in Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.{i}.Role.{i}.)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure the Controller used for testing has an assigned Role that is writable.
  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: ADD
    body {
        request {
            add {
                allow_partial: false
                create_objs {
                    obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.<Controller Role instance>.Permission.'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Enable'
                            value: 'true'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Targets'
                            value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<Controller instance id>.PeriodicNotifInterval'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Param'
                            value: 'rw--'
  2. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: ADD
    body {
        request {
            add {
                allow_partial: false
                create_objs {
                    obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Enable'
                            value: 'true'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'NotifType'
                            value: 'ValueChange'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'ReferenceList'
                            value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<Controller instance id>.PeriodicNotifInterval'
  3. Send a Set message to the EUT, setting Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<Controller instance id>.PeriodicNotifInterval to a new value.

  4. Wait 30 seconds.

  1. The EUT sends an AddResponse with an oper_success element containing a new Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.{i}.Permission. object in step 1.
  2. The EUT sends an AddResponse with an oper_success element containing a new Device.LocalAgent.Subscription. object in step 2.
  3. The EUT sends a SetResponse with an oper_success element with the path ‘Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<Controller instance id>.PeriodicNotifInterval’.
  4. The EUT does not send a Notify message with a value_change element pointing to ‘Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<Controller instance>.PeriodicNotifInterval’.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT allows for the creation of Permission instances, and when Permissions overlap the EUT behaves correctly.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the ControllerTrust:1 profile with at least one role that allows object creation, or supports writable parameters in Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.{i}.Role.{i}.)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure the Controller used for testing has an assigned Role that is writable.
  3. Ensure there is at least one BootParameter configured.
  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: ADD
    body {
        request {
            add {
                allow_partial: false
                create_objs {
                    obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.<Controller id>.Role.Permission.'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Enable'
                            value: 'true'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Targets'
                            value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<Controller instance id>.BootParameter.<boot parameter instance>.'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Param'
                            value: '----'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Order'
                            value: '<lowest available value>'
                create_objs {
                    obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.<Controller id>.Role.Permission.'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Enable'
                            value: 'true'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Targets'
                            value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<Controller instance id>.BootParameter.<boot parameter instance>.'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Param'
                            value: 'rw--'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Order'
                            value: '<value which is higher than the Order value set in the other Permission instance>'
  2. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<Controller instance ID>.BootParameter.'
  3. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: ADD
    body {
        request {
            add {
                allow_partial: false
                create_objs {
                    obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.<Controller id>.Role.Permission.'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Enable'
                            value: 'true'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Targets'
                            value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<Controller instance id>.BootParameter.<boot parameter instance>.'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Param'
                            value: '----'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Order'
                            value: '<value which is higher than both Order values set in step 1>'
  4. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<Controller instance ID>.BootParameter.'
  1. The EUT sends an AddResponse message after step 1. The message contains two oper_success elements, one for each added permission.
  2. The EUT sends a GetResponse with a result_params element containing parameters of the specified BootParameter instance.
  3. The EUT sends an AddResponse message after step 3. The message contains an oper_success element.
  4. The EUT sends a GetResponse that does not contain the specified BootParameter instance.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT correctly returns parameters that are readable while ignoring parameters that do not have read permissions.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the ControllerTrust:1 profile with at least one role that allows object creation, or supports writable parameters in Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.{i}.Role.{i}.)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure the Controller used for testing has an assigned Role that is writable.
  3. Ensure there is at least one BootParameter configured.
  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: ADD
    body {
        request {
            add {
                allow_partial: false
                create_objs {
                        obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.<Controller trust instance>.Permission.'
                        param_settings {
                                param: 'Enable'
                                value: 'true'
                        param_settings {
                                param: 'Targets'
                                value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<Controller instance ID>.BootParameter.<known instance>.'
                        param_settings {
                                param: 'Param'
                                value: 'rw--'
                create_objs {
                        obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.<Controller trust instance>.Permission.'
                        param_settings {
                                param: 'Enable'
                                value: 'true'
                        param_settings {
                                param: 'Targets'
                                value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<Controller instance ID>.BootParameter.<known instance>.ParameterName'
                        param_settings {
                                param: 'Param'
                                value: '----'
  2. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<Controller instance ID>.BootParameter.<known instance>.'
  1. The EUT sends an AddResponse message after step 1. The message contains a oper_success element for the added Permission.
  2. The EUT sends a GetResponse with a result_params element containing parameters of the specified BootParameter instance, with the exception of the ‘ParameterName’ parameter.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT properly handles an add message with a search path with allow_partial set to true when some objects fail to be added.

Conditionally Mandatory (supports the ControllerTrust:1 profile with at least one role that allows object creation, or supports writable parameters in Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.{i}.Role.{i}.)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure the Controller used for testing has an assigned Role that is writable.

  3. Ensure that the EUT has at least two Controller instances in its Device.LocalAgent.Controller.{i}. table.

  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: ADD
    body {
        request {
            add {
                allow_partial: false
                create_objs {
                    obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.<Controller Role instance>.Permission.'
                    param_settings {
                        param: 'Enable'
                        value: 'true'
                    param_settings {
                        param: 'Targets'
                        value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<Controller instance id>.BootParameter.'
                    param_settings {
                        param: 'Param'
                        value: 'rw--'
                    param_settings {
                        param: 'Order'
                        value: '1'
                create_objs {
                    obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.<Controller Role instance>.Permission.'
                    param_settings {
                        param: 'Enable'
                        value: 'true'
                    param_settings {
                        param: 'Targets'
                        value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<Second Controller id>.BootParameter.'
                    param_settings {
                        param: 'Param'
                        value: 'r---'
                    param_settings {
                        param: 'Order'
                        value: '1'
  2. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: ADD
    body {
        request {
            add {
                allow_partial: true
                create_objs {
                    obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.*.BootParameter'
  3. Allow the EUT to send an AddResp.

  1. The EUT sends an AddResponse message after step 1. The message contains two oper_success elements, one for each added permission.

  2. The AddResp in step 3 contains two CreatedObjectResults. One CreateObjectResult is an element of type OperationSuccess. The OperationSuccess element contains an instantiated_path element containing the new BootParameter object under Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<Controller instance id>.

  3. The other CreateObjectResult is an element of type OperationFailure. The OperationFailure element contains an err_code of ‘7006’, ‘Permission Denied’

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT properly handles an add message with a search path with allow_partial set to false when some objects fail to be added.

Conditionally Mandatory (supports the ControllerTrust:1 profile with at least one role that allows object creation, or supports writable parameters in Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.{i}.Role.{i}.)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure the Controller used for testing has an assigned Role that is writable.

  3. Ensure that the EUT has at least two Controller instances in its Device.LocalAgent.Controller.{i}. table.

  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: ADD
    body {
        request {
            add {
                allow_partial: false
                create_objs {
                    obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.<Controller Role instance>.Permission.'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Enable'
                            value: 'true'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Targets'
                            value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<Controller instance id>.BootParameter.'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Param'
                            value: 'rw--'
        param_settings {
                            param: 'Order'
                            value: '1'
        create_objs {
                    obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.<Controller Role instance>.Permission.'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Enable'
                            value: 'true'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Targets'
                            value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<Second Controller id>.BootParameter.'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Param'
                            value: 'r---'
        param_settings {
                            param: 'Order'
                            value: '1'
  2. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: ADD
    body {
        request {
            add {
                allow_partial: false
                create_objs {
                    obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.*.BootParameter'
  3. Allow the EUT to send an Error.

  4. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.*.BootParameter.'
  5. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  1. The EUT sends an AddResponse message after step 1. The message contains two oper_success elements, one for each added permission.

  2. The EUT sends an Error message in step 3. The Error message contains an err_code of 7006, ‘Permission Denied’, with the param_errs element containing a single error with a param_path of ‘Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<Secondary Controller id>.BootParameter’, and an err_code of 7006, ‘Permission Denied’.

  3. The EUT did not create any new BootParameter objects.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT properly handles an add message when a parameter within the added object cannot be written to and the parameter is omitted from the Add message.

Conditionally Mandatory (supports the ControllerTrust:1 profile with at least one role that allows object creation, or supports writable parameters in Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.{i}.Role.{i}.)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure the Controller used for testing has an assigned Role that is writable.

  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: ADD
    body {
        request {
            add {
                allow_partial: false
                create_objs {
                    obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.<Controller Role instance>.Permission.'
                    param_settings {
                        param: 'Enable'
                        value: 'true'
                    param_settings {
                        param: 'Targets'
                        value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.*.Enable'
                    param_settings {
                        param: 'Param'
                        value: 'r---'
                    param_settings {
                        param: 'Order'
                        value: '1'
  2. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: ADD
    body {
        request {
            add {
                allow_partial: false
                create_objs {
                    obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
                    param_settings {
                        param: 'ID'
                        value: 'add1'
                    param_settings {
                        param: 'NotifType'
                        value: 'ValueChange'
                    param_settings {
                        param: 'ReferenceList'
                        value: 'Device.LocalAgent.SoftwareVersion'
                        required: true
  3. Allow the EUT to send an AddResp.

  4. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.<instance from step 3>.Enable'
  1. The EUT sends an AddResponse with a oper_success element containing a new Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.{i}.Permission. object in step 1.

  2. The EUT sends an AddResp message with an oper_success element containing a new Device.LocalAgent.Subscription. object.

  3. The EUT sends a GetResp with a value of “false” for the Enable parameter of the new Subscription object.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT properly handles an add message when a parameter within the added object cannot be written to and the parameter is included in the Add message.

Conditionally Mandatory (supports the ControllerTrust:1 profile with at least one role that allows object creation, or supports writable parameters in Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.{i}.Role.{i}.)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure the Controller used for testing has an assigned Role that is writable.

  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: ADD
    body {
        request {
            add {
                allow_partial: false
                create_objs {
                    obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.<Controller Role instance>.Permission.'
                    param_settings {
                        param: 'Enable'
                        value: 'true'
                    param_settings {
                        param: 'Targets'
                        value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.*.Enable'
                    param_settings {
                        param: 'Param'
                        value: 'r---'
                    param_settings {
                        param: 'Order'
                        value: '1'
  2. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: ADD
    body {
        request {
            add {
                allow_partial: true
                create_objs {
                    obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
                    param_settings {
                        param: 'ID'
                        value: 'add26'
                    param_settings {
                        param: 'NotifType'
                        value: 'ValueChange'
                    param_settings {
                        param: 'ReferenceList'
                        value: 'Device.LocalAgent.SoftwareVersion'
                        required: true
                    param_settings {
                        param: 'Enable'
                        value: 'true'
                        required: true
  3. Allow the EUT to send an AddResp.

  4. Send a Get message to the EUT with the request path of ‘Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.’.

  1. The EUT sends an AddResponse with an oper_success element containing a new Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.{i}.Permission. object in step 1.

  2. The AddResp contains a single CreatedObjectResult that has an OperationStatus that is an element of type OperationFailure. The OperationFailure element contains an err_code of ‘7006’ ‘Permission Denied’.

  3. The GetResp from the EUT does not contain a Subscription instance with ID ‘add26’.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT shares secured parameters with a Controller which is assigned the SecuredRole.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the ControllerTrust:1 profile, Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.SecuredRoles, and a parameter with the secured attribute)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.

  2. Ensure that the EUT has two Controller instances in its Device.LocalAgent.Controller.{i}. table, and that both Controllers can be simulated by the test equipment. Consider one to be the primary Controller, and the other to be the secondary Controller.

  3. Ensure that the EUT supports a parameter with the secured attribute. Ensure that the secondary Controller is assigned a Role that can read the secured parameter. The Role is not added to the Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.SecuredRoles parameter.

  1. The secondary Controller sends a Get message to the EUT for the secured parameter from test setup.

  2. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  3. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: SET
    body {
        request {
            set {
                allow_partial: false
                update_objs {
                    obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.'
                    param_settings {
                        param:  'SecuredRoles'
                        value: '<Role object from test setup>'
                        required: true
  4. The secondary Controller sends a Get message to the EUT for the secured parameter from test setup.

  5. Allow the EUT to send a GetResp.

  1. The EUT sends a GetResp that contains an empty string in place of a value for the secured parameter when the Controller’s Role is not in the SecuredRoles list.

  2. The EUT sends a GetResp that contains the value for the secured parameter when the Controller’s Role is in the SecuredRoles list.

3 USP Record Test Cases

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT correctly responds to a bad request outside a session context.


  1. Ensure the EUT is configured to not use a session context.
  2. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send a malformed USP Record to the EUT.
  1. The EUT either ignores the malformed record or sends a USP Record Error.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT verifies the integrity of the non-payload fields in a USP record.

‘Conditional Mandatory (supports Secure Message Exchange using TLS for USP Record Integrity)’

  1. Ensure the relevant equipment are configured to NOT provide integrity protection at the MTP layer.
  2. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP records to each other.
  1. Send a Get message to the EUT with a payload_security of PLAINTEXT.
  1. After the EUT receives the USP record, it exhibits the expected ‘bad request’ behavior for the applicable MTP.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT handles an attempt to start a session context with an invalid mac_signature.

‘Conditional Mandatory (supports Secure Message Exchange using TLS for USP Record Integrity)’

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP records to each other.
  1. Send a TLS ‘client hello’ to the EUT to begin a session context as described in ‘End to End Message Exchange’ in TR-369 with an invalid mac_signature.
  1. After the EUT receives the USP record, it exhibits the expected ‘bad request’ behavior for the applicable MTP.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT uses TLS to validate the integrity of USP records when the payload_security is TLS and the TLS handshake has completed.

‘Conditional Mandatory (supports Secure Message Exchange using TLS for USP Record Integrity)’

  1. Ensure the EUT and controller are configured to secure the USP record payload with TLS.
  1. Start a E2E session with the EUT using TLS to secure the payload.

  2. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.'
  1. In the GetResponse sent by the EUT, the mac_signature in the USP Record secures the non-payload fields via the MAC mechanism.
  2. The mac_signature in the USP record sent by the EUT validates the integrity of the non-payload fields.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT behaves correctly when the TLS session used to encapsulate the payload cannot be established.

‘Conditional Mandatory (supports Secure Message Exchange using TLS for USP Record Integrity)’

  1. Configure the controller to use TLS12 as a payload_security.
  2. Ensure PeriodicNotifInterval is ‘60’, and the controller used for testing is subscribed to Periodic Event Notification.
  1. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<controller instance>.E2ESession.'
  2. Attempt to establish a new secure session with the EUT using TLS payload encapsulation.

  3. Configure the controller to send TLS alerts during the TLS handshake process.

  4. Wait for the EUT to attempt to start a session with the controller.

  5. Allow the controller to send a TLS alert to the EUT and for the session to terminate.

  6. Configure the controller to not send a TLS alert.

  7. Wait for the EUT to retry establishing a E2E session.

  1. After sending the client certificate to the EUT, the EUT sends a TLS alert, terminating the session.
  2. After step 5, the EUT waits before retrying the session in accordance with the ‘SessionRetry’ parameters found in step 1.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT does not accept TLS renegotiation. frames during a E2E message exchange.

‘Conditional Mandatory (supports Secure Message Exchange using TLS for USP Record Integrity)’

  1. Ensure both the EUT and the controller are configured to use TLS payload security.
  1. Establish a E2E session with the EUT.

  2. Send a request to renegotiate TLS in place of the payload.

  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.DeviceInfo.'
  4. Wait for a GetResponse from the EUT.

  1. Between sending the TLS renegotiation request and receiving the GetResponse, the EUT either sends no records, or sends a TLS alert of type no_renegotiation(100).

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT correctly uses X.509 certificates to authenticate other endpoints, and in turn provides a X.509 certificate for the purpose of authentication.

‘Conditional Mandatory (supports Secure Message Exchange using TLS for USP Record Integrity)’

  1. Ensure the EUT and controller are configured to use TLS payload security.
  1. Configure the controller to provide a X.509 certificate with a subjectAltName that does not match the controller’s USP endpoint ID.

  2. Attempt to start a session with the EUT and send a Get message with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.DeviceInfo.'
  1. During the TLS handshake the EUT provides a X.509 certificate with a subjectAltName that matches the endpoint ID of the EUT.
  2. During the TLS handshake the EUT requests a X.509 certificate from the controller.
  3. The EUT rejects the controller’s certificate.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT can use a session context to exchange USP messages.

Conditional Mandatory (supports USP session context)

  1. Ensure the EUT and controller have the necessary information to establish a connection and exchange USP messages.
  2. Ensure at the start of the test there is no existing session context between the EUT and controller.
  1. Start a session context with the EUT and send a Get message with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.DeviceInfo.'
  1. After step 1, the EUT responds with a USP record containing a session context, a sequence_number of 1 and a session_id that matched the session identifier sent to the EUT.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT correctly handles the receiving of a USP record outside of a session context.

Conditional Mandatory (supports USP session context)

  1. Ensure the EUT and controller have the necessary information to establish a session and exchange USP messages.
  1. Start a session with the EUT using a session context.

  2. Send a Get message to the EUT for Device.DeviceInfo. using a USP Record with the following structure:

    Record {
          session_context {
            session_id: <new_session_id>
            sequence_id:  1
            expected_id:  1
            payload {
                #  ...
  1. The EUT sends the GetResponse in a USP Record using the new session_id and a sequence_id of 1.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT correctly adheres to the SessionExpiration parameter.

Conditional Mandatory (supports USP session context)

  1. Ensure the EUT and controller have the necessary information required to start a session and exchange USP records.
  2. Ensure the controller is subscribed to Periodic! event.
  1. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: SET
    body {
        request {
            set {
                update_objs {
                        obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<controller instance>.E2ESession.'
                        param_settings {
                                param: 'SessionExpiration'
                                value: '60'
                update_objs {
                        obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<controller instance>.'
                        param_settings {
                                param: 'PeriodicNotifInterval'
                                value: '10'
  2. Wait for 3 Notify messages from the EUT containing a Periodic! event.

  3. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: SET
    body {
        request {
            set {
                update_objs {
                        obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<controller instance>.E2ESession.'
                        param_settings: {
                                param: 'SessionExpiration'
                                value: '5'
                update_objs {
                        obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<controller instance>.'
                        param_settings {
                                param: 'PeriodicNotifInterval'
                                value: '10'
  4. Wait for 3 Notify messages from the EUT containing a Periodic! event.

  1. All three Notify messages received in step 2 use the same session context.
  2. None of the three Notify messages received in step 4 shared the same session context.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT correctly uses the sequence_id and expected_id attributes found in a session context.

Conditional Mandatory (supports USP session context)

  1. Ensure the EUT and controller have the necessary information to start a session and exchange USP messages.
  2. Ensure the controller is not subscribed to any events on the EUT.
  1. Start a new session by sending a Get message to the EUT with sequence_id and expected_id set to 1 for ‘Device.DeviceInfo.ModelNumber’.
  2. Send a Get message to the EUT with the sequence_id and expected_id set to 4 for ‘Device.DeviceInfo.SoftwareVersion’.
  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with the sequence_id and expected_id set to 2 for ‘Device.DeviceInfo.HardwareVersion’.
  4. Send a Get message to the EUT with the sequence_id and expected_id set to 3 for ‘Device.DeviceInfo.HardwareVersion’.
  1. After step 1, the EUT returns a GetResponse with a sequence_id of 1 containing the parameter ‘Device.DeviceInfo.ModelNumber’.
  2. The EUT buffers the Get message sent in step 2 and does not immediately respond.
  3. After step 3, The EUT sends a GetResponse with a sequence_id of 2 containing the parameter ‘Device.DeviceInfo.HardwareVersion’.
  4. After step 4, the EUT sends a GetResponse with a sequence_id of 3 containing the parameter ‘Device.DeviceInfo.HardwareVersion’. The EUT then sends a GetResponse for the buffered Get message from step 2 with a sequence_id of 4 containing the parameter ‘Device.DeviceInfo.SoftwareVersion’.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT preserves a sent record in the event the receiving endpoint requests a retransmission.

Conditional Mandatory (supports USP session context)

  1. Ensure the EUT and controller have the necessary information to start a session an exchange USP messages.
  1. Start a new session.

  2. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.DeviceInfo.'
  3. Wait 60 seconds.

  4. Send a USP record to the EUT with a retransmit_id set to the expected_id value in the record sent in step 1.

  1. The EUT sends the same GetResponse twice, once after step 2 and once after step 4.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT does not accept USP Records that have a different payload_security value than the that of the established session context.

Conditional Mandatory (supports Secure Message Exchange using TLS for USP Record Integrity)

  1. Ensure the EUT and controller have the necessary information to start a session and exchange USP messages.
  2. Ensure the EUT and controller have the necessary information to secure the USP record payload using TLS.
  1. Starts a session with the EUT using payload_security TLS12.
  2. After the session is established, send the following Get message for any valid parameter using payload_security PLAINTEXT and a plaintext payload.
  1. The EUT does not send a GetResponse.
  2. The EUT starts a new session after step 2.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT correctly uses the retransmit_id value in a USP record and adheres to the related parameters in the data model.

Conditionality Mandatory (supports session context)

  1. Ensure the EUT and controller have the necessary information to start a session and exchange USP messages.
  1. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: SET
    body {
        request {
            set {
                update_objs {
                        obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<controller instance>.E2ESession.'
                        param_settings {
                                param: 'MaxRetransmitTries'
                                value: '2'
  2. Wait for a SetResponse

  3. Send a USP record with a retransmit_id set to the value of the sequence_id found in the SetResponse in step 2.

  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 twice more.

  1. The first three SetResponse messages are sent in the same session context.
  2. On the third retransmit request, the EUT doesn’t send a SetResponse and instead starts a new session with the controller.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT can correctly handle receiving duplicate records.

Conditional Mandatory (supports USP session context)

  1. Ensure the EUT and controller have the necessary information to start session and exchange USP messages.
  1. Start a session with the EUT.
  2. Send a Get message to the EUT requesting a parameter that is known to exist.
  3. Retransmit the same USP record sent in step 2 to the EUT, using the same non-payload USP record field values.
  4. Repeat step 3 twice more.
  1. The EUT send only one GetResponse.

4 General MTP Test Cases

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT can use X.509 certificates to secure communication at the MTP layer.


  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure that the use of MTP layer encryption is enabled on the EUT.
  1. Send a GetSupportedProtocol message to the EUT with the following structure:
header {
    msg_id: '<msg_id>'
body {
    request {
        get_supported_protocol {
            controller_supported_protocol_versions: '<comma separated list of test controller versions>'
  1. The EUT processes the certificate and establishes a secure TLS connection at the MTP layer.

5 CoAP Test Cases (DEPRECATED)

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT can properly use CoAP to transport USP Records.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the CoAP MTP)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. The EUT and Controller are configured to communicate over CoAP.
  1. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.'
  2. Wait for a GetResponse

  1. The GetResponse is encapsulated in a CoAP message.
  2. The CoAP message used transport the GetResponse uses ‘application/octet-stream’ for Content-Format.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT properly segments large USP records and transports them using block encapsulation.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the CoAP MTP)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. The EUT and Controller are configured to communicate over CoAP.
  1. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.'
  2. Wait for a GetResponse

  1. The EUT sends the GetResponse message using multiple block encapsulated CoAP messages.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT correctly sends a 2.04 Changed response to CoAP messages.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the CoAP MTP)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. The EUT and Controller are configured to communicate over CoAP.
  1. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.'
  1. After the transmission of the Get message the EUT sends a 2.04 Changed message.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT behaves correctly when a timeout occurs at the MTP layer when using CoAP.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the CoAP MTP)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. The EUT and Controller are configured to communicate over CoAP.
  1. Configure the to not send 2.04 Changed responses to CoAP messages

  2. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.'
  3. Wait for a GetResponse message from the EUT.

  4. Prevent the Controller from sending a 2.04 Changed CoAP response.

  5. Wait for EUT to retry sending the GetResponse.

  6. Allow the Controller to send a 2.04 Changed CoAP response.

  1. The EUT attempts to retransmit the GetResponse message after not receiving a 2.04 Changed from the Controller.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT correctly responds when it receives a CoAP message with an invalid method.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the CoAP MTP)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP records to each other.
  2. The EUT the Controller are configured to communicate over CoAP.
  1. Send a USP record to the EUT using a CoAP message with method code 0x06.
  2. Wait up to 60 seconds for the EUT to send a CoAP response.
  1. The EUT sends a reply to the CoAP message with an invalid method code.
  2. The EUT CoAP response uses code 4.05 to indicate an invalid CoAP method.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT properly responds to CoAP messages that feature invalid Content-Format options.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the CoAP MTP)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP records to each other.
  2. The EUT and Controller are configured to communicate over CoAP.
  1. Send a USP record to the EUT using a CoAP message with Content-Format option 0x113a.
  2. Wait up to 60 second for the EUT to respond.
  1. The EUT sends a reply to the CoAP message with an invalid Content-Format.
  2. The EUT CoAP response uses code 4.15 to indicate an invalid Content-Format.

The purpose of this is to ensure the EUT properly responds to a CoAP message containing a malformed USP record.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the CoAP MTP)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP records to each other.
  2. The EUT and Controller are configured to communicate over CoAP.
  1. Send a malformed USP record to the EUT in a CoAP message.
  2. Wait up to 60 seconds for the EUT to send a CoAP reply.
  1. The EUT sends a reply to the CoAP message with the malformed USP record.
  2. The EUT CoAP response uses code 4.00 to indicate the USP record is invalid or not understandable.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT can establish secure communication with another CoAP endpoint at the CoAP layer.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the CoAP MTP)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP records to each other.
  2. The EUT and Controller are configured to communicate over CoAP using DTLS.
  3. The EUT and Controller have the necessary information about one another to establish an encrypted channel of communication.
  1. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.'
  2. Wait for the EUT to send a GetResponse.

  1. The Controller is able to establish a DTLS session with the EUT.
  2. The EUT established a DTLS session and sends a GetResponse.

6 STOMP Test Cases

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT supports the required STOMP profiles.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the STOMP MTP)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP records to each other.
  1. Send a GetSupportedDM message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET_SUPPORTED_DM
    body {
        request {
            get_supported_dm {
                obj_paths: 'Device.STOMP.'
                obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.'
                return_params: true
                first_level_only: false
  2. Wait for the GetSupportedDMResponse.

  1. The EUT sends a GetSupportedDMResponse.
  2. The GetSupportedDMResponse from the EUT contains the following parameters: * Device.LocalAgent.Controller.{i}.MTP.{i}.STOMP.Reference * Device.LocalAgent.Controller.{i}.MTP.{i}.STOMP.Destination * Device.STOMP.ConnectionNumberOfEntries * Device.STOMP.Connection.{i}.Alias * Device.STOMP.Connection.{i}.Enable * Device.STOMP.Connection.{i}.Status * Device.STOMP.Connection.{i}.Host * Device.STOMP.Connection.{i}.Port * Device.STOMP.Connection.{i}.VirtualHost * Device.STOMP.Connection.{i}.ServerRetryInitialInterval * Device.STOMP.Connection.{i}.ServerRetryIntervalMultiplier * Device.STOMP.Connection.{i}.ServerRetryMaxInterval

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT can properly start a STOMP session.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the STOMP MTP)

  1. Ensure that the EUT is configured to use a STOMP server that exists in the test environment.
  1. Reboot the EUT.
  2. Wait for the EUT to reconnect to the STOMP server and subscribe to a destination.
  1. The EUT sends a STOMP frame to the STOMP server to initiate the STOMP session.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT properly enters a retry state when it fails to connect to the STOMP server.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the STOMP MTP)

  1. Ensure that the EUT is configured to use a STOMP server that exists in the test environment.
  1. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.STOMP.Connection.'
  2. Send an Operate message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: OPERATE
    body {
        request {
            operate {
                command: 'Device.Reboot()'
  3. Disable the STOMP server.

  4. Allow the EUT to attempt to start a STOMP session with the STOMP server.

  5. Reenable the STOMP server after the EUT fails to connect to the STOMP server twice.

  1. The EUT retries connecting to the STOMP server within the ServerRetryInitialInterval of the connection instance.
  2. The EUT retries a second time in accordance with ServerRetryInitialInterval and ServerRetryIntervalMultiplier.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT can communicate over STOMP using the correct headers.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the STOMP MTP)

  1. Ensure that the EUT is configured to use a STOMP server that exists in the test environment.
  1. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.DeviceInfo.'
  2. Allow the EUT to send a GetResponse.

  1. In the STOMP frame transporting the GetResponse the content-length header is present and contains the length of the included body of the message.
  2. In the STOMP frame transporting the GetResponse the content-type header is present and contains application/vnd.bbf.usp.msg.
  3. In the STOMP frame transporting the GetResponse the reply-to-dest header is present and contains the STOMP destination of the EUT.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT correct subscribe to a destination found in the subscribe-dest header in a CONNECTED frame.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the STOMP MTP)

  1. Ensure the EUT is configured to use a STOMP server that is part of the test environment.
  1. Configure the STOMP server to send an unused destination via the subscribe-dest header in the CONNECTED frames.

  2. Reboot the EUT.

  3. Allow the EUT to reconnect to the STOMP server.

  4. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.'
  5. Allow the EUT to respond to the Get message.

  1. The EUT subscribes to the destination configured in step 1.
  2. The STOMP frame containing the GetResponse has a reply-to-dest header which matches the destination configured in step 1.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT can use the Device.LocalAgent.MTP.{i}.STOMP.Destination parameter to select a STOMP destination.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the STOMP MTP)

  1. Ensure the EUT is configured to use a STOMP server that is part of the test environment.
  1. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: SET
    body {
        request {
            set {
                update_objs {
                    obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.MTP.<active MTP instance>.STOMP.'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Destination'
                            value: '<new unused destination>'
  2. Reboot the EUT.

  3. Wait for the EUT to reconnect to the STOMP server.

  4. Allow the STOMP server to send a CONNECTED frame that does NOT include the subscribe-dest field.

  5. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.DeviceInfo.'
  6. Wait for a GetResponse from the EUT.

  1. The EUT subscribes to the destination configured in step 1.
  2. The STOMP frame containing the GetResponse has a reply-to-dest header which contains the STOMP destination configured in step 1.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT terminates a STOMP session when no destination id configured.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the STOMP MTP)

  1. The EUT is configured to use a STOMP server which exists in the test environment.
  2. Configure the STOMP server to not provide a subscribe-dest header in the CONNECTED frame.
  1. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: SET
    body {
        request {
            set {
                update_objs {
                        obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.MTP.<active MTP instance>.STOMP.'
                        param_settings {
                                param: 'Destination'
                                value: ''
  2. Reboot the EUT.

  3. Wait for the EUT to attempt to reconnect to the STOMP server.

  1. The EUT terminates the STOMP session after the STOMP server sends a CONNECTION to the EUT.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT can correctly implements the STOMP heartbeat mechanism and the relevant parameters in the data model.

Conditional Mandatory (supports STOMPHeartbeat:1 profile)

  1. The EUT is configured to use a STOMP server which exists in the test environment.
  2. Ensure the STOMP server supports heartbeats.
  1. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: SET
    body {
        request {
            set {
                update_objs {
                        obj_path: 'Device.STOMP.Connection.<STOMP server in use>.'
                        param_settings {
                                param: 'EnableHeartbeats'
                                value: 'true'
                        param_settings {
                                param: 'IncomingHeartbeat'
                                value: '10000'
                        param_settings {
                                param: 'OutgoingHeartbeat'
                                value: '15000'
  2. Reboot the EUT.

  3. Wait for the EUT to reconnect to the STOMP server.

  4. Wait for 60 seconds

  1. In the STOMP frame sent to the STOMP server during step 2, the heart-beat header sent by the EUT contains ‘15000, 10000’.
  2. After the EUT is connected to the STOMP server, the EUT sends heartbeat messages every 15 seconds.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT will correctly send an ERROR STOMP frame when a malformed USP record is received.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the STOMP MTP)

  1. Ensure the EUT is configured to use a STOMP server that exists in the test environment.
  1. Send a malformed USP record to the EUT.
  2. Wait 60 seconds for the EUT to send a response.
  1. The EUT either ignores the malformed record or sends a USP Record Error.

The purpose of this test is to ensure that when the EUT destination is altered it properly unsubscribes and subscribes to the new destination.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the STOMP MTP)

  1. Ensure the EUT is configured to use a STOMP server that exists in the test environment.
  2. Ensure the STOMP server is configured to not provide a destination via the subscribe-dest header.
  1. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: SET
    body {
        request {
            set {
                update_objs {
                        obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.MTP.<active MTP instance>.STOMP.'
                        param_settings {
                                param: 'Destination'
                                value: '<new destination>'
  1. After the STOMP destination was changed the EUT sent an UNSUBSCRIBE message message to the STOMP server.
  2. After the EUT sent an UNSUBSCRIBE to the STOMP server it sent a SUBSCRIBE message with the new destination to the STOMP server.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT can establish secure STOMP communication via TLS.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the STOMP MTP)

  1. Ensure the EUT is configured to the use a STOMP server that exists in the test environment.
  2. Ensure the EUT and STOMP server are configured with the appropriate certificates to communicate over TLS.
  1. Reboot the EUT

  2. Wait for the EUT to reconnect to the STOMP server

  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.DeviceInfo'
  4. Wait for the EUT to send a GetResponse

  1. All communication between the EUT and STOMP server after step 1 are encrypted using TLS

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT correctly sends a Connect record after it has established a communications channel to the controller.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the STOMP MTP)

  1. Ensure the EUT is configured to use a STOMP server that exists in the test environment.
  1. Reboot the EUT.
  2. Wait for the EUT to reconnect to the STOMP server.
  1. After reconnecting to the STOMP server the EUT transmits a STOMPConnectRecord to the test controller within 30 seconds.
  2. The version in the received STOMPConnectRecord matches the expected version.
  3. The subscribed_destination string in the received STOMPConnectRecord matches the destination the EUT is subscribed to.

7 WebSocket Test Cases

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT can establish a session using WebSocket as the MTP.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the WebSocket MTP)

  1. Ensure the EUT is configured to use WebSocket and to communicate to the controller that exists in the test environment.
  1. Reboot the EUT.

  2. Wait for the EUT to reconnect to the controller.

  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.DeviceInfo.'
  4. Wait for a GetResponse from the EUT

  1. The EUT is able to establish a WebSocket connection to the controller
  2. The EUT sends a GetResponse to the Get message sent in step 3

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT maintains only one WebSocket connection to a controller at a time.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the WebSocket MTP with requirement R-WS.6)

  1. Ensure the EUT is configured to use WebSocket and to communicate to the controller that exists in the test environment.
  1. Send a Get message to the EUT using the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.DeviceInfo.'
  2. Attempt to open a second WebSocket connection to the EUT.

  3. Send the Get message outlined in step 1 over the new connection.

  1. Either the first WebSocket connection closes when the second is opened, or the second connection is rejected.

This test has been DEPRECATED as of version 1.0.1 of this test plan.





The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT correctly implements the procedure to close a WebSocket connection.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the WebSocket MTP)

  1. Ensure the EUT is configured to use WebSocket.
  2. Ensure there is an active WebSocket connection between the EUT and the controller that was initiated by the EUT.
  1. Send a Close WebSocket control frame to the EUT.
  2. Wait for the EUT to close the underlying TCP session.
  1. The EUT sends a WebSocket Close frame.

This test was deprecated in TP-469 Issue 1 Amendment 3 due to the deprecation of R-WS.10a in TR-369 Issue 1 Amendment 3.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT will correctly reject WebSocket sessions.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the WebSocket MTP)

  1. Ensure the EUT is configured to use WebSocket.
  2. Configure the controller to reject WebSocket connections from the EUT.
  1. Configure the controller to not include the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol when opening new WebSocket connections.
  2. Reboot the EUT
  3. Attempt to start a WebSocket connection to the EUT.
  1. The EUT rejects the WebSocket connection with the missing Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT correctly closes the WebSocket connection when a malformed USP Record is received.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the WebSocket MTP)

  1. Ensure the EUT is configured to use WebSocket
  2. Ensure there is an active WebSocket connection between the EUT and controller.
  1. Send a malformed USP record to the EUT.
  1. After step 1 the EUT closes the WebSocket connection with a WebSocket Close control frame containing status code 1003.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT correctly uses Ping and Pong control frames to keep the WebSocket session alive.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the WebSocket MTP)

  1. Ensure the EUT is configured to use WebSocket
  2. Ensure there is an active WebSocket session between the EUT and the Controller.
  1. Send a Ping control frame to the EUT.
  2. Wait up to 60 seconds for a Pong control frame from the EUT.
  3. Send a Pong control frame to the EUT.
  1. The EUT sends a Pong control frame in response to the Ping control frame.
  2. The EUT doesn’t terminate the WebSocket connection after receiving an unsolicited Pong control frame.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT will correctly attempt to reestablish a WebSocket session if a session is unexpectedly closed.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the WebSocket MTP)

  1. Ensure the EUT is configured to use WebSocket.
  2. Ensure there is an active WebSocket connection between the EUT and controller.
  1. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<test controller instance>.MTP.<active MTP instance>.'
  2. Configure the controller to reject new WebSocket connections.

  3. Terminate the underlying TCP connection on the existing WebSocket connection.

  4. Wait for the EUT to attempt to establish a WebSocket connection.

  5. Configure the controller to accept new WebSocket connections.

  6. Wait for the EUT to attempt to establish a WebSocket connection.

  1. The EUT attempts to start a new WebSocket connection in conformance with the SessionRetryMinimumWaitInterval parameter.
  2. The EUT makes a second attempt to start a new WebSocket connection in conformance with the SessionRetryMinimumWaitInterval and SessionRetryIntervalMultiplier parameters.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT can establish and use a secure WebSocket connection.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the WebSocket MTP)

  1. Ensure the EUT is configured to use WebSocket.
  2. Ensure the EUT and controller both have the required certificates to secure a websocket connection.
  1. Reboot the EUT.

  2. Wait for the EUT to connect to the controller.

  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.DeviceInfo.'
  4. Wait for GetResponse from the EUT.

  1. The EUT starts a WebSocket connection with the controller using TLS.
  2. The EUT sends a GetResponse in step 4.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT correctly sends a Connect Record after it has established a WebSocket connection to the Controller.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the WebSocket MTP)

  1. Ensure the EUT is configured to connect to the test controller using WebSocket.
  1. Reboot the EUT.
  2. Wait for the EUT to reconnect to the test controller.
  1. After reconnecting to the test controller the EUT transmits a WebSocketConnectRecord to the test controller within 30 seconds.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT properly processes a Websocket response that does not contain the bbf-usp-protocol Websocket Extension.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the WebSocket MTP)

  1. Ensure the EUT is configured to connect to the test controller using WebSocket.
  1. Configure the controller to not include ‘bbf-usp-protocol’ in its Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header when opening new WebSocket connections.

  2. Reboot the EUT.

  3. Attempt to start a WebSocket connection to the EUT.

  4. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.DeviceInfo.'
  5. Wait for a GetResponse from the EUT

  1. The EUT is able to establish a WebSocket connection to the controller.

  2. The EUT sends a GetResponse to the Get message sent in step 4.

8 Discovery Test Cases

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT correctly requests controller information via DHCP. Note: this test can be run over DHCPv4 or DHCPv6, depending on the deployment model of the EUT.

Conditional Mandatory (supports discovery via DHCP Options)

  1. Ensure the EUT is configured to request controller DHCP information.
  2. Ensure the EUT is configured to acquire an address via DHCP.
  1. Reboot the EUT.
  2. Wait for the EUT to request an address via DHCP.
  1. The EUT includes a Vendor Class option with Enterprise Number 3561 and vendor-class-data “usp” in the DHCP request.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT can properly handle the USP options provided by a DHCP server.

Conditional Mandatory (supports discovery via DHCP Options)

  1. Ensure the EUT is configured to request controller DHCP information
  2. Ensure the EUT is configured to acquire an address via DHCP.
  3. Ensure the EUT ProvisioningCode parameter is set to a value other than that which will be set during the test procedure.
  1. Configure the DHCP server to provide a null terminated provisioning code.

  2. Reboot the EUT.

  3. Wait for the EUT to request an address via DHCP.

  4. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<test controller instance>.'
  5. Wait for the GetResponse from the EUT.

  1. The ProvisioningCode parameter found in the GetResponse matches the provisioning code configured on the DHCP server.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT correctly uses DNS to retrieve additional controller information upon receiving a FQDN of a controller.

Conditional Mandatory (supports discovery via DHCP Options)

  1. Ensure the EUT is configured to request controller information via DHCP.
  2. Ensure the EUT is configured to acquire an address via DHCP.
  1. Configure the DHCP server to provide a controller URL with a FQDN.
  2. Reboot the EUT.
  3. Wait for the EUT to request an address.
  4. Wait for the EUT to query the DNS with the FQDN.
  5. Wait for the EUT to connect to the controller.
  1. After the EUT receives a FQDN in the DHCP Offer, the EUT uses DNS to retrieve additional information about the controller.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT correctly implements mDNS.

Conditional Mandatory (supports discovery via mDNS, supports the Reboot:1 profile)

  1. Ensure the EUT has mDNS enabled.
  2. Ensure the controller exists on the same network as the EUT.
  3. Ensure that the EUT has the Controller’s URL, which contains “.local.” is preconfigured on the EUT.
  4. Ensure that a Subscription exists for the Boot! event on the EUT with the test Controller as the Recipient.
  1. Reboot the EUT.
  2. Wait for the EUT to send a mDNS request for the FQDN.
  3. Allow the controller to respond to the mDNS request.
  1. After the EUT receives a FQDN via DHCP containing “.local.” the EUT uses mDNS to resolve it.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT correctly advertises the MTP it supports.

Conditional Mandatory (supports discovery via mDNS)

  1. Ensure the EUT has mDNS enabled.
  2. Ensure the Controller exists on the same network as the EUT.
  1. Reboot the EUT.
  2. Wait for the EUT to acquire an address.
  3. Wait for the EUT to send an unsolicited mDNS response.
  1. The EUT sends an unsolicited multicast DNS response containing correct SRV and TXT records that convey the DNS-SD Service Instance Name for each supported MTP.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT provides valid DNS-SD records.

Conditional Mandatory (supports discovery via mDNS)

  1. Ensure mDNS is enabled on the EUT.
  1. Reboot the EUT.
  2. Wait for the EUT to acquire a new address.
  3. Wait for to the EUT to send a multicast mDNS advertisement.
  1. The EUT sends a multicast mDNS advertisement containing a TXT record for every supported MTP.
  2. Every TXT record in the mDNS advertisement has a “path” and “name” attribute.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT will respond to mDNS requests.

Conditional Mandatory (supports discovery via mDNS)

  1. Ensure that the EUT is configured to listen for mDNS requests.
  1. Reboot the EUT.
  2. Send an mDNS query to the multicast domain that includes the EUT.
  3. Wait for an mDNS response from the EUT.
  1. The EUT responds to the mDNS query with the proper information.

9 Functionality Test Cases

The purpose of this test is to ensure the Timer! event can be configured, and the EUT correctly triggers the event.

Conditional Mandatory (supports Device.LocalAgent.Controller.{i}.ScheduleTimer() command)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send an Operate message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: OPERATE
    body {
        request {
            operate {
                command: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<Controller ID>.ScheduleTimer()'
                input_args {
                    key: 'DelaySeconds'
                    value: '60'
  2. Wait for the EUT to send a Notification.

  1. The EUT sends an OperateResponse with ‘ScheduleTimer()’ in the executed_command element.
  2. The EUT sends a Notify message with an event element containing Timer!

The purpose of this test is to ensure the AddCertificate() operation on the EUT functions correctly.

Conditional Mandatory (supports Device.LocalAgent.AddCertificate() command)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Have an alternate certificate that the EUT hasn’t seen.
  1. Send an Operate message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: OPERATE
    body {
        request {
            operate {
                command: 'Device.LocalAgent.AddCertificate()'
                send_resp: true
                input_args {
                    key: 'Alias'
                    value: 'addedCert'
                input_args {
                    key: 'Certificate'
                    value: '<new certificate>'
  2. Reconfigure the Controller to use the new certificate.

  3. Reestablish a connection to the EUT.

  4. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Certificate.'
  5. Send an Operate message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: OPERATE
    body {
        request {
            operate {
                command: 'Device.LocalAgent.Certificate.<cert instance>.Delete()'
  1. The EUT sends an OperateResponse after step 1.
  2. The EUT accepts the connection after the Controller has been reconfigured to use the new certificate.
  3. The EUT returns a GetResponse after step 4 which contains an instance with an Alias which matches the certificate added in step 1.
  4. The EUT sends an OperateResponse after step 5.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT can download firmware and automatically activate it using the AutoActivate parameter.

Conditional Mandatory (supports Firmware:1 profile)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure that the EUT has a Subscription to the TransferComplete! and Boot! events with the Recipient being the Controller instance used for testing.
  3. Ensure that the EUT has a Subscription instance for the OperationComplete notification with a NotifType equal to ‘OperationComplete’ and a ReferenceList that matches the path of the ‘Download()’ command with the Controller used for testing set as the Recipient.
  1. Send an Operate message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: OPERATE
    body {
        request {
            operate {
                command:  'Device.DeviceInfo.FirmwareImage.<inactive instance>.Download()'
                input_args {
                    key: 'AutoActivate'
                    value: 'true'
                input_args {
                    key: 'URL'
                    value: '<firmware URL>'
                input_args {
                    key: 'Username'
                    value: '<optional username>'
                input_args {
                    key: 'Password'
                    value:'<optional password>'
                input_args {
                    key: 'FileSize'
                    value: '<file size>'
  2. Wait for the EUT to send a Notification

  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.DeviceInfo.'
  1. The EUT sends a Notify message after step 1 containing a oper_complete element with a command_name of ‘Download()’
  2. The EUT sends a Notify message with a TransferComplete! event.
  3. The EUT sends a Notify message with a Boot! event, with the ‘FirmwareUpdated’ argument set to true.
  4. The EUT sends a GetResponse message after step 3 which shows that Device.DeviceInfo.ActiveFirmwareImage matches the FirmwareImage instance on which the Download() operation was called; also that Device.DeviceInfo.SoftwareVersion matches the expected version.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT can activate a firmware image when a TimeWindow object is used with Immediately mode.

Conditional Mandatory (supports Firmware:1 profile with Activate() operation)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure the EUT has a FirmwareImage instance containing inactive firmware.
  3. Ensure the EUT has a Subscription instance for Boot! with the Controller used for testing set as the Recipient.
  4. Ensure that the EUT has a Subscription instance for the OperationComplete notification with a NotifType equal to ‘OperationComplete’ and a ReferenceList that matches the path of the ‘Activate()’ command with the Controller used for testing set as the Recipient.
  1. Send an Operate message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: OPERATE
    body {
        request {
            operate {
                command: "Device.DeviceInfo.FirmwareImage.<instance>.Activate()"
                input_args: {
                    key: 'TimeWindow.1.Start'
                    value: '1'
                input_args: {
                    key: 'TimeWindow.1.End'
                    value: '100'
                input_args: {
                    key: 'TimeWindow.1.Mode'
                    value: 'Immediately'
  2. Wait for Notify message from the EUT.

  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.DeviceInfo.SoftwareVersion'
  1. The EUT sends a Notify message within 5 seconds with an OperationComplete element with a command_name of ‘Activate()’.
  2. The EUT sends a Notify message with a Boot! event and a FirmwareUpdated argument set to true.
  3. The EUT responds to the Get message with a GetResponse containing a SoftwareVersion element with the expected software version.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT can activate a firmware image when a TimeWindow instance used with the AnyTime mode.

Conditionally Mandatory (implements Firmware:1 and Activate() operation)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure the EUT has a FirmwareImage instance containing inactive firmware.
  3. Ensure the EUT has a Subscription to the Boot! event with the Controller used for testing set as the Recipient.
  4. Ensure that the EUT has a Subscription instance for the OperationComplete notification with a NotifType equal to ‘OperationComplete’ and a ReferenceList that matches the path of the ‘Activate()’ command with the Controller used for testing set as the Recipient.
  1. Send an Operate message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: OPERATE
    body {
        request {
            operate {
                command: 'Device.DeviceInfo.FirmwareImage.<inactive instance>.Activate()'
                input_args: {
                    key: 'TimeWindow.1.Start'
                    value: '0'
                input_args: {
                    key: 'TimeWindow.1.End'
                    value: '120'
                input_args: {
                    key: 'TimeWindow.1.Mode'
                    value: 'AnyTime'
  2. Wait for a Notify message from the EUT.

  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.DeviceInfo.SoftwareVersion'
  1. The EUT sends a Notify message within 2 minutes after step 1.
  2. The Notify message has a OperationComplete element.
  3. The EUT sends a Notify message with a Boot! event and a FirmwareUpdated argument set to true.
  4. The EUT sends a GetResponse after step 3 with a SoftwareVersion parameter that matches the expected version.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT can validate the integrity of downloaded firmware.

Conditional Mandatory (supports Firmware:1 profile)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure that the EUT has Subscriptions to the TransferComplete! event notification with the Controller used for testing set as the Recipient.
  1. Send an Operate message to the EUT with the following structure using an invalid checksum:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: OPERATE
    body {
        request {
            operate {
                command: 'Device.DeviceInfo.FirmwareImage.<inactive slot>.Download()'
                input_args {
                    key: 'URL'
                    value: '<firmware URL>'
                input_args {
                    key: 'CheckSumAlgorithm'
                    value: 'SHA-1'
                input_args {
                    key: 'CheckSum'
                    value: '<invalid checksum>'
  2. Wait for a Notify message from the EUT.

  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.DeviceInfo.FirmwareImage.<previously used instance>.'
  1. The EUT sends a Notify message with a TransferComplete! event.
  2. The EUT sends a Get response with a Status parameter of ValidationFailed.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT is capable downloading and installing new firmware for EUTs that may support only the active firmware bank.

Conditional Mandatory (supports Firmware:1 profile)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure that the EUT has a Subscription to the TransferComplete! event with the recipient being the instance used for testing.
  3. Ensure the EUT has a Subscription to the Boot! event and the Controller used for testing is set as the Recipient.
  4. Record the number of firmware banks the EUT supports.
  1. Send an Operate message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: OPERATE
    body {
        request {
            operate {
                command: 'Device.DeviceInfo.FirmwareImage.<active firmware slot>.Download()'
                input_args {
                    key: 'URL'
                    value: '<firmware URL>'
                input_args {
                    key: 'AutoActivate'
                    value: 'true'
  2. Wait for a Notify message from the EUT.

If the EUT supports only one firmware bank: 1. The EUT sends a Notify message with a TransferComplete! event. 2. the EUT sends a Notify message with a Boot! event and a FirmwareUpdated argument set to true.

If the EUT supports multiple firmware banks: 3. The EUT may send an error indicating that downloading to an active firmware slot is not allowed. 4. If the EUT did not send an error message in Test Metric 3, the EUT sends a Notify message with a TransferComplete! event. 5. If the EUT did not send an error message in Test Metric 3, the EUT sends a Notify message with a Boot! event and a FirmwareUpdated argument set to true.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT can correctly cancel a Download() operation.

Conditional Mandatory (supports Firmware:1 profile and Device.LocalAgent.Request.{i}.Cancel() operation)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure the EUT has inactive firmware in one of FirmwareImage slots.
  3. Ensure the EUT has a subscription to the Boot! event with the Controller used for testing set as the Recipient.
  1. Send an Operate message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: OPERATE
    body {
        request {
            operate {
                command: 'Device.DeviceInfo.FirmwareImage.<valid instance>.Activate()'
                input_args {
                    key: 'TimeWindow.1.Start'
                    value: '120'
                input_args {
                    key: 'TimeWindow.1.End'
                    value: '500'
                input_args {
                    key: 'TimeWindow.1.Mode'
                    value: 'AnyTime'
                send_resp: true
  2. Send an message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: OPERATE
    body {
        request {
            operate {
                command: 'Device.LocalAgent.Request.<returned in step 1>.Cancel()'
  3. Wait up to 500 seconds for a Boot! event from the EUT.

  4. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.Request.'
  1. The EUT sends a OperationResponse after step 1 with a executed_command element of ‘Activate()’ and a req_obj_path referencing an entry in the Device.LocalAgent.Request table.
  2. The EUT never sends a Boot! event.
  3. In the GetResponse from the EUT after step 4, the Request instance is either non-existent or the Status parameter of the relevant request is either Cancelled or Cancelling.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT can handle the manual adding of a new Controller.

Conditional Mandatory (supports Controller:1 profile with the ability to create instances of the Device.LocalAgent.Controller. object, supports SendOnBoardRequest())

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. A valid role instance is configured on the EUT for use with the new certificate.
  3. A valid certificate instance is configured on the EUT
  4. A secondary Controller is configured and ready to communicate with another endpoint.
  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure.

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: ADD
    body {
        request {
            add {
                create_objs {
                    obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Alias'
                            value: 'usp-111-Controller'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'EndpointID'
                            value: '<new Controller endpoint ID>'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'Enable'
                            value: 'true'
                    param_settings {
                            param: 'AssignedRole'
                            value: '<valid role instance>'
  2. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: ADD
    body {
        request {
            add {
              create_objs {
                obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<new Controller instance>.MTP.'
                param_settings: {
                        param: 'Enable'
                        value: 'true'
                param_settings: {
                        param: 'Protocol'
                        value: '<supported MTP>'
                  #  .
                  #  .
                  #  <further parameters to configure supported MTP>
                  #  .
                  #  .
  3. Send an Operate message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: OPERATE
    body {
        request {
            operate {
                command: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<new instance>.SendOnBoardRequest()'
  4. Allow the secondary Controller to receive the OnBoardRequest() and send a NotifyResponse.

  1. The EUT is able to start a session with the secondary Controller.
  2. The EUT sends a Notify message to the secondary Controller containing an OnBoardRequest element.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT correctly triggers the Boot! event and correctly includes the configured BootParameters.

Conditional Mandatory (supports Reboot:1 profile, supports Device.DeviceInfo.BootFirmwareImage)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: ADD
    body {
        request {
            add {
                create_objs {
                        obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
                        param_settings {
                                param: 'NotifType'
                                value: 'Event'
                        param_settings {
                                param: 'ReferenceList'
                                value: 'Device.Boot!'
                        param_settings {
                                param: 'Enable'
                                value: 'true'
                create_objs {
                        obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<Controller instance>.BootParameter.'
                        param_settings {
                                param: 'Enable'
                                value: 'true'
                        param_settings {
                                param: 'ParameterName'
                                value: 'Device.DeviceInfo.BootFirmwareImage'
  2. Send an Operate message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: OPERATE
    body {
        request {
            operate {
                command: 'Device.Reboot()'
  3. Wait for a Notify message from the EUT.

  1. After step 2 the EUT sends a Notify message with an event element containing a ParameterMap argument with ‘Device.DeviceInfo.BootFirmwareImage’

The purpose of this test is to ensure the Timer! event can be configured, and the EUT correctly triggers the event.

Conditional Mandatory (supports Device.ScheduleTimer() command)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure that a Subscription object exists on the EUT with NotifType OperationComplete on Device.ScheduleTimer().
  1. Send an Operate message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: OPERATE
    body {
        request {
            operate {
                command: 'Device.ScheduleTimer()'
                send_resp: true
                input_args {
                    key: 'DelaySeconds'
                    value: '60'
  2. Wait for the EUT to send a Notification.

  1. The EUT sends an OperateResponse with ScheduleTimer() in the executed_command element.
  2. The EUT sends an OperationComplete Notify message with an event element containing ScheduleTimer().

10 Bulk Data Collection Test Cases

The purpose of this test is to verify that EUT supports JSON BulkData collection over HTTP.

Conditional Mandatory (supports BulkDataColl:1, “HTTP” ∈ Device.BulkData.Protocols, “JSON” ∈ Device.BulkData.EncodingTypes)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure a HTTP endpoint that is accessible by the EUT is configured to support receiving JSON BulkData transfers.
  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
              obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Protocol'
                   value: 'HTTP'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'EncodingType'
                   value: 'JSON'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'ReportingInterval'
                   value: 'max(60, Device.BulkData.MinReportingInterval)'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'HTTP.URL'
                   value: '<URL of http endpoint>'
  2. Allow the EUT to send an AddResponse

  3. Record the instance identifiers of the created objects as reported by the EUT.

  4. Send a Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
              obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.<instance identifier>.Parameter.'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Name'
                   value: 'UpTime'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Reference'
                   value: 'Device.DeviceInfo.UpTime'
  5. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: SET
    body {
      request {
        set {
            allow_partial: false
            update_objs {
                obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.'
                param_settings {
                  param: 'Enable'
                  value: 'true'
            update_objs {
                obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.<instance identifier>.'
                param_settings {
                  param: 'Enable'
                  value: 'true'
  6. Wait up to 130 ((ReportingInterval * 2) + 10) seconds

  1. After enabling the BulkData profile the EUT sent 2 BulkData transfers to the HTTP endpoint within 130 ((ReportingInterval * 2) + 10) seconds.
  2. The encoding of the BulkData transfer is JSON and is well formed (parsable).
  3. The BulkData transfer contains the one parameter configured in step 4 and the name of the parameter matches the expected name ‘UpTime’.
  4. Ensure the Manufacturer OUI, Product Class and Serial Number or the USP Endpoint ID are encoded as URI parameters in the request.

The purpose of this test is to verify that EUT supports JSON BulkData collection over HTTPS.

Conditional Mandatory (supports BulkDataColl:1, “HTTP” ∈ Device.BulkData.Protocols, “JSON” ∈ Device.BulkData.EncodingTypes)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure a HTTPS endpoint that is accessible by the EUT is configured to support receiving JSON BulkData transfers.
  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
              obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Protocol'
                   value: 'HTTP'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'EncodingType'
                   value: 'JSON'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'ReportingInterval'
                   value: 'max(60, Device.BulkData.MinReportingInterval)'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'HTTP.URL'
                   value: '<URL of http endpoint>'
  2. Allow the EUT to send an AddResponse

  3. Record the instance identifiers of the created objects as reported by the EUT.

  4. Send a Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
              obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.<instance identifier>.Parameter.'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Name'
                   value: 'UpTime'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Reference'
                   value: 'Device.DeviceInfo.UpTime'
  5. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: SET
    body {
      request {
        set {
            allow_partial: false
            update_objs {
                obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.'
                param_settings {
                  param: 'Enable'
                  value: 'true'
            update_objs {
                obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.<instance identifier>.'
                param_settings {
                  param: 'Enable'
                  value: 'true'
  6. Wait up to 130 ((ReportingInterval * 2) + 10) seconds

  1. After enabling the BulkData profile the EUT sent 2 BulkData transfers to the HTTPS endpoint within 130 ((ReportingInterval * 2) + 10) seconds.
  2. The encoding of the BulkData transfer is JSON and is well formed (parsable).
  3. The BulkData transfer contains the one parameter configured in step 4 and the name of the parameter matches the expected name ‘UpTime’.
  4. Ensure the Manufacturer OUI, Product Class and Serial Number or the USP Endpoint ID are encoded as URI parameters in the request.

The purpose of this test is to verify that EUT supports CSV BulkData collection over HTTP.

Conditional Mandatory (supports BulkDataColl:1, “HTTP” ∈ Device.BulkData.Protocols, “CSV” ∈ Device.BulkData.EncodingTypes)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure a HTTP endpoint that is accessible by the EUT is configured to support receiving CSV BulkData transfers.
  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
              obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Protocol'
                   value: 'HTTP'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'EncodingType'
                   value: 'CSV'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'ReportingInterval'
                   value: 'max(60, Device.BulkData.MinReportingInterval)'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'HTTP.URL'
                   value: '<URL of http endpoint>'
  2. Allow the EUT to send an AddResponse

  3. Record the instance identifiers of the created objects as reported by the EUT.

  4. Send a Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
              obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.<instance identifier>.Parameter.'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Name'
                   value: 'UpTime'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Reference'
                   value: 'Device.DeviceInfo.UpTime'
  5. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: SET
    body {
      request {
        set {
            allow_partial: false
            update_objs {
                obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.'
                param_settings {
                  param: 'Enable'
                  value: 'true'
            update_objs {
                obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.<instance identifier>.'
                param_settings {
                  param: 'Enable'
                  value: 'true'
  6. Wait up to 130 ((ReportingInterval * 2) + 10) seconds

  1. After enabling the BulkData profile the EUT sent 2 BulkData transfers to the HTTP endpoint within 130 ((ReportingInterval * 2) + 10) seconds.
  2. The encoding of the BulkData transfer is CSV and is well formed (parsable).
  3. The BulkData transfer contains the one parameter configured in step 4 and the name of the parameter matches the expected name ‘UpTime’.
  4. Ensure the Manufacturer OUI, Product Class and Serial Number or the USP Endpoint ID are encoded as URI parameters in the request.

The purpose of this test is to verify that EUT supports CSV BulkData collection over HTTPS.

Conditional Mandatory (supports BulkDataColl:1, “HTTP” ∈ Device.BulkData.Protocols, “CSV” ∈ Device.BulkData.EncodingTypes)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure a HTTPS endpoint that is accessible by the EUT is configured to support receiving CSV BulkData transfers.
  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
              obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Protocol'
                   value: 'HTTP'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'EncodingType'
                   value: 'CSV'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'ReportingInterval'
                   value: 'max(60, Device.BulkData.MinReportingInterval)'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'HTTP.URL'
                   value: '<URL of http endpoint>'
  2. Allow the EUT to send an AddResponse

  3. Record the instance identifiers of the created objects as reported by the EUT.

  4. Send a Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
              obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.<instance identifier>.Parameter.'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Name'
                   value: 'UpTime'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Reference'
                   value: 'Device.DeviceInfo.UpTime'
  5. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: SET
    body {
      request {
        set {
            allow_partial: false
            update_objs {
                obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.'
                param_settings {
                  param: 'Enable'
                  value: 'true'
            update_objs {
                obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.<instance identifier>.'
                param_settings {
                  param: 'Enable'
                  value: 'true'
  6. Wait up to 130 ((ReportingInterval * 2) + 10) seconds

  1. After enabling the BulkData profile the EUT sent 2 BulkData transfers to the HTTPS endpoint within 130 ((ReportingInterval * 2) + 10) seconds.
  2. The encoding of the BulkData transfer is CSV and is well formed (parsable).
  3. The BulkData transfer contains the one parameter configured in step 4 and the name of the parameter matches the expected name ‘UpTime’.
  4. Ensure the Manufacturer OUI, Product Class and Serial Number or the USP Endpoint ID are encoded as URI parameters in the request.

The purpose of this test is to verify that EUT supports BulkData collection over HTTP with extra URI parameters

Conditional Mandatory (supports BulkDataColl:1, “HTTP” ∈ Device.BulkData.Protocols)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure a HTTP endpoint that is accessible by the EUT is configured.
  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
              obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Protocol'
                   value: 'HTTP'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'EncodingType'
                   value: '<Supported Encoding type>'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'ReportingInterval'
                   value: 'max(60, Device.BulkData.MinReportingInterval)'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'HTTP.URL'
                   value: '<URL of http endpoint>'
  2. Allow the EUT to send an AddResponse

  3. Record the instance identifiers of the created objects as reported by the EUT.

  4. Send a Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
              obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.<instance identifier>.Parameter.'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Name'
                   value: 'UpTime'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Reference'
                   value: 'Device.DeviceInfo.UpTime'
  5. Send a Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
              obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.<instance identifier>.HTTP.RequestURIParameter.'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Name'
                   value: 'UpTime'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Reference'
                   value: 'Device.LocalAgent.UpTime'
  6. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: SET
    body {
      request {
        set {
            allow_partial: false
            update_objs {
                obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.'
                param_settings {
                  param: 'Enable'
                  value: 'true'
            update_objs {
                obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.<instance identifier>.'
                param_settings {
                  param: 'Enable'
                  value: 'true'
  7. Wait up to 130 ((ReportingInterval * 2) + 10) seconds

  1. After enabling the BulkData profile the EUT sent 2 BulkData transfers to the HTTP endpoint within 130 ((ReportingInterval * 2) + 10) seconds.
  2. The EUT includes the EUT UpTime encoded into the URI using the name ‘UpTime’
  3. Ensure the Manufacturer OUI, Product Class and Serial Number or the USP Endpoint ID are also encoded as URI parameters in the request.

The purpose of this test is to verify that EUT supports BulkData collection over HTTPS with extra URI parameters

Conditional Mandatory (supports BulkDataColl:1, “HTTP” ∈ Device.BulkData.Protocols)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure a HTTPS endpoint that is accessible by the EUT is configured.
  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
              obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Protocol'
                   value: 'HTTP'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'EncodingType'
                   value: '<Supported Encoding type>'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'ReportingInterval'
                   value: 'max(60, Device.BulkData.MinReportingInterval)'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'HTTP.URL'
                   value: '<URL of https endpoint>'
  2. Allow the EUT to send an AddResponse

  3. Record the instance identifiers of the created objects as reported by the EUT.

  4. Send a Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
              obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.<instance identifier>.Parameter.'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Name'
                   value: 'UpTime'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Reference'
                   value: 'Device.DeviceInfo.UpTime'
  5. Send a Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
              obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.<instance identifier>.HTTP.RequestURIParameter.'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Name'
                   value: 'UpTime'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Reference'
                   value: 'Device.LocalAgent.UpTime'
  6. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: SET
    body {
      request {
        set {
            allow_partial: false
            update_objs {
                obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.'
                param_settings {
                  param: 'Enable'
                  value: 'true'
            update_objs {
                obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.<instance identifier>.'
                param_settings {
                  param: 'Enable'
                  value: 'true'
  7. Wait up to 130 ((ReportingInterval * 2) + 10) seconds

  1. After enabling the BulkData profile the EUT sent 2 BulkData transfers to the HTTPS endpoint within 130 ((ReportingInterval * 2) + 10) seconds.
  2. The EUT includes the EUT UpTime encoded into the URI using the name ‘UpTime’
  3. Ensure the Manufacturer OUI, Product Class and Serial Number or the USP Endpoint ID are also encoded as URI parameters in the request.

The purpose of this test is to verify that EUT supports BulkData collection retry mechanism.

Conditional Mandatory (supports BulkDataColl:1, “HTTP” ∈ Device.BulkData.Protocols)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure a HTTP endpoint that is accessible by the EUT is configured.
  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
              obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Protocol'
                   value: 'HTTP'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'EncodingType'
                   value: '<Supported Encoding type>'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'ReportingInterval'
                   value: 'max(60, Device.BulkData.MinReportingInterval)'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'HTTP.URL'
                   value: '<URL of http endpoint>'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'HTTP.RetryEnable'
                   value: 'true'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'HTTP.RetryMinimumWaitInterval'
                   value: '5'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'HTTP.RetryIntervalMultiplier'
                   value: '2000'
  2. Allow the EUT to send an AddResponse

  3. Record the instance identifiers of the created objects as reported by the EUT.

  4. Send a Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
              obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.<instance identifier>.Parameter.'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Name'
                   value: 'UpTime'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Reference'
                   value: 'Device.DeviceInfo.UpTime'
  5. Disable the HTTP BulkData collection endpoint.

  6. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: SET
    body {
      request {
        set {
            allow_partial: false
            update_objs {
                obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.'
                param_settings {
                  param: 'Enable'
                  value: 'true'
            update_objs {
                obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.<instance identifier>.'
                param_settings {
                  param: 'Enable'
                  value: 'true'
  7. Allow the EUT to attempt to send a BulkData transfer.

  8. Wait for 13 seconds for the EUT to retry the BulkData transfer.

  9. Wait for 23 seconds for the EUT to retry the BulkData transfer.

  10. Enable the HTTP BulkData collection endpoint

  11. Wait for 43 seconds for the EUT to retry the BulkData transfer.

  12. Wait for the EUT to send a BulkData transfer

  1. After enabling the BulkData profile the EUT sent 2 BulkData transfers to the HTTP endpoint within 130 ((ReportingInterval * 2) + 10) seconds.
  2. The EUT retries sending the BulkData transfer 3 times with each time occurring within the expected retry interval.
  3. The EUT does not attempt to retry the BulkData transfer after receiving a positive response in step 9.
  4. Ensure the Manufacturer OUI, Product Class and Serial Number or the USP Endpoint ID are encoded as URI parameters in each request.

The purpose of this test is to verify that EUT supports BulkData collection over HTTP with a wildcarded parameter

Conditional Mandatory (supports BulkDataColl:1, “HTTP” ∈ Device.BulkData.Protocols)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure a HTTP endpoint that is accessible by the EUT is configured.
  3. Ensure there are at least 2 BootParameters configured for the test controller.
  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
              obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Protocol'
                   value: 'HTTP'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'EncodingType'
                   value: '<Supported Encoding type>'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'ReportingInterval'
                   value: 'max(60, Device.BulkData.MinReportingInterval)'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'HTTP.URL'
                   value: '<URL of http endpoint>'
  2. Allow the EUT to send an AddResponse

  3. Record the instance identifiers of the created objects as reported by the EUT.

  4. Send a Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
              obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.<instance identifier>.Parameter.'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Name'
                   value: 'Enabled'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Reference'
                   value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.*.BootParameter.*.Enable'
  5. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: SET
    body {
      request {
        set {
            allow_partial: false
            update_objs {
                obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.'
                param_settings {
                  param: 'Enable'
                  value: 'true'
            update_objs {
                obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.<instance identifier>.'
                param_settings {
                  param: 'Enable'
                  value: 'true'
  6. Wait up to 130 ((ReportingInterval * 2) + 10) seconds

  1. After enabling the BulkData profile the EUT sent 2 BulkData transfers to the HTTP endpoint within 130 ((ReportingInterval * 2) + 10) seconds.
  2. Ensure at least two “Enable” are in the BulkData transfer with the parameter names matching the following expression: Enabled\.[1-9][0-9]*\.[1-9][0-9]*
  3. Ensure the Manufacturer OUI, Product Class and Serial Number or the USP Endpoint ID are also encoded as URI parameters in the request.

The purpose of this test is to verify that EUT supports BulkData collection over HTTP with an Object Path

Conditional Mandatory (supports BulkDataColl:1, “HTTP” ∈ Device.BulkData.Protocols)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure a HTTP endpoint that is accessible by the EUT is configured.
  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
              obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Protocol'
                   value: 'HTTP'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'EncodingType'
                   value: '<Supported Encoding type>'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'ReportingInterval'
                   value: 'max(60, Device.BulkData.MinReportingInterval)'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'HTTP.URL'
                   value: '<URL of http endpoint>'
  2. Allow the EUT to send an AddResponse

  3. Record the instance identifiers of the created objects as reported by the EUT.

  4. Send a Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
              obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.<instance identifier>.Parameter.'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Name'
                   value: 'TestController'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Reference'
                   value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.<controller instance>.'
  5. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: SET
    body {
      request {
        set {
            allow_partial: false
            update_objs {
                obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.'
                param_settings {
                  param: 'Enable'
                  value: 'true'
            update_objs {
                obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.<instance identifier>.'
                param_settings {
                  param: 'Enable'
                  value: 'true'
  6. Wait up to 130 ((ReportingInterval * 2) + 10) seconds

  1. After enabling the BulkData profile the EUT sent 2 BulkData transfers to the HTTPS endpoint within 130 ((ReportingInterval * 2) + 10) seconds.
  2. Ensure that all the parameters included in the BulkData transfer match TestController.<parameter> and that all expected parameters are present.
  3. Ensure the Manufacturer OUI, Product Class and Serial Number or the USP Endpoint ID are also encoded as URI parameters in the request.

The purpose of this test is to verify that EUT supports BulkData collection via the Push event.

Conditional Mandatory (supports BulkDataColl:1, “USPEventNotif” ∈ Device.BulkData.Protocols)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
              obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Protocol'
                   value: 'USPEventNotif'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'EncodingType'
                   value: '<JSON or CSV>'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'ReportingInterval'
                   value: 'max(60, Device.BulkData.MinReportingInterval)'
  2. Allow the EUT to send an AddResponse

  3. Record the instance identifiers of the created objects as reported by the EUT.

  4. Send a Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
              obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.<instance identifier>.Parameter.'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Name'
                   value: 'UpTime'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Reference'
                   value: 'Device.DeviceInfo.UpTime'
  5. Send a Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
              obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'NotifType'
                   value: 'Event'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'ReferenceList'
                   value: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.<instance identifier>.Push!'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Enable'
                   value: 'true'
  6. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: SET
    body {
      request {
        set {
            allow_partial: false
            update_objs {
                obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.'
                param_settings {
                  param: 'Enable'
                  value: 'true'
            update_objs {
                obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.<instance identifier>.'
                param_settings {
                  param: 'Enable'
                  value: 'true'
  7. Wait up to 130 ((ReportingInterval * 2) + 10) seconds

  1. After enabling the BulkData profile the EUT sent 2 BulkData transfer Push! events to the controller within 130 ((ReportingInterval * 2) + 10) seconds.
  2. The encoding of the Data parameter in the Push! notification is well formed (parsable).
  3. The BulkData transfer contains the one parameter configured in step 4 and the name of the parameter matches the expected name ‘UpTime’.

The purpose of this test is to verify that EUT supports BulkData collection via the Push event using a wildcard path.

Conditional Mandatory (supports BulkDataColl:1, “USPEventNotif” ∈ Device.BulkData.Protocols)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure that there are at least 2 BootParameters configured for the test Controller.
  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
              obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Protocol'
                   value: 'USPEventNotif'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'EncodingType'
                   value: '<JSON or CSV>'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'ReportingInterval'
                   value: 'max(60, Device.BulkData.MinReportingInterval)'
  2. Allow the EUT to send an AddResponse

  3. Record the instance identifiers of the created objects as reported by the EUT.

  4. Send a Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
              obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.<instance identifier>.Parameter.'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Name'
                   value: 'Enabled'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Reference'
                   value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.*.BootParameter.*.Enable'
  5. Send a Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
              obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'NotifType'
                   value: 'Event'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'ReferenceList'
                   value: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.<instance identifier>.Push!'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Enable'
                   value: 'true'
  6. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: SET
    body {
      request {
        set {
            allow_partial: false
            update_objs {
                obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.'
                param_settings {
                  param: 'Enable'
                  value: 'true'
            update_objs {
                obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.<instance identifier>.'
                param_settings {
                  param: 'Enable'
                  value: 'true'
  7. Wait up to 130 ((ReportingInterval * 2) + 10) seconds

  1. After enabling the BulkData profile the EUT sent 2 BulkData transfer Push! events to the controller within 130 ((ReportingInterval * 2) + 10) seconds.
  2. The encoding of the Data parameter in the Push! notification is well formed (parsable).
  3. The BulkData transfer contains at least 2 parameters, one for each of the configured BootParameters and the name of the parameters match the expected name Enabled\.[1-9][0-9]*\.[1-9][0-9]*.

The purpose of this test is to verify that EUT supports BulkData collection via the Push event using an object path.

Conditional Mandatory (supports BulkDataColl:1, “USPEventNotif” ∈ Device.BulkData.Protocols)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
              obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Protocol'
                   value: 'USPEventNotif'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'EncodingType'
                   value: '<JSON or CSV>'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'ReportingInterval'
                   value: 'max(60, Device.BulkData.MinReportingInterval)'
  2. Allow the EUT to send an AddResponse

  3. Record the instance identifiers of the created objects as reported by the EUT.

  4. Send a Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
              obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.<instance identifier>.Parameter.'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Name'
                   value: 'Controller'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Reference'
                   value: 'Device.LocalAgent.Controller.'
  5. Send a Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
              obj_path: 'Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'NotifType'
                   value: 'Event'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'ReferenceList'
                   value: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.<instance identifier>.Push!'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Enable'
                   value: 'true'
  6. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: SET
    body {
      request {
        set {
            allow_partial: false
            update_objs {
                obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.'
                param_settings {
                  param: 'Enable'
                  value: 'true'
            update_objs {
                obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.<instance identifier>.'
                param_settings {
                  param: 'Enable'
                  value: 'true'
  7. Wait up to 130 ((ReportingInterval * 2) + 10) seconds

  1. After enabling the BulkData profile the EUT sent 2 BulkData transfer Push! events to the controller within 130 ((ReportingInterval * 2) + 10) seconds.
  2. The encoding of the Data parameter in the Push! notification is well formed (parsable).
  3. The BulkData transfer contains at parameters with names using the prefix “Controller”.

The purpose of this test is to verify that EUT supports BulkData collection via MQTT.

Conditional Mandatory (supports BulkDataColl:1, “MQTT” ∈ Device.BulkData.Protocols)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP Records to each other.
  2. Ensure a MQTT endpoint that is accessible by the EUT is enabled in the test environment.
  3. Ensure there is a Device.MQTT.Client. entry in the EUT’s data model for the MQTT endpoint mentioned in step 2 of the test setup.
  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
              obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Protocol'
                   value: 'MQTT'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'EncodingType'
                   value: '<JSON or CSV>'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'ReportingInterval'
                   value: 'max(60, Device.BulkData.MinReportingInterval)'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'MQTT.Reference'
                   value: '<MQTT.Client instance from step 3 of test setup>'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'MQTT.PublishTopic'
                   value: 'mqtt-bulkdata'
  2. Allow the EUT to send an AddResponse

  3. Record the instance identifiers of the created objects as reported by the EUT.

  4. Send a Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: ADD
    body {
      request {
        add {
          allow_partial: false
          create_objs {
              obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.<instance identifier>.Parameter.'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Name'
                   value: 'UpTime'
              param_settings {
                   param: 'Reference'
                   value: 'Device.DeviceInfo.UpTime'
  5. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: SET
    body {
      request {
        set {
            allow_partial: false
            update_objs {
                obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.'
                param_settings {
                  param: 'Enable'
                  value: 'true'
            update_objs {
                obj_path: 'Device.BulkData.Profile.<instance identifier>.'
                param_settings {
                  param: 'Enable'
                  value: 'true'
  6. Wait up to 130 ((ReportingInterval * 2) + 10) seconds

  1. After enabling the BulkData profile the EUT published 2 BulkData transfers to the MQTT server using using the configured topic within 130 ((ReportingInterval * 2) + 10) seconds.
  2. The encoding of the Data parameter in the MQTT frame notification is well formed (parsable).
  3. The BulkData transfer contains the one parameter configured in step 4 and the name of the parameter matches the expected name ‘UpTime’.

11 MQTT Test Cases

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT supports the required MQTT profiles.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the MQTT MTP)

  1. Ensure that the EUT and test equipment have the necessary information to send and receive USP records to each other.
  1. Send a GetSupportedDM message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET_SUPPORTED_DM
    body {
        request {
            get_supported_dm {
                obj_paths: 'Device.MQTT.'
                obj_paths: 'Device.LocalAgent.'
                return_params: true
                first_level_only: false
  2. Wait for the GetSupportedDMResponse.

  1. The EUT sends a GetSupportedDMResponse.
  2. The GetSupportedDMResponse from the EUT contains all required parameters in the MQTTClientCon:1, MQTTClientSubscribe:1, MQTTAgent:1, and MQTTController:1 data model profiles. The parameter Device.MQTT.Client.{i}.MessageRetryTime is not required to be supported for EUTs that only implement MQTT version 5.0.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT can properly start an MQTT session using an MQTT CONNECT packet.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the MQTT MTP)

  1. Ensure that the EUT is configured to use an MQTT server that exists in the test environment.
  2. Ensure that the EUT data model is configured with .MQTT.Client.{i}.Username, .MQTT.Client.{i}.Password values.
  1. Reboot the EUT.
  2. Wait for the EUT to reconnect to the MQTT server.
  1. The EUT sends an MQTT CONNECT packet to the MQTT server.
  2. The MQTT CONNECT packet Version is either 5.0 or 3.1.1.
  3. If the EUT uses MQTT 5.0, the MQTT CONNECT packet contains a User Property name-value pair with name of “usp-endpoint-id” and value of the EUT USP Endpoint ID.
  4. The EUT includes User Name and Password fields in the MQTT CONNECT packet.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT can establish secure MQTT communication via TLS.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the MQTT MTP)

  1. Ensure the EUT is configured to use an MQTT server that exists in the test environment.
  2. Ensure the EUT and MQTT server are configured with the appropriate certificates to communicate over TLS.
  1. Reboot the EUT

  2. Wait for the EUT to reconnect to the MQTT server

  3. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.DeviceInfo'
  4. Wait for the EUT to send a GetResponse

  1. All communication between the EUT and MQTT server after step 1 are encrypted using TLS 1.2 or later.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT properly sets the ClientID field in MQTT packets.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the MQTT MTP, version 5.0)

  1. Ensure that the EUT is configured to use an MQTT server that exists in the test environment.
  1. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: SET
    body {
      request {
        set {
          allow_partial: false
          update_objs {
            obj_path: 'Device.​MQTT.​Client.<active MQTT client instance>.'
            param_settings {
             param: 'ClientID'
             value: ''
             required: true
  2. Reboot the EUT.

  3. Wait for the EUT to reconnect to the MQTT server.

  4. The MQTT server sends an MQTT CONNACK packet with an Assigned Client Identifier.

  5. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.​MQTT.​Client.<active MQTT client instance>.ClientID'
  1. The EUT MQTT CONNECT packet must include a ClientID set to an empty string.
  2. The retrieved value of ClientID matches the Assigned Client Identifier from step 4.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the MQTT ClientID field persists after successful connection with an MQTT server.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the MQTT MTP)

  1. Ensure that the EUT is configured to use an MQTT server that exists in the test environment.
  1. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.​MQTT.​Client.<active MQTT client instance>.ClientID'
  2. Reboot the EUT.

  3. Wait for the EUT to reconnect to the MQTT server.

  1. The EUT uses the same ClientID in the subsequent MQTT CONNECT packet.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT properly enters a retry state when it fails to connect to the MQTT server.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the MQTT MTP)

  1. Ensure the EUT is configured to use an MQTT server that is part of the test environment.
  1. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.MQTT.Client.'
  2. Send an Operate message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: OPERATE
    body {
        request {
            operate {
                command: 'Device.Reboot()'
  3. Disable the MQTT server.

  4. Allow the EUT to attempt to start an MQTT session with the MQTT server.

  5. Reenable the MQTT server after the EUT fails to connect to the MQTT server twice.

  1. The EUT retries connecting to the MQTT server within the ConnectRetryTime of the connection instance.
  2. The EUT retries a second time in accordance with ConnectRetryTime and ConnectRetryIntervalMultiplier.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT can correctly implement the MQTT keep alive mechanism and the relevant parameters in the data model.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the MQTT MTP, version 5.0)

  1. The EUT is configured to use an MQTT server which exists in the test environment.
  1. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: SET
    body {
        request {
            set {
                update_objs {
                        obj_path: 'Device.​MQTT.​Client.​<active MQTT client instance>.'
                        param_settings {
                                param: 'KeepAliveTime'
                                value: '60'
  2. Reboot the EUT.

  3. Wait for the EUT to reconnect to the MQTT server.

  4. The MQTT server sends an MQTT CONNACK packet with a Keep Alive value of 30 seconds.

  5. Wait 45 seconds.

  1. The EUT sends an MQTT CONNECT packet on boot with the Keep Alive property set to 60 seconds.
  2. The EUT sends an MQTT PINGREQ packet within 45 seconds of the last MQTT message. This represents 1.5 times the Keep Alive value.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT includes the correct fields in an MQTT SUBSCRIBE packet.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the MQTT MTP, version 5.0)

  1. Ensure that the EUT is configured to use an MQTT server that exists in the test environment.
  1. Reboot the EUT.
  2. Wait for the EUT to reconnect to the MQTT server.
  3. The MQTT server sends an MQTT CONNACK packet containing a User Property of subscribe-topic.
  4. For an EUT using MQTT 5.0, the MQTT CONNACK packet contains a Response Information property.
  5. Wait for the EUT to send an MQTT SUBSCRIBE packet.
  1. The EUT sends an MQTT CONNECT packet to the MQTT server. If the EUT uses MQTT 5.0, the Request Response Information property must be set to 1.
  2. The EUT sends an MQTT SUBSCRIBE packet to the MQTT server. The MQTT SUBSCRIBE packet includes the subscribe-topic sent in step 3.
  3. If the EUT uses MQTT 5.0, the MQTT SUBSCRIBE packet includes the Response Information property sent in step 4.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT sends an MQTT SUBSCRIBE packet when a new Device.MQTT.Client.{i}.Subscription.{i}. object is added.

Conditional Mandatory (supports MQTT MTP)

  1. Ensure that the EUT is configured to use an MQTT server that exists in the test environment.
  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: ADD
    body {
        request {
            add {
              allow_partial: false
              create_objs {
                  obj_path: 'Device.MQTT.Client.<active MQTT client instance>.Subscription.'
                  param_settings {
                          param: 'Enable'
                          value: 'true'
                  param_settings {
                          param: 'Topic'
                          value: '<newTopic-11-9 OR newTopic-11-9/# for USP Agents using MQTT version 3.1.1>'
  2. Wait for the EUT to send an MQTT SUBSCRIBE packet.

  3. The MQTT server sends an MQTT SUBACK packet indicating the QoS level that was granted for the subscription.

  4. Send a Get message with topic newTopic-11-9 with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.MQTT.Client.<active MQTT client instance>.Subscription.<instance identifier from step 1>.'
  5. Send a Set message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: "<msg_id>"
      msg_type: SET
    body {
      request {
        set {
          allow_partial: false
          update_objs {
            obj_path: "Device.MQTT.Client.<active MQTT client instance>.Subscription.<instance identifier from step 1>"
            param_settings: {
             param: "Enable"
             value: "false"
             required: true
  6. The MQTT Server sends an MQTT UNSUBACK packet indicating success.

  1. The EUT sends an MQTT SUBSCRIBE packet that includes the new Topic from step 1.
  2. The EUT sends a GetResp for the Subscription.
  3. The EUT sends an MQTT UNSUBSCRIBE packet for the configured Topic after Enable is set to false.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT will disconnect from the MQTT server if it receives no subscribe-topic.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the MQTT MTP, version 5.0)

  1. Ensure that the EUT is configured to use an MQTT server that exists in the test environment.
  2. Ensure that all instances of Device.MQTT.Client.<active MQTT client instance>.Subscription. are removed from the EUT.
  1. Reboot the EUT.
  2. Wait for the EUT to reconnect to the MQTT server.
  3. The MQTT server sends an MQTT CONNACK packet that does not include a subscribe-topic User Property.
  1. The EUT sends an MQTT DISCONNECT packet to the MQTT server.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT will disconnect from the MQTT server if it is unable to subscribe to a Topic.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the MQTT MTP)

  1. Ensure that the EUT is configured to use an MQTT server that exists in the test environment.
  2. Ensure that the EUT is configured to send a Device.LocalAgent.Periodic! event to the Controller every 60 seconds through the Device. LocalAgent.Controller.<i>.PeriodicNotifInterval parameter.
  1. Reboot the EUT.
  2. Wait for the EUT to send an MQTT SUBSCRIBE packet.
  3. The MQTT server sends an MQTT SUBACK packet that includes an error for each Topic in the SUBSCRIBE packet.
  4. Wait 120 seconds.
  1. The EUT sends an MQTT DISCONNECT packet to the MQTT server.
  2. The EUT does not publish a USP record to the MQTT server for any Topic in the MQTT SUBSCRIBE packet.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT can send a properly formatted an MQTT PUBLISH packet.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the MQTT MTP)

  1. Ensure the EUT is configured to use an MQTT server that exists in the test environment.
  1. Reboot the EUT.

  2. Wait for the EUT to reconnect to the MQTT server.

  3. The MQTT server sends a CONNACK packet.

  4. For an EUT using MQTT 5.0, the CONNACK packet contains a Response Information property.

  5. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.DeviceInfo'
  6. Wait for the EUT to send a GetResponse

  1. The EUT sends an MQTT PUBLISH packet containing a GetResponse.
  2. If the EUT uses MQTT 5.0, the Response Topic is set to the Response Information property from step 4.
  3. If the EUT uses MQTT 3.1.1, the “reply to” is included after /reply-to= at the end of the PUBLISH Topic Name, with any / character in the Topic replaced by %2F.
  4. If the EUT uses MQTT 5.0, the Content Type property is set to usp.msg

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT supports at least MQTT QoS levels 0 and 1.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the MQTT MTP)

  1. Ensure the EUT is configured to use an MQTT server that exists in the test environment.
  1. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: ADD
    body {
        request {
            add {
              allow_partial: false
              create_objs {
                  obj_path: 'Device.MQTT.Client.<active MQTT client instance>.Subscription.'
                  param_settings {
                          param: 'Enable'
                          value: 'true'
                  param_settings {
                          param: 'Topic'
                          value: '<newTopic-11-13-QoS0 OR newTopic-11-13-QoS0/# for USP Agents using MQTT version 3.1.1>'
  2. Wait for the EUT to send an MQTT SUBSCRIBE packet.

  3. The MQTT server sends an MQTT SUBACK packet indicating a QoS level of 0 for the subscription.

  4. Send an Add message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: ADD
    body {
        request {
            add {
              allow_partial: false
              create_objs {
                  obj_path: 'Device.MQTT.Client.<active MQTT client instance>.Subscription.'
                  param_settings {
                          param: 'Enable'
                          value: 'true'
                  param_settings {
                          param: 'Topic'
                          value: 'newTopic-11-13-QoS1'
                  param_settings {
                          param: 'QoS'
                          value: '1'
  5. The MQTT server sends an MQTT SUBACK packet indicating a QoS level of 1 for the subscription.

  6. Send a Get message with topic ‘newTopic-11-13-QoS0’ to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.MQTT.Client.<active MQTT client instance>.Subscription.<instance from step 1>.'
  7. Send a Get message with topic ‘newTopic-11-13-QoS1’ to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
      msg_id: '<msg_id>'
      msg_type: GET
    body {
      request {
        get {
          param_paths: 'Device.MQTT.Client.<active MQTT client instance>.Subscription.<instance from step 4>.'
  1. The EUT sends a GetResp for the Get message sent to topic ‘newTopic-11-13-QoS0’.
  2. The EUT sends a GetResp for the Get message sent to topic ‘newTopic-11-13-QoS1’.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT can process and set the “reply to” Topic in MQTT PUBLISH packets.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the MQTT MTP)

  1. Ensure the EUT is configured to use an MQTT server that exists in the test environment.
  1. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.DeviceInfo'
  2. Wait for the EUT to send a GetResponse.

  1. If the EUT uses MQTT 5.0, the EUT must send an MQTT PUBLISH packet that includes a GetResponse. The Topic Name must be set to the “reply to” Topic from the controller’s MQTT PUBLISH packet Response Topic property. The EUT must include a Response Topic property that has a “reply to” Topic set.
  2. If the EUT uses MQTT 3.1.1, the EUT must send an MQTT PUBLISH packet that includes a GetResponse. The Topic must be set to the reply to topic at the end of the Topic Name in the Controller’s MQTT PUBLISH packet. All instances of %2F must be replaced by / in the Topic Name. The EUT must set a reply to topic by including it at the end of the Topic Name after /reply-to= and replacing all instances of / with %2F.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT can accept valid values of the MQTT Content Type property.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the MQTT MTP, version 5.0)

  1. Ensure the EUT is configured to use an MQTT server that exists in the test environment.
  1. Configure the Controller to include an MQTT Content Type property of usp.msg in its MQTT packets.

  2. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.DeviceInfo'
  3. Wait for the EUT to send a GetResponse.

  4. Configure the Controller to include an MQTT Content Type property of application/vnd.bbf.usp.msg in its MQTT packets.

  5. Send a Get message to the EUT with the following structure:

    header {
        msg_id: '<msg_id>'
        msg_type: GET
    body {
        request {
            get {
                param_paths: 'Device.DeviceInfo'
  6. Wait for the EUT to send a GetResponse.

  1. The EUT must send a GetResponse for both Get messages, indicating that it processed the Controller’s MQTT PUBLISH packets.

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT retries its connection with the MQTT server after the server terminates the connection.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the MQTT MTP)

  1. Ensure the EUT is configured to use an MQTT server that exists in the test environment.
  1. Send an MQTT DISCONNECT packet to the EUT.
  2. Allow the EUT to start a new MQTT session with the MQTT server.
  1. The EUT retries connecting to the MQTT server between ConnectRetryTime of the connection instance and ConnectRetryTime*(ConnectRetryIntervalMultiplier/1000).

The purpose of this test is to ensure the EUT correctly sends a Connect record after it has established a communications channel to the controller.

Conditional Mandatory (supports the MQTT MTP)

  1. Ensure the EUT is configured to use an MQTT server that exists in the test environment.
  1. Reboot the EUT.
  2. Wait for the EUT to establish an MQTT session with the MQTT server.
  1. After reconnecting to the MQTT server, the EUT transmits an MQTTConnectRecord within 30 seconds. The EUT includes the MQTTVersion field set to the correct MQTT version and the subscribed_topic field set to a Topic that the EUT is subscribed to.